Chapter 1049

Zhou Yun has great faith in Gerald Sanchi's ability.

Zhou Yun explained: "Jerrod, I don't want to find an unfamiliar person to handle many things. Even if he is capable, he may not keep it secret for me. These things must be kept confidential."

In particular, Zhou Yun didn't want to have a situation where he took money from her, only to turn around and stab Mrs. Lopez again, telling her that someone was going to investigate her and make further profits.

This matter involves Ward after all.

Jerrod said: "Okay, leave this matter to me, I will investigate it clearly."

After he got the commission content from Zhou Yun, he left directly.

Liu Yun said: "Sister Xiaoyun, you asked Jerrod to investigate this matter. Do you want to find evidence?"

"Such a person should not stay in a place like a nursing home." Zhou Yun said, "She abused children and should be punished accordingly."
In the afternoon, Zhou Yun and Julieta filmed their second scene together.

The content of this scene was not difficult to shoot.

Julietta had lost a ring and asked her neighbors if they had seen it.

She came to see Zhou Yun and happened to meet Wade at Zhou Yun's home.

Julietta couldn't let the two of them find out when they were together, so Zhou Yun could only hurriedly let Wade hide in the room while she opened the door to deal with Julietta.

Julietta noticed a pair of men's canvas shoes at the door, so she made some insinuations to see if there was anyone else in Zhou Yun's home.

In order to avoid future troubles, Zhou Yun could only put aside his politeness and say directly that this matter had nothing to do with Julietta.

Julietta was irritated by Zhou Yun's attitude and wanted to find out who the man who appeared at her house was.

She returned home, secretly keeping the door ajar and listening to the noise in the corridor.


Antonio Sirra shot the interior scenes first.

Julietta does not need to appear for the time being.

Kuruni knocked on the door, and Chen Zhen went to open the door. As soon as Kuruni came in, he hugged Chen Zhen and kissed her.

The two of them were making out while going to the bedroom. As soon as Kuruni took off his shirt, there was a knock on Julietta's door.

This scene is the first scene where Zhou Yun and Kuruni have close contact.

Zhou Yun also had to repeatedly build himself up mentally.

She couldn't talk to Song Chi about this yet, and the more she talked, the more she couldn't take on Chen Zhen's place.

Antonio Sirra called Zhou Yun and Wade together and said, "You must have that kind of passion. Ward, you came here behind your parents' back. Chen Zhen has a strong attraction to you. This In the past few days, the ambiguity between the two of you has been getting thicker. You finally got her consent to come to her house. As soon as you entered the door, you couldn't control your feelings and desires. You hugged her and kissed her. she."

Walder Street kept his head lowered, his eyes evasive, and his ears seemed a little red.

Zhou Yun pretended to be calm, but in fact he was feeling guilty inside.

Antonio Sirra said: "Zhou Yun, you are a professional actor. I won't tell you more. You will cooperate with Wade later. Just remember that you were led by Wade little by little." , he is the active party of the physical desires of the two of you."

"it is good."

Antonio Sirra took them on the course of action later.

From the door, to the living room, and then to the bedroom, there is a complete line of movement.

This all needs Walder Street to control.

But it was Ward's first time filming, and he had no idea how to act in such a passionate scene, and he still had a strong sense of shame.

During the audition, he didn't even dare to touch Zhou Yun's arm.

Antonio Sirra saw his psychological burden and took him aside to talk.

Zhou Yun is making preparations by himself.

In fact, there is nothing to prepare for, just an immediate reaction.

All her reactions depended on how Ward acted.Antonio Sirra talked to Wade for a while, and then he was ready to officially start filming.

Wade's face was still tense.

Zhou Yun felt something was wrong when he saw his state.

Sure enough, as soon as the filming started and Zhou Yun opened the door, Wade's condition was not right.

Antonio Sirra directly shouted to stop, saying that there was no such passion and desire in Ward's eyes.

Walder Street is just a boy who has no professional acting training and is at the stage of acting in his own way.

It was difficult for him to convince himself in his heart.

Zhou Yun said to Walder Street: "Ward, we are acting, you don't need to bear such a heavy burden."

Walder Street said nothing.

He lowered his head, very embarrassed.

Antonio Sirra could only take Ward with him and teach him one action after another.

But Ward still couldn't do it.

Half an hour passed without any progress.

Antonio Sirra's mood became worse and his air pressure was very low.

Walder Street tried out the role over and over again, but could never get Antonio's satisfaction.

Not to mention Antonio, anyone at the scene can see that his performance is like a stiff wooden man.

Zhou Yun could tell that Wade was panicking.

He is still very nervous now.

Everyone at the scene was waiting for him.

This pressure is very great.

Zhou Yun thought for a moment, then walked over by himself and asked Wade in a low voice: "Wade, have you ever been in love before?"

Walder hesitated for a moment and nodded.

"Do you still remember the mood you two felt when you two got along together?" Zhou Yun said, "I don't mean to substitute that mood. Think about the mood you felt when you liked that girl before, and then go back to this story and put yourself into it. On to Kuruni.”

Ward nodded.

"Don't think about anything now. Just try to find this feeling seriously. This scene is very difficult to shoot. We all know that you need to find a place to prepare yourself first. I'll tell the director not to shoot the scene yet." ." Zhou Yun said, "When I can't get into the state, I will find a corner by myself and act out the scene in my mind over and over again. I first act out all the psychological baggage in my mind. You are a professional actor, and you will also become a professional actor. Let’s face this scene with a professional attitude, okay?”

Walder hummed.

Zhou Yun patted him on the shoulder, turned around and walked towards Antonio.

"Director, how about we film the scene between Chen Zhen and Mrs. Lindis first." Zhou Yun said, "Wade still needs time to mentally build himself up."

Antonio nodded, sighed, and said, "That's all."

Everybody go and fetch Julietta.

The scenes between her and Julietta went smoothly, and they were a pleasure to work with, and the rhythm was quicker than the last time.

Julietta is an actress who doesn't like to rehearse. She already has sufficient performance experience to support her preference for direct acting.

Zhou Yun didn't care, whether it was rehearsing or coming directly, she wasn't afraid.

Zhou Yun didn't know how many times he had played this script in his mind.

At the scene, she just made on-the-spot adjustments based on Antonio's guidance and the performance of her opponent's actors.

(End of this chapter)

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