Chapter 1047 Action!

In the film industry, there are indeed many examples of male directors and actresses continuously collaborating. In fact, there is no need to cite others as examples. Zhou Yun and Wen Bing are the best examples.

They don't care at all that aesthetic fatigue will occur if they work together all the time. For them, it doesn't exist at all.When they work together, there will always be new sparks, new inspirations, and new creative desires.

Antonio Sirra never told anyone that this script actually modified the character based on Zhou Yun.

He didn't know how Julietta knew it, but Julietta had that ability. She could always see into his heart.

"Julieta, Ward is my first protagonist." He still denied it.

Julietta smiled slightly and said, "My dear, Ward is just your incarnation."

Antonio Sirra fell silent.

Julietta: "You told me before that when you were a child, you met a woman from Asia. You didn't know which country she came from, and you never talked to her. She was like a girl from your childhood. A fantasy dream, you just think she is beautiful. Perhaps, in the end, every film director will create a story from his own childhood, which is the origin of their life and a phantom entrenched in the depths of life."

She lit another cigarette.

"Antonio, you have put more personal feelings into this movie than usual. You don't have to deny it. I can feel it. I have worked with you for so many years." Julietta smiled slightly.
Walder Street returned to the hotel, picked up his cell phone, and sent a message to Mrs. Lopez: The money has been transferred to you, don’t come to me again in the future.

He put his phone aside and lay down on the bed.

The weather is still hot, and the air conditioner in his room has been replaced, but it has not been repaired for him.

Just open the windows and turn on the fan.

The fan whirred, blowing some air.

The sound of someone talking outside the hotel drifted in.

He stared blankly at the ceiling of the room.

I don’t know where Mirzhen is now or how she is doing.
On Saturday, everyone was sitting in a coffee shop on the same street, waiting for the rain.

The weather forecast says there will be a heavy rain today.

Antonio Sirra wanted to take real shots and not create artificial rain, so everyone was here waiting for the rain.

What this rain is about is that Zhou Yun and Wade met by chance on the street, and then encountered a heavy rainstorm. They had to run to the same roof to hide from the rain. The two people had their first love in this heavy rain. A real physical contact.

The previous encounter scene has been filmed.

Just wait for this rain.

The sky was overcast and covered with dark clouds, but the rain never fell.

Zhou Yun and Walder Street sat together and looked at the sky.

"I don't know if this rain will stop." Zhou Yun said.

"Huh?" Walder Street looked at Zhou Yun doubtfully. What she just said was in Chinese. Walder didn't understand and thought she was talking to him.

Qin Zhi smiled and explained to him the meaning of what Zhou Yun said just now.

Only then did Wade realize that he had misunderstood.

Zhou Yun looked at Wade and asked, "How is your English learning going?"

"It's not bad." Wade spoke English much slower than his normal speaking speed, "I'm a slow learner."

Zhou Yun: "As long as you speak a language more, you will eventually learn it."

Ward nodded.

She looked at Walder's face and still couldn't help but sigh, Walder's face was really handsome.

In a few years, when the boyishness in him fades away, his temperament becomes more mature and he will be even more attractive.

Zhou Yun smiled and said: "There should be many girls who like you, right? Have you been chased by girls since you were a child?"

Ward lowered his head and smiled a little shyly, and said, "No."

"You are not telling the truth. How could you not? You are so handsome, you must be very popular with girls." "I...I am an orphan. No one will agree to let their daughter be with me." Wa De said.

"At your age, do you still care about your parents' opinions?" Zhou Yun said in surprise, "The love story of Romeo and Juliet should fully illustrate this point. Young people's love does not care whether their parents object or not."

Walder smiled softly but said nothing.

Zhou Yun suddenly had an intuition. Did he say something wrong?

From the moment when Wade laughed softly, she could inexplicably feel the sadness in the heart of the young man in front of her.

Very strange.

"Ward, are you very close to Mrs. Lopez?" Zhou Yun immediately changed the subject to make up for the mistakes he made, "She told me yesterday that she had taken care of you since you were a child."

Walder immediately frowned.

"She is just a nun in the nursing home. There are many people taking care of us."

As expected, Ward did not seem to be close to Mrs. Lopez.

"Oh, I saw that she made a special trip to see you, and I thought you were very close to her."

"She just saw that I have become an actor, so she came to see me." Wade said directly, "If she really cared about me, she wouldn't have come at this time."

Ward seemed not only alienated from Mrs. Lopez, but also seemed a little disgusted.

His attitude speaks volumes.

Qin Zhi asked: "Is he the one who came to see you yesterday?"


Qin Zhi said: "He doesn't look like a good person."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "How can you tell this?"

"You don't know, she is only kind to you. I also met her, and when I heard that I was a translator, I immediately ignored me." Qin Zhi said, "I just asked where Walder is. I want to see Walder." To be honest, she must have seen your photo on the news and knew who you were, so she spoke politely to you for so long."

Zhou Yun didn't know there was such a thing.

"She's always been a snobbery," Ward said.

Qin Zhi: "Although it is said that snobbish people can be found in ancient and modern times, Chinese and foreign, she did it too obviously. It is still rare to be snobbish to the extent that she doesn't even pretend to be so."

Walder smiled.

"She was also the most annoying person to the kids growing up in our care," he said.

It seemed that Qin Zhi's evaluation of Mrs. Lopez made Wade feel comfortable to share the same hatred with the enemy. He no longer had the hesitation in speaking like before and expressed his attitude clearly.

This was the first time that Wade clearly stated what he hated in front of them.

Just then, someone shouted: "It's raining!"

The rain started pattering down.

Everyone moved.

Zhou Yun and Walder Street also stood up immediately.

Antonio Sirra raised the trumpet in his hand and directed everyone on the scene to prepare to start shooting.

Within 3 minutes, all departments were ready.

Zhou Yun and Wade Antonio have already taken their positions.


(End of this chapter)

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