Chapter 1053 Opponents

Today's filming went very smoothly without any problems. The sun had not yet set when all the scenes were filmed.

We all went back to the city together, chatting and laughing in the car, and the atmosphere was relaxed.

That's how filming is, if everything goes well, everyone's atmosphere will be relaxed.

But if the shooting does not go well, it will be a state of low pressure.

The car in front suddenly stopped.

We are a convoy. The car in front suddenly stops, and the car behind can only stop.

Everyone's cell phones suddenly rang one after another.

"What's going on?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

Qin Zhi and Wade were in the same car with her.

The two of them also immediately took out their mobile phones.

Qin Zhi said: "Oh, no, there are opponents of Director Antonio holding signs to demonstrate in front of the hotel rented by the crew."

"What?" Zhou Yun asked in shock, "What's going on?"

Qin Zhi said: "Director Antonio has a group of very well-known opponents who publicly insult Director Antonio on various occasions and at all times, believing that he is beautifying and deifying women who are tempted by the devil and encouraging abortion. However, they usually do so online. Attacking Director Antonio, why did he end up here this time?"

Qin Zhi's words shocked Zhou Yun.

"It's the first time I've heard of it."

"Director Antonio's domestic popularity and influence are limited to his own circle, so the news media rarely reports on him. In fact, his opponents cause some trouble every year. Last time, he was banned from a film festival. Many people raised signs and gathered to boycott the scene." Qin Zhi said, "However, these opponents are generally regarded as a group of extreme lunatics and have been condemned by all mainstream media and film circles around the world. The reason why these people boycott Director Antonio is because It’s because the movies directed by Antonio often use prostitutes, infidelity or abortion as the main elements to develop the movie story.”

Zhou Yun couldn't help but frown when he heard Qin Zhi's statement.

"I thought Director Antonio should be a highly respected director in Spain, a national treasure director."

"Of course, it is, but even in the film industry, he is considered a well-deserved national treasure director and a world-renowned director, but there are still many conservatives who don't like the expressions in his films, and there is such a group of haters Him, against his opponents.”

After about 10 minutes, the car started to drive forward again.

Zhou Yun's car had to take her back to the house she rented, so the driver didn't turn off the engine and stopped in front of the hotel. After putting down Wade and Qin Zhi, he continued to drive to the house Zhou Yun rented.

Zhou Yun looked through the car window at the people who were stopped at the door of the hotel.

There were about a dozen people holding signs with different English words such as "Stop filming" and "Sinful". Even if they were stopped, they were still shouting something in Spanish. What they shouted was something Zhou Yun couldn't understand. .

and many more.

Zhou Yun was suddenly stunned.

She realizes a problem.

Why are these people shouting in Spanish but holding signs in English?
According to normal logic, the words on the sign should also be written in Spanish.

Zhou Yun took out his mobile phone and took a few photos of those people.She sent it to Zhou Lan, told her about the situation she encountered here, and then expressed her doubts.

She asked: Sister Lan, do you think it’s strange?
Zhou Lan: It’s a bit strange for you to say that, but it has nothing to do with you. Every time Antonio makes a new film, he encounters such a group of people who resist, which is very common.

Zhou Yun: I didn’t know Director Antonio had such a group of opponents before filming started.

Zhou Lan: I thought you knew that this is not a big deal. Western literary and artistic film directors have more or less opponents and boycotters. There are almost no exceptions. It’s just that this time it’s very rare that someone actually came to the set. Protested, it seems this has never happened before.

Zhou Yun: I'm worried that this group of people will interfere with the normal filming of the crew. I see that each of them is very excited, as if this crew has really committed a heinous crime.

Zhou Lan: Don’t worry, Spain is Antonio’s own country after all. He is filming in his own country. What are you afraid of?It’s not like he has been living in vain these past few decades.
Putting down his phone, Zhou Lan raised his head and glanced ahead.

The mountain road is curved and the trees are lush and green, filtering everything in front of you into a fresh and comfortable environment.

Lin Zhiping drove.

He turned to look at Zhou Lan and asked, "Were you doing work again just now?"

"I'm chatting with Xiaoyun. She is currently filming a new movie in Spain. There is a little problem on the set. It's a trivial matter." Zhou Lan turned to look at Lin Zhiping with a smile and asked, "Why don't you leave your big job and take me with you?" Are you taking a vacation in the mountains and don’t care about the things in your company?"

"I told you before I came out that you should not disturb me unless it is an emergency." Lin Zhiping said, "I finally came out to rest. If I am always disturbed, my good mood will become bad."

Zhou Lan squinted his eyes and said, "Click on me."

"I don't dare." Lin Zhiping immediately denied it.

"But it's true that I haven't had a break for a long time. Over the past year, there have been more and more things happening in the studio, and two new companies have been established. There is a huge shortage of people. I have interviewed many people this month to recruit people, but at the moment I have to It's unrealistic to have so many people." Zhou Lan said, "I have been working with a high tone. I feel like I can't sleep peacefully every night. There are [-] things waiting for me to deal with. How can you safely leave things to me? The people below do it and don’t have to worry about it?”

"This is an endless process, and people are cultivated slowly. Your studio has not been established for a long time, and it happens to catch up with the peak period of development, so the required manpower is in short supply." Lin Zhiping said, "In a few years, you will find that things are never finished. If you don't find a way to give yourself a vacation, you will never be able to rest."

At this moment, a horn sound suddenly sounded from behind.

Lin Zhiping and Zhou Lan glanced at the rearview mirror and saw a red car speeding past them and heading ahead.

"I must be driving at least a hundred yards at a speed. Driving so fast in the mountains, I'm not afraid of hitting the opposite car when turning." Lin Zhiping complained.

Zhou Lan smiled, "There are always some people who are not afraid of death."

"Lanlan, how about we just get a room?" Lin Zhiping asked suddenly.

Zhou Lan was taken aback.

Lin Zhiping coughed lightly and said, "When we made the reservation, there was only one VIP suite left in this hotel in the mountains."

Zhou Lan looked at him sideways.

"Since there was only one room left when we made the reservation, why don't you tell me now." Zhou Lan paused for a moment before continuing, "What else can we do? If not, why don't we go back home?"

Lin Zhiping showed a successful smile.

Zhou Lan knew that he showed it to her on purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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