I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1052 Investigation Report

Chapter 1052 Investigation Report
"Mr. Zhou, Mr. Lin's secretary asked me about your schedule for this week and asked if you could be free on the weekend. How should I reply?" Zhenying asked.

Lin Zhiping is the only one who will be called "Mr. Lin" by Zhenying.

Zhou Lan asked: "Did he reveal what was going on?"

Zhenying shook her head: "No matter how I ask, he won't tell me."

Zhou Lan sent a message to Lin Zhiping in confusion: Are you preparing another surprise for me?Why did your secretary ask my assistant if I was free on the weekend?
Lin Zhiping replied: A friend recommended me a good weekend vacation place in the mountains. If you are free, I am going to ask you to stay together for a day, put your work aside, and breathe the fresh mountain air. , of course, the most important thing is to enjoy the world where there are only two of us.

Zhou Lan raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

She replied: Then I will take some time off. It’s true that I haven’t taken a break for a long time.

Lin Zhiping sent him a grinning expression.
Ward was never in the right state and could not overcome his psychological barriers.

There was no choice but to move this scene to the back.

Antonio Sirra moved other plays forward.

Zhou Yun felt that if she didn't find a way to help Wade, he might never be able to overcome this psychological barrier.

From that day on, Zhou Yun called Wade to his room every night to drink, chat, and watch movies together. In order to avoid the suspicion of being alone, Zhou Yun also called Qin Zhi and the others.

Mainly to enhance the familiarity between her and Ward.

Ward now has a newcomer's admiration for a superstar.

In this case, forget about other scenes, involving intimate scenes. If Kuruni cannot overcome this kind of admiration, it will be difficult to show the kind of primitive aggression that Antonio wants.

After Antonio learned about Zhou Yun's approach, he did not stop Zhou Yun. Instead, he nodded in agreement.

In fact, he also knew why Wade could never enter the state, but he had no position because Wade could not enter the state, so he asked Zhou Yun to get closer and communicate with Wade in private to break through Wade's mental barrier.

Zhou Yun took the initiative to do this, which solved an urgent need for Antonio.

And Gerald Sanchi came back three days later.

Zhou Yun met him at his trailer during his lunch break.

Jerod Sanchi took out a piece of information and a folder and said, "This is the evidence I collected that Mrs. Lopez abused the children in the nursing home, including witness, physical evidence and related materials."

Jerrod Sanchi not only got these things, but also wrote a special investigation summary report for her, which was very clear.So professional.

Zhou Yun carefully read Gerald Sanchi's investigative report from the beginning.

The content of this investigation report becomes more and more shocking.

In this report, Mrs. Lopez is simply a sadist who hates children.

She hit the child's calf with a clothes drying rack, used a hot water cup to scald the child's palm, locked the disobedient child in the basement, and did not give him water or food all day and night. Basically, the children she targeted were Is an orphan.

An angry fire welled up from deep within her.

"Miss Zhou Yun, I also investigated one thing about Mrs. Lopez." Gerald Sanchi suddenly said again.

"What's going on?" Zhou Yun asked.

Gerald Sanchi took out another folder and said: "Over the years, Mrs. Lopez's account has been transferred to her by different people, and they are all quite large amounts. I investigated and found out that these people They were all children in nursing homes, and after further investigation, we found out that Mrs. Lopez has been extorting money from these people over the years.”


"These people have committed some mistakes during their time in the nursing home, even crimes, or they have their own unknown secrets, but Mrs. Lopez discovered them. Mrs. Lopez used these as an excuse to expose these people to Carrying out blackmail."

Zhou Yun couldn't help frowning.

"The most recent transfer in Mrs. Lopez's account came from the actor of your movie, Walder Strait. He transferred 2000 euros to Mrs. Lopez. Just a few days ago, Mrs. Lopez The day I came to the crew to find him." Zhou Yun was stunned.

Gerald Sanchi said: "Ward should also have something in Mrs. Lopez's hands. As for what it is, I haven't investigated it yet. Do you want me to continue to investigate?"

Zhou Yun was silent.

Gerald Sanchi was asked to investigate Mrs. Lopez because of her child abuse. Zhou Yun's sense of justice drove her to do this.

But no matter what information Ward had in her hands, it was his privacy, and he definitely didn't want others to know.

Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment and said, "Forget it, just check here. Thank you."

Gerald Sanchi nodded.
In the afternoon, Zhou Yun set out for the studio. Today was an outdoor shooting, and he went to a village in the countryside.

They are going to film a scene between Zhou Yun and Wade here today.

When Zhou Yun arrived, Wade had already arrived and was talking to Antonio.

Wade's condition has slowly improved over the past two days.As long as he doesn't do passionate scenes, he'll have no problem.In fact, Ward is talented in acting, and this role is exactly the same as him, and he can play his true self.

Antonio spent a lot of energy training him and taught him how to act every day.

As soon as Zhou Yun arrived, Antonio immediately walked towards her.

"Do you need time to prepare? Or can you shoot now?"

"You can take the photo now." Zhou Yun glanced at the sky, "Now is the time when the light is best."

Antonio patted her shoulder gently and said, "The shooting will start in 10 minutes."

All departments are making final preparations.

Zhou Yun walked up to Wade, laughed, and said, "Wade, don't let your guard down today."

Walder was stunned and immediately said, "No."

He added: "I was just filming that scene, there was nothing I could do about it."

Zhou Yun chuckled lightly, with a hint of teasing in his tone, "That's because you don't dare to like me."

Walder was stunned.

He was suddenly at a loss.

Zhou Yun patted Wade's face and said, "After all, you are still so young now, and I am your sister."

Ward's pride and shame rose instantly.

He immediately raised his eyebrows and said, "I'll show you later that I'm a mature man."

Zhou Yun smiled and went to test the light.

The weather today is really comfortable, with a gentle breeze and not too hot.

Zhou Yun couldn't help but take out his mobile phone, took a few pictures of the surrounding scenery, and sent it to Song Chi: "I shot here today, it's a beautiful countryside."

Song Chi sent her a photo back, with a big green screen and various equipment: My shooting environment is not as good as yours.

Zhou Yun said: You can come here for vacation in the future. There are few people, the scenery is good, the climate is good, and it is very comfortable to stay.

Song Chi: Good.

(End of this chapter)

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