Chapter 1045 Rebuttal
Zhou Yun put on his make-up and communicated with Julietta Wagner about the lines he would be waiting for later.

Julietta took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, lit it, and stood on the corridor smoking leisurely.

When she saw Zhou Yun coming over, she smiled slightly and said, "Is this your first time filming in Spain?"

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "I want to discuss our rivalry with you."

"Discuss? Oh, I don't have this habit. Let's do it later." Julietta said, "I don't like to rehearse acting too many times. They are all professional actors. After rehearsal, there won't be much spark."

Zhou Yun did not expect Julietta to reject her directly.

"Okay." Although he was a little surprised, Zhou Yun did not feel dissatisfied or angry because of this. Different actors have different habits. In Antonio Sirra's crew, Julietta is a regular guest and she is new here.

Zhou Yun is not the kind of actor who needs to rehearse and compete with others before she can act. She just habitually wants to communicate with others to increase a sense of familiarity, so that she can feel better when acting.

Official shooting.

Zhou Yun quickly finished filming his solo shot.

How harsh is Antonio Sirla on the camera? When Zhou Yun closed the door three times, he said that when asked why, it was because the first two times he closed the door either too quickly or too slowly. In short, because The change in shadow caused by the movement of the door did not appear on Zhou Yun's nose when Antonio Sirra wanted, or the light and shadow appeared at the wrong angle.

Zhou Yun went back to look at the shot and understood why Antonio Sirla insisted on this shot.Because with the movement of the shadow on her face and the changes in her closing and turning movements, only at the right frequency can the changes in light and shadow in the picture present a sense of beauty.

A very ordinary shot, but Antonio Sirra used the composition and changes in light and shadow to make it dreamlike and beautiful.

Zhou Yun was convinced in his heart.

Julietta had been watching.

When it came time to film her scene with Julietta, Julietta took her place and waited for the filming to begin.


Zhou Yun went downstairs with brisk steps and a smile. When she met Julieta at the corner of the corridor and was carrying a bag, she subconsciously put away her smile, then smiled again, stepped aside, and signaled to Julieta that it was okay. Go there first.

Julietta stopped, her eyes glowing much brighter than before.

She looked at Zhou Yun from bottom to top like a mouse, suddenly smiled and asked, "Are you the Asian woman who just moved to our building?"

Zhou Yun blinked his eyes blankly, smiled politely, and said, "Hello, my name is Chen Zhen. I just moved here."

"Oh, Chen Zhen." Julieta raised her chin slightly. Although she was shorter than Zhou Yun, she continued to look at Zhou Yun from a condescending perspective at this moment, "You can call me Mrs. Lindis."

Julietta's performance has an overwhelming stage feel, but it is also extremely life-like.

Zhou Yun fully felt Julietta's scrutiny of her at this moment.

This sense of scrutiny immediately aroused a kind of resistance deep in her heart.

This is entirely dependent on the immediate reaction stimulated by the opponent.

"Mrs. Lindis." Zhou Yun's previous gentle attitude out of social etiquette also changed without any trace. She calmly allowed Julieta to examine her with an indifferent attitude, but then took the initiative to look at her. The bag in Julietta's hand, "Are you going shopping so late?" Julietta: "Yes, did you move here alone? Live alone?"

"Oh, Mrs. Lindis, I am alone." Zhou Yun smiled slightly and said, "This town is beautiful, isn't it? I saw photos of this town on the Internet and was immediately attracted. , I feel like this is a small town where life is very pleasant.”

"Everyone feels comfortable because everyone living here knows everything about it. Very few young people like you come to settle here." Julieta said with doubt in her eyes, "What do you do?"

"Oh, I used to be a dancer." Zhou Yun always maintained a kind smile on his face, "But because of an accident, I can no longer dance, so I want to find a strange place to live where no one knows me. a period of time."

"I think you look like a dancer, so beautiful." Julietta's eyes followed Zhou Yun's shoulders and neck, looking inch by inch. "When I was young, I had a figure as graceful as yours."

"You are still beautiful now." Zhou Yun raised his wrist and glanced at the time on his watch, "I'm leaving first, Mrs. Lindis."

"Oh, I finally met a young man who can talk to me. I really like a beautiful young man like you. If you have time this weekend, come to my house for dinner and let's have a good chat." Mrs. Lindis said.

When Zhou Yun was in a dilemma and didn't know how to answer, suddenly, footsteps sounded on the stairs, and the footsteps were hurried.

They both looked up at the same time.

"Cut!" Antonio Sirra shouted.

Zhou Yun and Julieta looked up at the same time.

Antonio Sirra came over and said, "Very good."

Zhou Yun and Julieta smiled at Antonio Sirla at the same time.

"Do it again, Julietta. This time you need to be a little less aggressive. You were a little more aggressive just now. It's just your first meeting."

Julietta said: "Oh, Antonio, you really don't understand women."

Antonio Sirra said: "Julieta, the point of this scene is not to show you two women against each other."

"Oh, you completely misunderstood what I meant. I'm not saying that women are targeting each other, but Mrs. Lindis is a woman who lives a very delicate life and loves beauty. She saw a young and beautiful woman like Chen Zhen. Such a mysterious woman, wouldn't you spy on her with a little hostility?" Julietta persistently expressed her views on this scene to Antonio.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

In Zhou Yun's concept, she rarely directly refutes the director's opinions.

However, Julietta seems to have no such concept at all.

She argued seriously with Antonio for several times before she said with some dissatisfaction: "Okay, okay, then I will do it again as you said, but, Antonio, I must say, you really don't understand." A woman, a real woman, must be so aggressive at this time, especially a woman like Mrs. Lindis."

Antonio sighed helplessly.

From beginning to end, Zhou Yun didn't say anything.

This is not a scene she is familiar with.

 I forgot to set the schedule and almost forgot to update it today!Why didn't you remind me?
(End of this chapter)

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