I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1057 Public Relations

Chapter 1057 Public Relations
After the evening scene was finished, Zhou Yun walked out of the set and prepared to go back.

The rain is still falling.

Zhou Yun walked out of the corridor and was about to get in the car when someone next to him suddenly shouted in English: "Go back to China!"

Zhou Yun paused.

Liu Yun and Li Yang were guarding her on the left and right.

Zhou Yun glanced at the place where the sound came from.

It was dark and raining, and all those people looked angry, and they didn't know who the person who had just spoken was.

After getting in the car, Liu Yun glanced out the window.

"These people are so disgusting," she said.

"Forget it, leave them alone." Zhou Yun shook his head, "Their purpose is just to anger us."

Liu Yun looked worriedly at the group of retreating figures outside the window and said, "These people gather here every day and their ghosts linger. When will they leave?"

"Perhaps they won't leave until we finish filming this movie and wrap it up," Zhou Yun said.

"Are these people so free? They don't have to go to work or make money. They just stay here to protest every day?" Liu Yun showed an expression of disbelief.

Zhou Yun was stunned and suddenly said, "Yes."
Gerald Sanchi originally thought that since he had come to Spain, he would take this opportunity to visit here and treat it as a vacation.

Who knew that within two days of this vacation, he received another call from Zhou Yun.

"Jerrod, I have something to trouble you with again."

Gerald Sanchi: "You saw something unfair somewhere and asked me to search for information out of kindness, right?"

"No, it's about the movie I'm filming." Zhou Yun simply explained the situation, "These people come every day, from morning to night. If it wasn't organized by someone, I don't think it would last so long. "

Gerald Sanchi listened to Zhou Yun's words and nodded, "From your description, there is indeed a problem. Although the movies directed by Antonio do have many elements of lust, abortion and derailment, in the world, people like him He is not the only director who is filming, and he is not the only one who is criticized. Now a group of people suddenly appear on your set to cause trouble. If there is no one behind to organize and instigate, they will disperse in two or three days at most. I will be back right away. "

Zhou Yun was relieved to leave the matter to Jerrod Sanchi.

Since getting to know this magical private detective, Zhou Yun has seen his various abilities, which are indeed very powerful.

As soon as he hung up the phone, Song Chi called.

"Hello?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised, "Where are you resting?"

"While on the set, Sedar told me, something went wrong with the movie you are filming?" Song Chi said, "Someone is making trouble and protesting on your set. It has become a hot search topic and many media have published the news."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun didn't know about this. "Someone did make trouble, but I don't know about the news, and I didn't see any media reporters at the scene."

"What's the situation with the people making trouble? Are there many people?"

"Not many, just a dozen or so people. They didn't do anything else. They just stood outside the set and insulted Director Antonio. I just met one who told me to go back to China." Zhou Yun said, "It's not like I took any drastic action. It seems that these people also know that if they take action, they will have reason to be taken away by the police."

Song Chi: "They don't act aggressively now, but that doesn't mean they won't in the future. You ask Li Yang and the others to pay more attention. If there is an accident in a foreign country, we can't react as quickly as we can at home."

"Well, I'll pay attention."

Song Chi's call left Zhou Yun in doubt.Did a lot of media notice it?Has it been reported yet?
Zhou Yun himself searched the major news websites online, and sure enough, almost every website reported this incident.

Although the news was not reported in the headlines or in a particularly obvious position.

These media outlets are really well-informed.
"There is nothing to stress about. This is not Xiaoyun's problem. Moreover, Antonio's films have always been controversial. The key is to guide. Antonio's films are about human nature and women's freedom and autonomy. "

After returning from vacation, Zhou Lan received the information collected by the publicity staff.

The new movie Zhou Yun is filming has attracted international attention, mainly because someone held up signs and caused trouble on the set. The news itself is a bit negative, but anyone who has a little serious knowledge of the inside story knows that this is not the case.

They asked if they wanted to tone down the news.

Zhou Lan thought about it and decided not to press it.

There will be a lot of negative publicity after this movie, whether it is participation in film festivals, comments after its release, or other things.

As soon as news about this movie comes out, there will definitely be people who don't like this movie and will find various ways to slander and boycott it.

If they choose to suppress the heat from the beginning instead of telling everyone that those who make trouble on the set are wrong, they will become more and more passive in the future.

Zhou Lan read the promotional copy, thought about it, and said, "Delete all the content related to feminism. Xiaoyun doesn't want to be associated with such things. The main focus is on Zhou Yun's criteria for selecting dramas. There is only one, It was to impress her and praise Zhou Yun's courage and boldness in choosing the drama from a third-party perspective, and praise her persistence in the script."


Zhou Lan didn't want Zhou Yun to get involved in the public opinion dispute about gender opposition. Once involved in this dispute, Zhou Yun should no longer think about being able to come out peacefully.

"Sister Lan, Li Ci just mentioned in the live broadcast room that Sister Xiaoyun was filming with him."

The person responsible for monitoring online public opinion ran over with an IPad in his arms and said, "He was chatting with fans in the live broadcast room and said that Sister Xiaoyun was not as friendly as she looked in front of the camera on the set."

Zhou Lan immediately frowned.

She took the Ipad and immediately took a look at the screenshots of the video they had captured.

Zhou Lan said: "When we were filming "Ding Feng Bo", didn't we keep a lot of behind-the-scenes footage and materials? We picked out a section where Li Ci was acting like a big name and let the marketing account go out."

"Do you want to respond to what he said?"

"He deserves a response." Zhou Lan rolled his eyes, "Go quickly."

People left immediately.

Li Ci suddenly mentioned Zhou Yun in his live broadcast room, either because he was instructed by Luo Zhiqiu to deliberately discredit Zhou Yun, or to increase the popularity of his live broadcast room.

No matter what he says, no response is the best response.

Unless Li Ci still spreads rumors to smear him, at that time, there is no need to respond and sue him directly.

Zhou Lan called He Yong.

"Mr. He, your former sweetheart suddenly mentioned something about filming with Xiaoyun in his live broadcast room today," she said.

(End of this chapter)

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