Chapter 1054
The night was not peaceful.

The filming tonight was an indoor scene.

We are still filming scenes with Julieta and Zhou Yun.

However, when Zhou Yun came to the filming site after dinner, he found a dozen people gathered at the door, holding signs and protesting loudly.

Zhou Yun was escorted in by bodyguards.

The atmosphere at the scene was not very good. Those who gathered outside to protest the film cast a shadow on everyone's hearts.

Zhou Yun saw Antonio talking to Lino Peggy with a gloomy expression.

Julietta was standing in the corridor, leaning against the wall, smoking.

"Hi Julietta."

"Hi." Julietta looked up at her and nodded as a greeting.

It can be seen that she is not in a good mood.

"Did you see those people downstairs?" Julieta asked suddenly.

"I saw it, ugh." Zhou Yun sighed, "Have you ever encountered this kind of situation before when you made a movie with Director Antonio?"

"There have been one or two extremely extreme people who came to the scene to cause trouble, but never so many people." Julietta blew out smoke rings to the side, "These guys whose brains have been soaked in formalin for thousands of years may have come from coffins. He must have run away."

Julieta's harsh words made Zhou Yun smile knowingly and said, "I never know how to describe such a person. You are so right."

Julieta glanced at Zhou Yun with a smile and asked, "Have you ever encountered such a situation on a filming set before?"

"We almost never have this kind of situation when filming in China, but there will be some fanatical fans on site to interfere with your filming." Zhou Yun said, "In fact, now it has gradually nothing to do with fans, and it has become an industrial chain. There is a group of people called proxy photographers, who secretly take photos of celebrities at filming locations, and then post them to various platforms or personal media accounts to attract traffic."

"Oh!" After hearing what Zhou Yun said, Julieta immediately curled up her lips and said, "Isn't that just the paparazzi?"

As a movie star, Julieta's star is not very bright, but as an actress, she is quite famous. Professional film media all know this Spanish national treasure actress, and she is one of the top three in Europe. Regular visitor to film festivals.

In Spain, there are also many paparazzi chasing news about her.

Julietta has been in the movies for decades and has been troubled by the paparazzi, and she also has no favorable impression of this group.

"I saw a report about you on the Internet a few days ago. It seems that the paparazzi came to your room?" Julietta asked.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "I don't know if he was a paparazzi, but once in the United States, someone did run into my room and scared me half to death."

Julietta laughed.

"You're not as pretentious as I thought."

"Hypocritical?" Zhou Yun looked at Julieta in surprise.

"I saw seven or eight bodyguards following you, and I thought you were the same kind of pretentious and troubled woman as those Hollywood female stars." Julietta said, "It's really hard to film with them."

"Oh, I...okay."

"Have you ever filmed with them?" Julietta asked.

"I haven't filmed with them yet. I only filmed one film, "Killing Song", and there are no particularly famous stars." Zhou Yun said.

Julietta said: "You will know when you cooperate with them in the future."

Zhou Yun didn't know what to say.
A group of people gathered downstairs to protest.

The crew's security guards moved them away, but they still didn't leave.

When Zhou Yun and Julieta were filming, their loud protests could still be vaguely heard.

These sounds affected their acting status and caused frequent NG. This is a very rare situation for the two of them.

Antonio also knew why they made mistakes, so he remained patient and let them do it again over and over again.

But the two actors themselves were a little impatient.Just when Zhou Yun and Julieta were halfway through their performance, and Julieta said her lines wrong again, she suddenly rushed to the window, opened it, and shouted outside: "Get away, you idiots!"

Julietta's outburst shocked everyone at the scene and froze them on the spot.

Zhou Yun was also startled by Julieta's scolding.

The result was that the protests from those outside became even louder.

Antonio sighed helplessly and said, "Let's call it a day and stop filming."

Everyone called it a day in frustration and prepared to leave.

Zhou Yun went to comfort Antonio and left silently.
Zhou Lan and Lin Zhiping walked through the mountains and forests. It seemed like they were the only two people left in the vast world.

As far as they could see, they were surrounded by lush woods, with sunlight shining down from the treetops and branches and leaves, forming speckled patches of light.

Zhou Lan stretched his waist comfortably and said, "I can't even remember the last time I hiked in the mountains."

Lin Zhiping said: "In the future, go outside more and move around. You can't stay in the office all the time."

Zhou Lan looked back at him and said, "Mr. Lin, you are not qualified to teach me a lesson. You are no better than me."

Lin Zhiping nodded with a smile and said, "You are right, let's encourage each other."

Zhou Lan: "I hope I can find a weekend every month in the future to take a break and take a breath. Before I came here this time, I thought it was of little significance to go out for a day or two. I would have to go back to work soon. Now I feel that I can It’s good to be away from work for an hour, and every minute I’m away I feel like I’m regaining my blood.”

"Do you usually play games?"

“Occasionally I’ll get beaten up, and when I’m particularly angry, I’ll play games and curse people,” Zhou Lan said.

Lin Zhiping: "Haha, I really can't tell. You actually vent your emotions by playing games."

"Who is still a little emotional?"

"If you are in a bad mood in the future, you can complain to me." Lin Zhiping suddenly said, "I'll be waiting to answer your call at any time."

Zhou Lan felt his heart skip a beat.

For a moment, there was an unspeakable sense of shame in my heart.

How old are you now that you are still moved by such words?
Zhou Lan smiled and said, "I'd better digest this kind of thing myself."

When Lin Zhiping was about to continue saying something, suddenly, they heard a voice asking for help.

"anyone there?"

"is there anybody?"


How could there be a cry for help in this mountain?
Lin Zhiping and Zhou Lan were stunned when they heard this voice.

They looked at each other and decided to go take a look.

Then, I looked for the sound, but didn't see anyone.

This place has left the mountain road and is completely inside the mountain forest.

"Who's talking?" Lin Zhiping asked loudly.

Immediately there was a voice coming from about ten meters away.

"Here, here I am! There is a pit! I fell into the pit!"

Lin Zhiping and Zhou Lan heard this and looked over in surprise and caution.

Going down a small slope, they saw the pothole.

(End of this chapter)

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