I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 107 Scandal Begins: 106

Chapter 107 Scandal Begins: 106
Facing the camera.

Voiceover: "Xiao Yun, what was your first reaction when you saw the scandal between yourself and Song Chi?"

Zhou Yun laughed and said, "Unbelievable."

Voiceover: "Have you ever thought about having an affair with a big star like Song Chi?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I never thought about it, I am not from the same world at all."

Voiceover: "Aren't they all from the entertainment industry?"

Zhou Yun said: "I'm just a newcomer, and he's already at the top of the pyramid. Will a newcomer in a company feel that he and the company's big boss are from the same world?"

Voice-over (can't help laughing): "It seems to be true, so how do you view these scandals between you and Song Chi?"

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said: "There must be a market for such scandals, but on the other hand, from my point of view, I can't say that I hate this scandal. On the one hand, I have to admit that this incident has brought me a lot of attention. For me at this stage, it is completely a surprise, and it has greatly helped my career development. On the other hand, , also because of this scandal, I got to know Song Chi, a friend, he... he is quite interesting, not as cold as in front of the camera, but he is actually quite cheap in private, which makes people want to hate him, but he He also has a good temper, no matter how much I tease him, he won't really get angry."

Voiceover (full of curiosity): "It sounds like you have a crush on Song Chi?"

Zhou Yun smiled thoughtfully and asked, "What do you want to say?"

Voiceover: "Is it possible for you and Song Chi to fall in love in the future?"

Zhou Yun: "I said it's possible, it seems like Song Chi and I are really close, but we are really just friends now, if I say it's impossible, it seems that I'm too unattractive, I think someone as beautiful as me Big beauty, how can you not admit that you are not attractive?"

Voiceover: "You are so difficult to interview."

Zhou Yun acted like a baby: "Then I can't just jump into the hole you dug for me."

Voice-over (helpless): "Then record this program, do you have any expected results?"

The smile in Zhou Yun's eyes became stronger, and he said: "I hope it will be more popular. I will soon join the filming team. I hope that during the filming period, everyone will not forget me."

Voice-over: "Song Chi said he would create topics for you so that you can continue to be popular."

Zhou Yun said: "When he said in front of the camera that he would help me create a topic, the topic could no longer be created, and then he solemnly stated that Song Chi and I are really not in a relationship, it is really just a relationship. friend!"

This is the end of the video interview.

Compared with Song Chi's online interview video yesterday, Zhou Yun's answer is actually more regular. The only thing that people need to interpret is the answer to the question of whether he will fall in love with Song Chi in the future.

There are also several trends in netizens' attitudes towards her.

Trend [-] (the young lady is so beautiful): This young lady named Zhou Yun is really beautiful, and she smiles sweetly and beautifully. I don't find it strange at all, I like it very much, she speaks very gently, like a small stream, not as irritable as Song Chi said, Song Chi is deliberately slandering the young lady!

Trend [-] (this is really a white lotus flower, a green tea whore): I'm so disgusted, who is this soft and weak tone pretending to be for?Vomit!It's typical to be cheap and act good. Being able to gossip with Song Chi is the greatest blessing in her life. She doesn't have any works, but she suddenly becomes a popular female star, filming and accepting endorsements!I really want to be disgusted by her, how can there be such a brazen person in this world?Hypocritically expressing our position, Song Chi and I are really not in a relationship, we are really just friends, hehe, if Song Chi was willing to fall in love with her, she would have made a big publicity announcement so that the whole world would know about it!
Trend [-] (the number is very small, but because a big V expressed a similar opinion, it attracted many people's attention): Zhou Yun is quite smart. If the answer is written in advance by the team, it's fine. If it is true I answered it on the spot, so I have to admire his EQ.Will she fall in love with Song Chi in the future, the answer may directly make Song Chi's fans fry, but the answer is impossible, and some people will call her a green tea bitch, and have no idea about Song Chi in the name of a friend. The two sides were not pleased, and she turned the question of whether it was possible to fall in love with Song Chi into a question of her own charm, and avoided the pitfalls. This IQ and EQ are absolutely perfect.

There are endless discussions on the Internet and so on.

The program "After We Had a Gossip" has successfully attracted the attention of many people.

Many people began to look forward to the exposure of more stories about Song Chi and Zhou Yun after this program was broadcast.

But at this time, Liang Tian, ​​the director of the program, said: This program is based on the rumored protagonists, and focuses on the real working and living conditions of the two protagonists. Please don't watch this show with the mentality of watching gossip, or you will be disappointed.

As a result, Liang Tian was scolded and became a trending topic.

Zhou Yun was stunned when he saw Liang Tian being scolded on the hot search, and asked Zhou Lan, "What's going on?"

"What else could be the case? To be honest, it annoyed the audience who were looking forward to watching the story of you and Song Chi CP. A group of people strongly condemned Liang Tian's behavior of selling dog meat, and at the same time strongly demanded that the program crew must film more of you and Song Chi. A shot of Song Chi in the same frame."

Zhou Yun: "Huh?"

Zhou Yun asked: "Don't they really hate my relationship with Song Chi?"

"You and his pilot interview successfully attracted a group of CP fans for you. Now only Song Chi's girlfriend fans don't want to see you get too close to him, but there is no way. The crowd is too big, and everyone is more enthusiastic about it. Yu watching the excitement is not a big deal, and the spirit of eating melons is very enthusiastic."

"Uh." Zhou Yun said, "The director is also a bit pitiful."

"I expected it a long time ago. Now that she is scolding her hard, the voices of scolding you for deceiving the audience will decrease. Otherwise, how could Song Chi's team agree to record this show? This must have been communicated early in the morning. It is launched to block the knife and attract firepower. Now the effect is also very good, with high attention and discussion. Believe it or not, the advertisers probably want to smash the director and producer's door."

Zhou Yun: "Okay."

"Don't always think that whoever really suffers is the one who suffers. People who really suffer will not carry everything in silence. You are the reincarnation of a saint."

(End of this chapter)

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