I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 106 Scandal Begins: 105

Chapter 106 Scandal Begins: 105
Facing the camera.

Voiceover: "When you and Zhou Yun were rumored to be having an affair, what was your first reaction?"

Song Chi in the camera suddenly lowered his head and smiled softly, not a shy and embarrassed smile, but a bit wicked and malicious.

Him: "Who is this person?"

Voiceover (surprised): "Didn't you know Zhou Yun before?"

The expression on his face was taken for granted, and he said, "Ninety-nine percent of people are like me, haven't you heard of her?"

Voiceover: "Then how did you meet her?"

He: "Isn't she maliciously splashed tomato juice at the airport once before? Many people said that my fans did it. She posted on Weibo and said that there is no evidence that my fans did it. Clarified Looking at that incident, I thought she was quite a nice person at the time, so I asked for her WeChat account through a mutual acquaintance to express my gratitude to her."

Voiceover: "So we became friends?"

He: "Of course we can't be friends like this."

Voiceover: "So how did you become friends?"

He hesitated for a while, and said, "I'm afraid that if I speak out, her fans will hit me."

The voiceover was silent for several seconds.

He said: "Because she is quite capable of teasing people, not others, but me, which is different from other people. To be honest, few people dare to tease me in person now."

Voice-over (shocked): "Are you shaking M physique?"

He looked annoyed: "You're the one with M physique! I think she's quite real, so don't pretend!"

Voice-over (with flattery): "I know, I know, after you get to know her, has your impression of her changed?"

He pondered for a moment, and said, "Yes, before we met, when I saw her, what I thought in my heart was, this woman won't try to catch my attention again, right? After I met her, what I think now is, is she not good recently? Too hot? I might as well create some topics for her and make her hotter."

Voiceover (shocked): "You took the initiative to create a topic for her?"

His expression is still taken for granted: "Why do I take the initiative to create topics for her? I hope her career can develop better, okay?"

Voiceover (cautiously): "That's still kind of weird."

He frowned: "Strange?"

Voice-over: "Forget it, let's get here first for today's preparation, Brother Chi, let me confirm with you again, you and Ms. Zhou Yun are really just friends, are you really talking about gossip?"

Song Chi kept a straight face, folded his hands on his chest, and asked, "Otherwise?"

The interview video ends here.

Song Chi, the pilot interview of "After We Were Gossip", went live for only one hour, and the number of views exceeded [-] million.

Netizens had mixed reactions.

Netizen [-] (eating melons happily): Isn't Song Chi officially announcing that he likes Zhou Yun?He is very much like my friend in high school, he likes a girl so much that he doesn't know it, but in the eyes of our friends, he looks as stupid as a husky.

Netizen [-] (suspected to be a fan of Song Chi’s girlfriend): Hahahaha, Song Chi is really handsome and cute, but being able to tell the relationship so frankly in front of the camera shows that he really only regards Zhou Yun as a friend, right? He created topics for Zhou Yun, and he just hoped that Zhou Yun's career would develop better. It's completely a friend's mentality, and I am the same. If there is anything that can help my friend become better, I will do it easily. Song Chi said it was all a piece of cake, such a friend is so handsome, caring and powerful, give me a dozen!

Netizen [-] (suspected to be Song Chi's black fan): I think some people are either really blind, or cover their eyes with her hands, deceiving themselves and others, and living in their own dream castle. This video really makes me sick Damn, what's the point of liking someone without knowing it? Do you think he's a high school student?Come on, how long has he been in the entertainment industry, and you guys still give him the idea of ​​pure love?vomit!What annoys me the most is this kind of man, he is self-righteous, he is very hot when he is flirting, he wants him to admit the relationship and then pats his ass and leaves, dare not admit it, I think he has done a lot of things!Maybe another cannon king!
The above three attitudes, roughly estimated, accounted for 30%, 40%, and 20% respectively, and the remaining 10% was divided by other attitudes.

Generally speaking, the positives are the main ones, and the negatives are supplemented, and the market as a whole shows a good trend.

Luo Yuhu put down his phone in satisfaction, and said, "Look, Brother Chi, I told you that this variety show will become popular, and this topic will be on the top of the list in no time."

Song Chi sneered, and asked, "Don't talk about Zhou Yun's popularity now?"

Luo Yuhu: "If it's a win-win situation, it doesn't matter if she wants to be popular, I just don't like doing charity business."

Song Chi: "There is no charity business. She is the second female lead in "Questioning the Heart". The more popular she is, the better it is for my drama."

In the drama "Questing the Heart", the direction of major interests is still the same.

Therefore, Luo Yuhu didn't refute Song Chi, and said, "Su Yan is making sidelines. They want to ask how much Zhou Yun's role is."

"Afraid of stealing her heroine position?"

"Then after all, Zhou Yun is even more popular now. Who would have thought that Zhou Yun would burn through half the sky when he became popular. Many female celebrities are already guarding against her." Luo Yuhu said, "Let's not talk about it. An example of Zhou Yun is placed here, so jealous, you don’t know how many actresses’ managers are contacting me, wanting to stir up scandals with you.”

"Reject all of them."

"I rejected it a long time ago. Once these people are given a chance to take advantage of them, I hope you will lick all the bones clean. The teams are like wolves, tigers and leopards. Unlike Zhou Yun, they also know how to avoid suspicion. I won't cause you any other trouble."

"It's rare to hear words that praise her from your mouth."

"After all, it became popular suddenly, and the team didn't keep up." Luo Yuhu didn't mean to praise her, "If I were her manager, I would have taken advantage of this wave of popularity to send her to the ranks of first-line female stars gone."

Luo Yuhu said quite complacently.

"Let people remember to monitor the trend of public opinion, and don't let people take it out of context."

"I specially found three people and formed a public opinion monitoring team to keep an eye on you, don't worry." Luo Yuhu said.

"Yeah." Song Chi nodded.

At this time, Song Chi's cell phone rang suddenly.

He connected the phone and called Director Jiang as soon as he opened his mouth.

Luo Yuhu immediately became vigilant, paying attention to what Song Chi said to others.

The phone call was short and ended in a few sentences.

Luo Yuhu was very happy in his heart. It seemed that Director Jiang's intentions were not very strong, so he directly declined.

He thought to himself that his procrastinating attitude should have annoyed Jiang Xin too.

Deliberately make the other party's impression worse, deliberately disrupt the situation.

As long as Jiang Xin voluntarily refuses, Song Chi can't say anything more.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Yuhu looked at Song Chi's face and asked, "What did Director Jiang say when he called you? With such an ugly face, he doesn't agree to direct?"

Song Chi frowned at Luo Yuhu, "No, he called me and said he agreed to be the director."

Luo Yuhu's heart sank instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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