Domestic, BJ.

An early autumn rain started falling early in the morning and continued until the afternoon, with no sign of stopping.

A black car was parked downstairs of Haichi Film and Television. The driver got out of the car and opened the door for the people behind him.

"No need." Zhou Lan opened the car door, got out of the car, and walked into the company door.

She was wearing a black Chanel suit and her tall and straight figure was the result of yoga she started doing in the past six months.

Compared with the past, her current momentum is no less impressive than that of CEOs of listed companies.

In the four years since Zhou Yun became popular, her momentum has been changing little by little, becoming more and more powerful.She knew this herself, but she had no intention of changing it.

Being strong is sometimes a disadvantage, but more often than not it can help Zhou Lan avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble and waste a lot of energy.

It must be admitted that if a woman is not strong on the outside, there will be many unscrupulous people on this battlefield to provoke you.

Even if the result of their provoking her is that she overestimates her abilities and flies into the flame, having too many moths is still very annoying.

Zhou Lan didn't look very good today.

Because "Three Thousand Worlds" that Wang Jing was filming encountered a bad problem.

Yesterday afternoon, an actor named Jiang Yingbo sent an email to the official email addresses of Haichi Film and Television, Zhou Yun Studio and the director's production company. The content of the email was the same, claiming that he was raped after a dinner a year ago. Liang Li had harassed him, and the chat records between him and Liang Li were attached, which clearly showed that Liang Li had indeed used her role as a bargaining chip to seduce Liang Yingbo, but the content of the chat was vague and not particularly clear.

Liang Li happens to be the executive producer assigned to the crew of "Three Thousand Worlds" by Haichi Film and Television.

Zhou Lan came to Haichi Film and Television for a meeting today to discuss how to solve this matter.

When she arrived, Chen Wenjun and Lin Mojian, the producer of director He Luochuan, had already sat down in the conference room.

The atmosphere in the conference room was a little gloomy. "What's the situation now? Is Jiang Yingbo stable?" Zhou Lan asked as soon as he sat down.

"He will not be unstable. He has a very clear demand, demanding that Liang Li be fired from the crew of "Three Thousand Worlds", otherwise the matter will be exposed online."

"Fire Liang Li from the crew of "Three Thousand Worlds"? This is justifiable." Zhou Lan said immediately, "Even if he doesn't make this request, I will make this suggestion. "Three Thousand Worlds" is a project that all three of us attach great importance to. We We can’t lay any minefield here in this drama. Even if Jiang Yingbo’s side is properly stabilized this time, who knows if Liang Li has done something similar before. If there is one, there will be two. This is a time bomb.”

Liu Wenjiang, the vice president of Haichi Film and Television, said immediately: "But Liang Li has been in charge of this project from the beginning. From the initial purchase of the copyright to the subsequent development, she took the lead. Now the film is still being filmed, and people have been temporarily replaced. It will have a big impact on the shooting.”

"That would be smaller than the negative impact it would have on the show "Three Thousand Worlds" after this incident was exposed, right? In today's Internet age, once such a scandal is exposed, "Three Thousand Worlds" may be boycotted, or even unable to be broadcast directly due to media reasons Come out." Zhou Lan said.

"What did Liang Li say about this?" Lin Mojian asked.

Liu Wenjiang: "Liang Li said that she was tricked by this Jiang Yingbo. It was Jiang Yingbo who first contacted Liang Li at the dinner party and expressed his good feelings, and then they had subsequent chats on WeChat. In fact, Liang Li never Similar questions arose. I also asked people who attended the dinner that night. It was indeed Jiang Yingbo who had been taking the initiative to toast Liang Li and was always very enthusiastic towards her. Maybe Liang Li had misunderstood Jiang Yingbo's meaning. "

Zhou Lan said: "Mr. Liu, no one wants to see such a thing happen. Liang Li is responsible for this project. It is not easy and she has put in a lot of effort. But if we wait This drama has been produced and is about to be broadcast. Suddenly a second Jiang Yingbo appears, which may have a huge negative impact on this drama. I believe that many people must be anti-explosion about this drama. The drama has five first-line stars starring in this drama, and more than a dozen big names including Zhou Yun, Gu Huaichun, Zhang Hongyu, Zhang Mo, etc. have made special appearances. You must know how many people are waiting for something to go wrong in this drama. Now Jiang Yingbo made it clear that he wanted to fire Liang Li. If you don't fire him, what will you do if Jiang Yingbo makes a big deal out of it? The chat records clearly show that Liang Li is using her role to seduce Jiang Yingbo. No matter how you explain it, , these are unchangeable facts.”

Liu Wenjiang immediately looked at Chen Wenjun.

Haichi Film and Television's attitude towards this matter depends on Chen Wenjun's intentions.

Chen Wenjun looked at Lin Mojian.

"Producer Lin, what do you think?"

Lin Mojian said: "We have known Liang Li for many years, and we still know her character. The key to this matter is whether we can reach a settlement with Jiang Yingbo, and if he can accept some of the things we have given him. Conditions, if I don’t hold on to this matter anymore, I don’t think Liang Li should be fired. After all, she is most familiar with this project. If there is a temporary change of people during the filming, something will definitely go wrong.”

"As for Jiang Yingbo, we at Haichi Film and Television will be responsible for handling it. In fact, people from our company have already made preliminary contact with him. His demands seem very firm, but in fact he still wants to ask for benefits from us. It is not I will bite Liang Li to death." Chen Wenjun said, "Mr. Zhou, it is indeed Liang Li who caused the trouble this time, but this matter is not without room for maneuver. Liang Li has been following the "Three Thousand Worlds" project since the beginning. We can't find a suitable person to take her place in a short period of time. At least until the end of the filming, we still need her. This time we will let her stay in her original position. If similar problems arise again, we will put her in her place. She was removed from the show, what do you think?"

"Haichi is the main producer of this drama, and it must be based on Mr. Chen's opinion. I just made a suggestion." Zhou Lan said, "It's just that the current network environment can't block a Jiang Yingbo. You may not be able to stop the second one. You have the final say whether Liang Li should continue to stay on the crew. Producer Lin and I are actually just here to act as consultants. However, Mr. Chen, I still suggest that you investigate Liang Li carefully. , to be honest, as far as her words in the chat screenshots are concerned, I don’t think this is the first time she has said this. If she really wants to reveal the second or third words at a critical moment, there will be too many people willing to do so. To follow the example, "Three Thousand Worlds" is not just about a drama. Everyone has very grand visions and plans for this IP. If there is a black mark at the beginning, then you will always have to carry this black mark later. "

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