I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 108 Scandal Begins: 107

Chapter 108 Scandal Begins: 107
Zhou Yun thought that everything was on the right track, and that the next six months would be filled with work. She only needed to work step by step and try to do a good job.

However, at this moment, the person who had been hiding behind appeared again.

This time, he was still hiding behind an unfamiliar number and said: Remember what you said yourself, you and Song Chi are just friends, otherwise, I can't guarantee that something will happen to your friend.

When Zhou Yun saw the news, his whole body turned cold.

If this person's voyeurism, stalking, and threats were all aimed at her before, she was not so afraid. Now, this person actually cast his eyes on Song Chi, Zhou Yun dared not Just like before, one person swallowed the information silently, digested it by himself, and ignored it like an illegitimate meal.

If this person really has a brain problem and is stimulated, he will really hurt Song Chi...

When Zhou Yun thought of this, he shuddered all over.

It can't be like this, she won't allow this to happen.

Zhou Yun walked back and forth at home with his mobile phone in his hand, thought about all aspects, and called Song Chi.

Song Chi quickly answered the phone.

"Don't come here to Xingshi to inquire about crimes again."

"No, Song Chi, I have something very serious to tell you."

"You said."

"I...may not be able to tell you clearly on the phone. When are you free these days? Are you in Shanghai? I'll go find you." Zhou Yun said.

Perhaps Zhou Yun never took the initiative to say that he wanted to find Song Chi, which made Song Chi realize that what Zhou Yun wanted to talk to him might be really serious. He said, "I'm in Shanghai now, are you at home?"


"I'll go to your house to find you after work, and I'll call you when I'm almost there."

"it is good."

Zhou Yun hung up the phone and sat on the sofa, restless and restless.

What disturbed Zhou Yun the most was that she still didn't know who this person was.

At first she thought this person was a illegitimate fan, but she didn't expect this person's behavior to become more and more outrageous, and even started to follow her itinerary.

Zhou Yun now suspects that it was this person who heard the rustling noises coming from outside the hotel door that night.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Song came late.

"What happened?" he asked.

Zhou Yun showed Song Chi the news he had received, explained what happened before and after, and said, "I thought about it, and I think I should tell you about this, lest this person really go to extremes and do something to you. .”

On the way Song Chilai thought about many possible reasons why Zhou Yun suddenly came to him, but he didn't expect it to be this one.

"Who is this person, do you have a guess?" Song Chi asked.

Zhou Yun shook his head.

"I have no idea, or I would have told sister Lan a long time ago."

Song Chi was taken aback, and asked, "Haven't you told the company about this?"

"No, when I first received this kind of text message, I thought it was a prank. The number of times I received it was not many, only four times, and there was a long interval between them, so I didn't care about it." Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi couldn't help sighing, and said, "How naive are you to treat this kind of text message as a prank? This kind of thing must be checked by a professional person as soon as possible. Where are these text messages sent to you? Get this guy out as soon as possible!"

"I've checked it, but it's useless. These text messages are all sent from overseas numbers, and the other party has not left traces that can be traced."

"Have you checked?" Song Chi realized that Zhou Yun had lied to him just now.If Zhou Yun really only took it as a prank, why did he have to ask someone to inquire about the source of these SMS numbers in private?
Song Chi only thought that Zhou Yun didn't want him to get entangled in this matter, and didn't pursue it further.

"This kind of person is staring at you, not me, so you should ask the company to strengthen your security measures." Song Chi said, "No, I have to call your agent now, why have you been hiding this kind of thing? Her? Fortunately, nothing happened now. "

"Don't, don't, it's so late now, I'll tell her myself tomorrow."

Zhou Yun prevented Song Chi from calling.

Song Chi looked at Zhou Yun suspiciously, and asked, "What would you say?"

Zhou Yun said: "I can say it, I can say it after I have said it."

Song Chi believed Zhou Yun for the time being, "You'd better tell me, I'll check with your manager."

Zhou Yun: "I told you to come here to tell you to be careful!"

"Don't worry, I'm guarded like a copper wall and an iron wall. With Luo Yuhu around, no flies can fly around me." Song Chi complained.

"Where is he now?"

"Downstairs, I'm waiting in the car." Song Chi said.

"Then go back quickly, that's all I want to tell you, you should be careful."

Song Chi didn't move, and said, "No, I have to check first to see if there is any problem in your house. Some people will even pick the lock to enter your house and install an invisible camera in your house."

Hearing Song Chi's words, Zhou Yun's hair stood on end.

"You're too frightening."

Song Chi: "Don't think I'm joking, this kind of thing happened in some artists' homes, not only at home, but also in hotels. You should pay attention to it yourself in the future, and ask your assistant to learn related knowledge. When you go to any place, check the environment first. Don’t be tricked by someone accidentally. It’s a trivial matter to be tricked by someone. If you find someone watching you by the bed in the middle of your sleep, you may faint from fright. .”

No need for real experience, just listening to Song Chi's description is enough to make Zhou Yun feel nervous.

Zhou Yun was concerned, and followed Song Chi to check everything in his home.

"In the initial inspection, nothing was found, but I suggest you ask your company to find a professional person to come in and check it again." Song Chi said, "Also, it's best to update your door password frequently."

Zhou Yun nodded again and again, agreeing.

Song Chi: "Then I'll go back first."

Zhou Yun: "You pay attention to your own safety."

"I will." Song Chi put on his shoes and urged, "Don't forget to tell your manager about it tomorrow, and I will confirm it with her."

"I know, I know, I must say it."

Song Chi finally left.

Zhou Yun closed the door, thought for a while, and then locked the door. At the same time, he checked whether the windows at home were closed.

In fact, she lived in a high-rise building, so she didn't have to worry about someone climbing in through the window.

But after hearing Song Chi's words, Zhou Yun felt a little bit like an underdog now.

She didn't dare to take it lightly, she couldn't sleep well at night, and woke up several times in the middle of the night, afraid that someone would really be squatting by the bed and watching her.

She reached for her phone from the bed and sent Song Chi a message: You did a good job!I can't sleep well at night!

Who knew that Song Chi was still awake, and replied: You mean to let me go over there to accompany you?

Zhou Yun typed two words with a straight face: Hehe.

(End of this chapter)

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