I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1060 Who will win the prize?

Chapter 1060 Who will win the prize?

"Who do you think will win the prize tomorrow?"

On the phone, Yu Chu asked curiously.

Zhou Yun said: "Lu Jing."

"Lu Jing?" Yu Chu was a little surprised, "I haven't seen her movie. Did she act well?"

"Yes, she did a good job indeed. Moreover, she has almost no competition this time."

"Huh? Why do you say that?"

"Yin Lin and I have just won awards within two years. The two dramas "Language of Fallen Leaves" and "I Am Your Mother" are also quite controversial, and the reviews are not particularly good. Although Yu Sitian played in "The Left Hand" It's not bad, but a nomination is already a compliment. It's basically impossible for this role and movie to win awards. Zhao Wenlan's "One Word" can be nominated, and it's more because of the theater's sponsors. The quality of the movie is very high, but she In terms of space and complexity of the role, it is not as good as "The Art of Chongqing". In "The Art of Chongqing", Lu Jing created a very rich image of a female Chinese medicine doctor. The funny parts are very loose, but there are several important scenes. All the plays were performed with great care."

Yu Chu: "I thought you could win the prize."

""The Language of Falling Leaves" is not well received by the industry in China." Zhou Yun said, "There is nothing we can do about it. The context is different. It is not like "Behind the Scenes" in that the story it tells does not have regional color. "The Story of Falling Leaves" The regional color of "Yu" is too strong. It is told from the perspective of an overseas traveler about the people and things she encounters after returning to China. Many plots are relatively sensitive and subtle. It is normal for everyone to feel a little conflicted after watching it. "

Yu Chu: "But the box office of this movie is still very good. A literary and artistic film can sell such a high box office."

"Our domestic film awards don't pay much attention to the box office when selecting them. It is different from the Oscars. The Oscars have thousands of judges. If your box office is too low, it means that many judges have not seen your movie at all. ." Zhou Yun said, "We only have a few nominated films and only a few judges. They have too many factors to consider when making selections, and it is easy to concentrate their opinions. Therefore, it is difficult to guess the final list of winners. It’s not difficult.”

Yu Chu: "I quite like the movie "Language of Fallen Leaves". Your performance in it is more delicate than in "Days". There are so many micro-expressions. I watched it several times."

"I'm very happy that you like it. I've already won the Lingjun Award before." Zhou Yun said.

Yu Chu: "Although you said there is little hope, I still wish you win the prize tomorrow!"

"Thank you. With your good words, I also hope to win the prize." Zhou Yun said, "You have to work hard too, Chu Chu."

"I have thought about it. I want to strive for awards. With my current strength, it is estimated that it will be after the age of 40. I will slowly accumulate it. My mentality is very stable now. I think I can still perform my acting skills every day. I'm very lucky to be able to film and play the leading role. I can't be too greedy. Just like that Su Yan, my acting is just like that, and I always feel like I'm not appreciating my talent."

Zhou Yun: "Su Yan?"

"Yes, she often tells people that because she has no background and no one to support her, no matter how good her acting is, she can never win an award." Yu Chu said, "I have heard this from different people. Several times.”

"Is she complaining about something?" Zhou Yun asked, "It's really meaningless to say such things. Is it possible that anyone else will agree with her words? She doesn't have any idea in her heart?"

"Maybe I really don't have any points, otherwise I wouldn't have told so many people." Yu Chu said very calmly, "Anyway, I still feel incomprehensible and aggrieved that I have not been recognized."

Zhou Yun sighed.

Yu Chu: "So, every time I see her, I have to remind myself that I must not become like her character."

"It takes a little bit of skill for you to become like her. I don't think you can become like her at all."

"Nip it in the bud." Yu Chu said, "You may have a hard time believing it. Now that I'm filming on the crew, there are very few directors who criticize me. Every time I finish a scene, they say I did a good job. There's no problem. I feel... It’s unbelievable, I know what the problem is, but because you are the heroine, the director won’t talk about your problem.”

"Oh, there is such a problem." Zhou Yun said, "I have encountered it too."

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore. You have work to do during the day tomorrow, so go to bed early." Yu Chu said, "We will make another appointment when you come back from filming in Spain."

"it is good."
Zhou Yun does still have work to do during the day tomorrow.I had been shooting for two magazines before, and I had been waiting for her schedule. It was not easy to coordinate it until this time.

Each magazine gave three hours of shooting time.

Zhou Yun had to get up early in the morning.

Fortunately, neither of these two shootings took place on location, they were all studio shots.

The filming lasted until three o'clock in the afternoon. Zhou Yun recorded five more VCRs before starting to put on makeup and prepare to attend the awards ceremony in the evening.

"So hungry." Zhou Yun said.

She didn't eat much throughout the day, relying on biscuits and bread to fill her stomach.

While doing her hair style, Liu Yun took out a thermos bucket with boiled dumplings in it.

"I just cooked something for you." Liu Yun said, "Have a few to take a break. The awards ceremony will be broadcast live for more than two hours tonight."

Zhou Yun let out a scream of surprise when he saw the steaming dumplings.

"Xiaoyun, you are so good, I love you!"

Now Zhou Yun just wants to take a hot bite.

The dressing room staff laughed.

After the makeup is completed, Zhou Yun will take a departure photo.

But at this time, Zhang Zifan happened to come over to find her, so Zhou Yun took a few pictures in the corridor of the hotel, and after taking the pictures, he went to chat with Zhang Zifan.

The photographer looked confused and said, "Is this the end of the job?"

He thought to himself, this money is too good to earn.

At this time, Zhou Lan suddenly greeted him and said, "Since Xiaoyun doesn't want to take pictures anymore, come and help us all take pictures."

As Zhou Yun's staff, they all changed into formal clothes today because they had to enter the infield, and they all showed their best looks.

Photographer: "..."
Zhou Yun and Zhang Zifan came to a quiet corner with no one around.

"What are you doing recently?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhang Zifan said: "While editing the film "The Night of Truth", we discussed it and wanted to send this film to the Spring Festival release. Do you think it is appropriate?"

"Me? I think it's okay. It's scary and exciting, but it's not suitable for family fun. If it's placed during the Spring Festival, can it become everyone's first choice for watching movies?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

Zhang Zifan said: "Nowadays, there are very few family-friendly movies during the Spring Festival, mainly because this movie is quite...how should I say, quite exciting. The first half is full of ghosts and ghosts, the second half is scary and frightening, and the final ending is warm and beautiful. Wu Chengbao also I think if this movie is placed during the Spring Festival, the box office will not be bad."

Zhou Yun said: "If it is put on the Spring Festival schedule, the pressure for publicity and distribution will be great. The investment for publicity and distribution is basically on the order of 2000 million. The production cost of our film is only more than [-] million."

(End of this chapter)

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