Chapter 1048 Detective
By the time the scene was finished, it was still raining.

Everyone packed up, prepared to transition, and went back to shoot indoor scenes.

Zhou Yun and Walder Street were sitting in a car.

Zhou Yun asked him what kind of person Mrs. Lopez was in the nursing home.

Walder Strait was surprised. He did not expect Zhou Yun to take the initiative to mention this woman again.

"She -" Walder Street hesitated before slowly telling some of the things Mrs. Lopez had done to them in the past.

The nursing home where they are located is not a public welfare nursing home. The children sent here are all children who cannot be taken care of by their biological parents due to various reasons.

In this nursing home, children are divided into two categories: those whose parents are still in this world, and those whose parents are not in this world.

The reason why the former comes to the nursing home is usually because the parents are not around, or they need to be away from their children for a long time, so they are placed here.Children in this category are treated much better in nursing homes, because they will one day be taken back by their parents to beat them.As for the other type of children, both parents have died, and either their relatives are unwilling to take care of them, or they can't find any relatives to take care of them, so they are sent here. It's better to have relatives like Wade who send money regularly. A child who relies entirely on government welfare to survive is treated very badly in nursing homes.

"There are six or seven nuns like Mrs. Lopez in the nursing home. They are mainly responsible for our daily life. However, not all of them are very good. In other words, in order to control these children, they basically Very strict and fierce." Walder Street said, "But Mrs. Lopez is the most vicious one among them. She is kind and caring to children whose parents are still alive and whose family is well off, but for us She has never given us a good look on such a child, always asking us to work for her and beating and scolding her at every turn."

Zhou Yun couldn't help but sigh in his heart when he heard what Walder Street said.

"I had a bad temper. When I was a child, I often fought against her and even teased her. She couldn't do anything to me, so she took it out on a friend I was playing with. One time, she found an excuse and broke his legs. He also told others that he accidentally broke his leg. I was very angry, but no one believed what we said, or that she would break a child's leg." The corner of Walder Street's mouth appeared He gave a sarcastic smile.

"What happened next? Did you surrender to her later?"

"Of course not," Walder Street said immediately. "I will never give in to her."

"What happened to your friend? Is your leg injury healed?"

"Well, they took him to the hospital." Walder Street said, "We both agreed that when we can leave one day, we must put a sack on her and beat her hard. Give him a good beating."

"So did you do it?"



"There are other children in the nursing home. If we do this, she will definitely take out her anger on them." Walder Street said, "Those of us who have no parents, no one will protect us. You can only protect yourself."

He lowered his eyes, clasped his hands together, and rubbed lightly between the pads of his thumbs.

Zhou Yun said: "Then will you go back in the future?"

"Yes, when I make money, I will buy that nursing home and get rid of those who are not good to the children." Wade said.

"Come on, you will realize this dream." Zhou Yun said, "Fire well, become a great actor, and use your influence to change everything."

Walder Street scratched his head, as if he was particularly embarrassed, and said, "I don't know if I can do it." "As long as you work hard, you can definitely do it." Zhou Yun said.
A sunny afternoon.

It's rare that Zhou Yun doesn't have any filming plans. The crew wants to film Walder Street's scene.

She welcomed a guest in the house she rented.

"Hi, beautiful Miss Zhou Yun, long time no see!"

When Zhou Yun looked at the handsome and cynical man in front of him, he thought to himself, it has been a long time indeed.

"Jerrod, it's been a long time." Zhou Yun shook hands with the private detective he met in France, looked into his very beautiful eyes, and said, "Thank you for running so far."

Gerald Sanchi said: "You have an old saying in China, which is to take people's money to eliminate disasters for others."

Zhou Yun nodded, "You know a lot about China."

"Of course, after all, I have my most cherished customers in China." Jerrod Sanchi said seriously.

Since getting to know this private detective, Zhou Lan has entrusted a lot of business to this great detective.

After all, there is a lot of legitimate investigative business, and Gerald Sanchi does the same.

For example, when Zhou Yun was going to film "A Boy Destroyed by Desire" this time, Zhou Lan specially asked Gerald Sanchi to investigate whether there were any sensitive issues involved in the crew and the production company behind it.

And when Zhou Lan wants to help Wang Jing and Yu Chu with public relations for some brand cooperation, Jerrod Sanchi also needs to investigate the preferences and taboos of the people in charge. This requires a lot of homework in advance and requires professionalism. It just so happens that Gerald Sanchi is such a professional with extensive network resources and able to meet the needs of comprehensive research.

This time Zhou Yun invited Gerald Sanchi here to investigate the strange Mrs. Lopez.

After hearing about Mrs. Lopez's behavior from Walder Street, Zhou Yun felt like a lump in his throat, always thinking about it.

If she had never met Mrs. Lopez and just heard Wade mention this person and these things, Zhou Yun might just listen and let it pass without worrying too much about it.

But maybe because Zhou Yun happened to have met Mrs. Lopez, Zhou Yun couldn't just sit back and ignore this matter.

She was thinking about this matter and felt uneasy.

"You mean, you spent fifty thousand dollars to invite me here just because you want me to investigate the evidence that Mrs. Lopez abused her children?" After hearing Zhou Yun's commission, Jerrod Sanchi's eyes widened in surprise. He looked at Zhou Yun in disbelief, obviously not expecting that Zhou Yun would go to such great lengths to call him all the way here just for such a thing.

It's not that he was talking about anything else. Gerald Sanchi felt that such a trivial matter could be solved by any private detective, so why bother with him?

Zhou Yun said: "I only know you as a detective."

Gerald Sanchi sighed and said, "Okay, next time for such a small matter, just tell me in advance, and I will find a local friend to help you handle it. It can be done for two thousand dollars."

(End of this chapter)

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