Chapter 1059 Back
"When I took on the film "A Boy Destroyed by Desire", it was mainly because of director Antonio. Before I became an actor, I had watched the film directed by Antonio. It was very shocking and touching. Later, when I became an actor, I never thought I would have the opportunity to work with him, because his movie stories usually take place in Spain, and foreign actresses are rarely used, so I was very surprised when I received the invitation."

"Of course, the final decision to act in this movie was because of the script. After reading the script, I made up my mind to act because this is a role I have never played before. As an actor, when I meet a good director, Great cast, great script, great characters, I can’t think of any reason not to do this drama.”

"Controversy? When I decided to act, I didn't expect that there would be so many controversies in the follow-up. However, even if I knew, I would still act. I know where this movie is controversial, but that didn't make me I feel confused and embarrassed.”

"Winning an award? Haha, of course I would be happy if I really could win an award. I really want to win an award, but I didn't make this movie to win an award."

"Ah, are you talking about tomorrow's Lingjun Award? Do I have any hope of winning the award? Of course I think I have hope. If there is no hope, why would I come back?" Zhou Yun smiled and waved his hand, "But, come with me The shortlisted actresses definitely want to win the award, and who doesn’t? Don’t ask me this difficult question, of course I think I have the best chance of winning it.”


After dealing with the group of reporters who were chasing her at the airport, Zhou Yun got into the car, waved to them and left.

Zhou Lan was waiting for her in the car.

"It feels like the storm will never stop." Zhou Lan sighed to her.

Zhou Yun: "Yes, there will always be new disturbances."

"But I think this is a good thing. If you can't afford the turmoil now, it will happen again in the future. Let's solve it as soon as possible." Zhou Lan said directly, "Now the public opinion is on your side. Those who say you betrayed your principles for the sake of film art The bottom line and the bottom line were all sprayed back, and we didn’t need to arrange public relations.”

Zhou Yun shook his head helplessly and said, "I haven't figured out what this has to do with betraying principles and bottom lines."

Zhou Lan: "Some people are indeed trying to smear you, saying that in order to cater to the aesthetics of the Western film industry, you have large-scale scenes in new movies."

Zhou Yun: "..."

"In this case, if we respond that you don't have such a role, it will give people the impression that we are very concerned about this matter. It will not only chill the hearts of those who support you, but also affect your future roles. This If you deny it once, the next time you reveal something, a group of people will appear and make a fuss about it. In fact, whether it is on a large scale or not, or whether we accept such a drama, I don’t want it to happen. The discussion continued again and again, and finally when others thought of you, they thought of the word "large scale."

Zhou Yun understood what Zhou Lan meant.

For an actor, "she doesn't act in large-scale dramas" or "she acts in large-scale dramas", no matter which label falls on her, she will be discussed frequently without end.Over time, this will affect the audience's impression of her, and many characters will be affected by this impression.

Zhou Lan added: "I guess there will be reporters asking you these questions on the Lingjun Awards red carpet tomorrow."

"Are there any interviews with reporters on the red carpet?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

Zhou Lan nodded and said, "Yes, they have created a special interview area this year."

Zhou Yun: "Then can I not go to that interview area?"

Zhou Lan: "Don't you want to go? Of course it's okay not to go, but it just doesn't feel good. It feels like you're running away from them."

"The main reason is that I don't want to answer these questions all the time." Zhou Yun said, "Forget it, just show up on the red carpet and don't do interviews."

"Okay, then I'll go communicate with them."

They went directly to the hotel.

Zhou Yun was a little tired. After arriving at the hotel, he took a rest and did not come out again.
On the other side, after Yin Lin was interviewed by the reporter, she left the interview room and went to a dinner party with her agent.The Lingjun Award was about to be handed out, and everyone was there, so some people started organizing.

When Yin Lin was taking off her makeup, her manager suddenly shouted, "Zhou Yun is back."

"Is she here?"

"Someone just photographed her at the airport. There is a video online of her responding to the recent controversy." The agent said, "She should have arrived at the airport an hour ago."

"We should be arriving at the hotel soon." Yin Lin asked, "Will she go that night?"

"Probably not. Today's dinner was organized by Fan Zhu. She and Zhou Yun had conflicts before." The agent said.

"Conflict?" Yin Lin was surprised, "What's the conflict between them?"

"Both Zhou Yun and Su Yan acted in "Ask the Heart" before, but Su Yan was not nominated for the Huayu Award for Best Actress, which caused a lot of controversy. Fan Zhu said on Weibo that Song Chi was trying to protect Zhou Yun I won the Best Supporting Actress award, so I gave it up to Su Yan PR."

Yin Lin: "Has Fan Zhu ever said such a thing?"

"Yes, don't you know? This matter was quite a big deal at the time."

"I have no impression." Yin Lin shook her head, "How could Fan Zhu say such a thing? She has collaborated with Song Chi. Moreover, doesn't she know what the Huayu Award is about? This is not an Oscar-like mechanism. , PR doesn’t mean much.”

Agent: "I don't know the specific details. Anyway, after that, Fan Zhu was originally going to act in "Under the Dress", but in the end she didn't get it. I guess she regretted it. She didn't expect at the time that Zhou Yun It will be so popular in the future."

"Then shall I still go to this dinner?"

"Let's go, it's not a small-scale dinner party with more than 20 people participating." The agent said, "Besides, it is a matter between Zhou Yun and Fan Zhu. Don't you think it's because they don't have a good relationship? Went to attend Yin Lin Zhang Luo's dinner party? It's not for this reason, right?"

Yin Lin: "Zhou Yun is my good friend, and I really don't want to make her feel uncomfortable."

"Who is Zhou Yun? How can he feel uncomfortable because of such a trivial matter?"

Yin Lin sighed: "The main reason is that I am also tired. If I hadn't agreed early in the morning, I really wouldn't want to go."

"It doesn't matter if you go or not, all the big names are going there tonight."


The agent said: "Of the five people nominated for Best Actress this time, you and Zhou Yun just won the award before, and their works this time are not very popular. It is even less possible for Yu Sixian to take advantage of Zhao Wenlan and Lu Jing. "

"Who do you think will win the prize?"

"I think Lu Jing has greater hopes." The agent said, "After all, the protagonist of "One Word" is Chen Jing, Zhang Wenlan still plays a supporting role for him, and he is a newcomer who just graduated from college. Although "The Art of Chongqing" ranked first The protagonist is also Shen Yao, but Lu Jing has a lot of roles and her role is complex. It has been almost 20 years since her debut, so it is very likely to be given to her."

(End of this chapter)

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