Chapter 1058 Disputes
As of the 30th day after its release, the box office of "Female Killer" finally exceeded 35 billion!
Zhou Yun cooperated with the crew and posted a congratulatory post on Weibo.

Because she was filming, Wen Bing, Zou Kai, Liu Gang and other actors were running the subsequent road shows and promotions.

However, Danish actress Lucia Banks, who has a lot of roles in the movie, did not appear.

After all, there were so many things going on with Wen Bing.

After the movie "A Boy Destroyed by Desire" became a hot search, many people knew that Zhou Yun had joined the group again.

Even though "The Killer" is still in theaters and doing so well at the box office, she seems to have disappeared, leaving many people confused.

Many people on the set of "A Boy Destroyed by Desire" made trouble and protested against the filming of the movie. It was on the hot search list on several social platforms, and it was also labeled as "Starring Zhou Yun."

Many marketing accounts translate overseas content into Chinese.

Only then did everyone realize what had happened.

In recent years, one of the hottest topics on the Internet has been female consciousness.

Many "conservatives" overseas have vigorously attacked this film, which is based on Antonio's past film works.

The marketing account arranged by Zhoulan has done a lot of analysis to give everyone a more comprehensive understanding of why these controversies arise.

Explain, analyze, and let everyone make their own judgment.

In this way, no matter how many times such disputes arise in the future, everyone will already know the problems involved.

——But why would an actress of Zhou Yun’s level accept such a controversial film?
Some fans of Zhou Yun asked in confusion.

"Actually, if an actor is of Zhou Yun's level, shouldn't she be able to choose any movie?" Indeed, some people think so, "Is it necessary to act in a film by a controversial director to prove one's artistic vision? ?”

Seeing these voices on the Internet, Zhou Lan felt helpless, but he had nothing to say.

Among Zhou Yun's fans, a large number of fans are Zhou Yun's career fans.

This group of people has a very typical characteristic, that is, they hope that Zhou Yun will be like the heroine in the novel, killing gods and Buddhas when encountering them, and becoming unstoppable in his career.

They believe that "A Boy Destroyed by Desire" is a literary film with poor box office prospects and a lot of controversy.

There is no need for Zhou Yun to star in such a film.

She could have acted in safer films.

Although sometimes Zhou Lan had the same thoughts as these people, but seeing them questioning Zhou Yun's vision and motivation for selecting films on the Internet, Zhou Lan suddenly wondered whether he sometimes Like these people, he said something that Zhou Yun didn't know how to respond to?

The deeper he gets into this industry, the clearer Zhou Lan understands how difficult it is for a creator to maintain a risky and innovative spirit.

In this circle of fame and fortune, 90.00% of people are just doing repetitive creations.

Whatever becomes popular, do what you do with it.

Whatever the audience likes, just follow it.

It’s not that this is wrong, but doing it in a rush means a lot of routines, a lot of repetition, no new things, and aesthetic fatigue.

Actors have their own comfort zones, and so does Zhou Yun.But Zhou Yun has never made a breakthrough for the sake of a breakthrough.

The longer I got to know Zhou Yun, the more Zhou Lan felt that it was too rare for an actor to maintain the pursuit of the quality of his work and the pursuit of art like Zhou Yun from beginning to end.

For these doubts about Zhou Yun on the Internet, Zhou Lan rarely went to public relations immediately, but let them ferment for a while.

Sure enough, when such doubts became louder and louder, another voice emerged. They took out Zhou Yun's resume and began to defend Zhou Yun.

——Who are you questioning? You actually question Zhou Yun’s vision in selecting films?In the past ten years, is there any actor who has a better eye for film selection than Zhou Yun?How many actors with good acting skills would have become famous long ago if they had one-fifth of Zhou Yun's eye for film selection!
—— Even though Zhou Yun could play it safe, she still took risks again and again, working with new directors and unknown directors. This time, she chose a movie that many people didn’t understand, but I believe Zhou Yun, because she has proven her vision with her choices time and time again.


Zhou Lan didn't specifically arrange for anyone to suppress the heat, he just wanted to make this heated discussion truly discussionable.

Since Zhou Yun is right, let everyone know that Zhou Yun is right.

The result of Zhou Lan's lack of pressure is that the controversy and discussion on this matter are getting bigger and bigger.

More and more people are participating in this discussion.

Including big Vs and celebrities in other fields, they also participated in this discussion.

A writer with millions of fans said: "I think, apart from anything else, an actress who has reached her current achievements can still take on such a controversial movie and challenge herself. This is a contribution to art. And the courage to have no hesitation is worthy of respect. Every day we say that these stars in the domestic entertainment industry play similar roles. They are either big heroines or fairy heroes and ancient puppets, but they point fingers at Zhou Yun's choice. It's quite helpless. It's an art. If the work is not controversial, then it is mediocre good, and mediocre good is not worth the effort of a pursuing actress like Zhou Yun."

A well-known lawyer who often speaks on the Internet said: "Zhou Yun is starring in a film by the Spanish national treasure director Antonio Sirra. She is the first non-Hispanic woman in this director's film. Protagonist! Such an amazing achievement, in your eyes, is Zhou Yun a condescension? In addition to Zhou Yun, how many other actresses can be favored by such a world-class director? "

People from all walks of life came out to discuss this matter.

Zhou Yun's popularity has truly reached its peak.

This time, there was no Zhou Wang behind the scenes.

Facts once again proved that Zhou Lan made the right decision.

Regarding the cooperation between Zhou Yun and Antonio, sooner or later, controversy will always arise.Zhou Lan felt that it was better to open up this matter than to block it, so he opened it up for everyone to discuss it openly.This movie may succeed or it may fail, but no matter what, Zhou Yun can take this movie because his heart is pure and his pursuit of movies.

Now the mainstream public opinion is supporting Zhou Yun.

Although there are still some voices saying that Zhou Yun should not accept such a movie.

On Tuesday, Zhou Yun, who had been filming overseas, finally came back.

The media who got the news in advance stayed at the airport.

When Zhou Yun came out, everyone surrounded him.

Zhou Yun, who had received the news in advance, did not say anything else. He only said: "Everyone, I know what you want to ask, but let's not block here and block other people's way. Let's talk as we go."

When the reporters saw Zhou Yun relenting, they immediately agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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