Chapter 1044 Pure
It took seven or eight takes to film a scene before it barely passed.

There were still scenes to film in the evening, but there was a two-hour break in between.

Because he had plenty of time, Zhou Yun did not stay on the set for dinner, but took Liu Yun and Li Yang to a nearby restaurant for dinner.

The night gradually fell.

"What's wrong with Wade? It feels like something is wrong with him, as if he has something on his mind." Liu Yun said.

Zhou Yun: "I don't know either. It's really a bit strange. I don't know what's going on. But actors have ups and downs in acting. Maybe they will adjust after a while."

Liu Yun: "Sister Xiaoyun, do you think Mrs. Lopez is a little strange?"

"Strange?" Zhou Yun didn't expect Liu Yun to have the same feeling. She asked, "What do you think is strange about her?"

"She... came to the set to see Wade, but she didn't even say hello to him in advance." Liu Yun said, "It's not like friends or lovers came from afar to give each other a surprise. She suddenly came to see Wade. Shouldn't this behavior be called uninvited in China?"

Zhou Yun laughed.

"Xiaoyun, you are right, I feel the same way."

"Furthermore, Ward's condition deteriorated after meeting Mrs. Lopez. Before, Ward had been preparing every scene very carefully, and he had never made any mistakes in his lines."

Liu Yun is right. An actor's condition has its ups and downs, ups and downs. However, lines are purely basic skills, and Ward has never spoken a mess at all.

It seemed that the arrival of Mrs. Lopez really had a big impact on Wade.

What did she come to see Walder for?

"Well, isn't that Ward?" Li Yang suddenly looked out the window and said.

Zhou Yun and Liu Yun turned to look at the same time.

As night falls, the street lights outside have turned on.

Walder Street hurried across the road, not knowing where he was going.

Liu Yun wondered: "Where is he going?"

Zhou Yun looked at Walder Strait's figure in confusion and said nothing.
After dinner, Zhou Yun returned to the set and walked around the set, but did not see Wade.

Everyone is busy with their own work and preparing for the evening shooting in an orderly manner.

Antonio Sirra was sitting in his chair, chatting with a woman.

He saw Zhou Yun out of the corner of his eye and waved, "Hi, Xiaoyun."

Zhou Yun walked over with a smile on his face and asked: "Antonio, who is this?"

Sitting opposite Antonio Sirra was a woman about 50 years old, with short hair, tan skin, and eyes with a gentle luster like the earth.

Zhou Yun had met her at an international film festival and knew that she was a Spanish actress with a very rich acting experience, but he did not say hello formally and only heard Cristina introduce her. "Julietta Wagner, an old friend of mine, will play Mrs. Lindis, who lives downstairs from you."

"Hello, Julietta, I'm Zhou Yun." Zhou Yun stretched out his hand to greet the actress.

Julietta Wagner gently shook hands with Zhou Yun and said: "Hi Zhou Yun, I finally meet you. I'm so happy to be filming with you. I saw your "Days" in Cannes. It was very good. Movie."

"Thank you." Zhou Yun said, "Christina Serrano and I are good friends. She mentioned you to me and introduced you as a very legendary actress in Spain. Antonio didn't tell me before that you would participate in this movie. , what an unexpected surprise!”

Julietta Wagner laughed: "Oh, sweet Tina."

Antonio Sirra told Zhou Yun: "I had invited Julieta before, but she had been filming in the United States, so I had been waiting for her time. Fortunately, I caught up. When I was writing the role of Mrs. Lindis , it was written based on Julietta, who has collaborated with me in almost seven or eight dramas, and is a very good actress."

The scene that will be filmed later in the evening is when Chen Zhen comes out of the house and is about to go out to watch a movie. She meets Mrs. Lindis in the corridor. Mrs. Lindis wants to know her origins and asks some questions. These questions are all It was tentative. Chen Zhen was reluctant to tell her private affairs to her neighbors. When she was in trouble, Kuruni suddenly ran down the stairs, rushed past the two of them, and bumped into Mrs. Lindis. Mrs. Lindis cursed Kuruni angrily, and Chen Zhen took the opportunity to leave.

In such a scene, three characters appear.

This is also the first time that Chen Zhen has been asked about the past.

From the audience's perspective, this is the first time that the audience has received Chen Zhen's question "why she moved to Spain alone" from the movie.

Half an hour later Walder Street returned.

The crew was already looking for him everywhere.

Antonio Sirra asked him dissatisfiedly where he had gone.

Walder Street didn't know what he explained. He said a few words and was waved by Antonio Silla to let him get ready.

Ten minutes later, Antonio Sirra came to guide the three actors in their rehearsal.

Antonio Sirra did not plan to shoot one long take, and shot the scene in seven shots.

The first shot is of Chen Zhen coming out of the house and going downstairs.In the second scene, Chen Zhen meets Mrs. Lindis in the corridor and is stopped by Mrs. Lindis.The third scene has the most content. It shows Chen Zhen being questioned by Mrs. Lindis about why she moved here, what she did before in China, and how long she plans to live here.The fourth shot shows the sound of footsteps on the stairs. They both look upstairs at the same time. Kuruni runs down the stairs, runs past them, and bumps into Mrs. Lindis.The fifth shot shows Mrs Lindis shouting curses at Kuluni's back.The sixth scene shows Chen Zhen taking the opportunity to say goodbye to Mrs. Lindis and leaving in a hurry.The seventh scene is Mrs. Lindis enthusiastically inviting Chen Zhen to her home for dinner on the weekend.

Antonio Sirra split the scene into seven shots and actually thought through how the shots would be edited.

The three actors took the storyboards that Antonio had drawn in advance and listened to him explain how to do each shot.

This kind of detailed explanation can give actors great support and sense of security.

Zhou Yun is also becoming more and more accustomed to Antonio's shooting method.

She now feels that Antonio Sirra's style is actually very good - Zhou Yun is just used to thinking everything clearly by herself, so that no matter what kind of crew she encounters, she can guarantee the quality of her part.But in Antonio Sirra's crew, she only needs to carefully understand his vision for the entire film, and then combine her own understanding to perform.

A very pure performance experience.

(End of this chapter)

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