Chapter 1046
Playing it again, Zhou Yun also hid his wariness and hostility deeper this time - in the last performance, many emotions were completely inspired by Julietta. This time, Julietta changed his acting method, She acted more restrained and less aggressive. At this time, if Zhou Yun still acted according to the previous rule, she would look like a hedgehog and be too guarded.

Play it all in one go.

Antonio Sirra said: "It's okay this time."

Julietta shrugged her shoulders, as if she disagreed with Antonio Sirra's judgment of the scene, and turned around to smoke.

While Zhou Yun was surprised, he was also a little curious as to how good the relationship between Julietta and Antonio was before he expressed his attitude so directly.

Antonio did not coax Julietta, but said to Zhou Yun: "Zhou Yun, you are great, you can adjust your acting according to Julietta's changes."

"This is what it should be. Acting itself is communication with your opponent's actors." Zhou Yun said.

"Oh, many actors can't do this. They only focus on their own characters and develop a set of acting methods that they think are very good. They don't communicate with their opponents at all." Antonio said, "However, Zhou Yun, There are two places where you can still show traces of your performance."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was taken aback.

"One is Julieta. When she asked you if you moved here alone, your whole body felt like a hedgehog at that moment. It felt like all the thorns were spread out. It was so obvious. , but Chen Zhen shouldn't have changed so obviously. Another thing is that when you heard the footsteps upstairs, the moment you and Julieta looked up at the same time, you immediately breathed a sigh of relief. That was your subconscious reaction. , this is a place where you can be surprised first and then breathe a sigh of relief, to create a sequential and progressive effect. Sometimes people’s reactions are not that fast.”

Antonio gave his guidance very accurately.

Zhou Yun thought about it and immediately understood that this was really her own problem just now.

One is a design problem, a rational mistake.The other is a reaction problem, a perceptual mistake.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Antonio, let's take another photo later, okay?"

"Okay." Antonio nodded, "I have the same idea."

He turned and called Julietta.

Julietta came back, "Any advice?"

Antonio said: "Your performance just now was perfect, but Zhou Yun has a problem. I asked her to process it again and we will take another shot."

Julieta glanced at Zhou Yun, paused for a second, and said, "Okay."

Although I was a little impatient, I still agreed.

Zhou Yun didn't feel that Julieta's impatience was directed at him.She was probably still dissatisfied with Antonio's objection to the way she had just performed.

Julietta is really an actress with a lot of character.

Shooting the third shot, this time, Zhou Yun held her breath and went through the feelings of shooting the first two shots in her mind. During the whole performance, she felt that there was a little person sitting in her mind, calmly and calmly. Watch yourself perform.

"very perfect!"

Antonio said happily as soon as the third shot was finished.This shot finally passed.

Zhou Yun laughed.

Julietta also looked at her in surprise.

Julietta is a very proud and confident actress, which can be seen from her daring to directly disagree with Antonio's statements and opinions.She has been working in movies for decades. Although she is not particularly famous, many people in the world of film circles know her, especially the big directors of art films.Julietta has worked with many big directors, and therefore many big-name actors.

An actor can become a big name, more or less, they have their merits.However, Julietta has always been confident that she is no worse than anyone else, and therefore never looks at any actor with admiration or admiration.This will become even less true when she gets older.

Zhou Yun is indeed beautiful, and she can burst out with a thrilling beauty at any time in the camera.Julietta has been seen in Zhou Yun's previous movies.However, this did not make her feel that Zhou Yun was any better than other actors.Many actors have achieved great fame by relying on their unconscious beauty. However, as their beauty slowly disappears and their charm disappears, the aura that can shock the screen also disappears. .

Julietta is very concerned about an actor's cultivation and accumulation.She was a little surprised that Zhou Yun had already awakened his self-precipitation consciousness at such a young age.There were three shots, each with subtle differences. Julietta, as Zhou Yun's rival actor in this scene, was the one who could most clearly feel this change in Zhou Yun.

The talent of many actors lies in their camera sense, their explosive power, and their ability to capture everyone's attention in an instant.

But Zhou Yun completely handed over himself to his opponent.Especially during the third shot, her sense of rhythm suddenly seemed to be breathing, and it moved with her rhythm, like a joint piano piece.Julieta was thinking, when did she have the ability to get positive feedback from rival actors?

Actors, no matter how well the rival actor performs, must trust, and they must also get stimulation for themselves from the rival actor, which can be transformed into positive performance stimulation.

It's very difficult.

Julietta knew.
The filming of this scene ended at ten o'clock in the evening.

Walder Street waited nearly three hours for his appearance.

Only take a picture of one figure.

After finishing work, everyone went back to rest.

Zhou Yun got into the car and left the set under the escort of bodyguards.

When Julieta saw this scene, she curled her lips and said, "He is really a big star."

Antonio Sirra glanced at his friend helplessly and said, "She has been attacked several times before. She has to be careful. Don't stare at others."

Julieta glared at him and said: "Who promised to write a movie for me with the protagonist, but I haven't seen it yet. Instead, I wrote a script for this Chinese woman."


"Don't say that you found the actor after writing the script. Don't think that I don't know. Your original script didn't even assume that she was a woman from the East. It was you who took a fancy to her and changed the script to I found a woman from the East." Julietta said, "You directors are all dishonest people. When you see the muse that inspires your creation, you will ignore everything. Antonio, you will not do it in the future. Want to become a director who specializes in photographing oriental women?"

(End of this chapter)

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