I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 109 Scandal Begins: 108

Chapter 109 Scandal Begins: 108
Finally, the next morning, Zhou Yun met Zhou Lan and told Zhou Lan about the matter.

Zhou Lan's reaction was bigger than Song Chi's.

She stared and said, "You're only telling me about this now!"

Zhou Yun guessed Zhou Lan's reaction, and knew that he had been hiding Zhou Lan before, which would definitely make Zhou Lan unhappy.

"I didn't take it to heart before." Zhou Yun could only find an excuse for himself.

Zhou Lan: "I will report this matter to the company. In addition, from now on, if you receive such news again, you must tell me as soon as possible."

"Understood." Zhou Yun nodded.

"Fortunately, there is Song Chi."

Zhou Lan immediately contacted the company.If Zhou Yun was the face of Chengqian Entertainment and also a cash cow, He Yong didn't like Zhou Yun, and he wouldn't want to see Zhou Yun have an accident at this time.Once something happened to Zhou Yun, it would affect his work performance.

He Yong immediately arranged a special team of bodyguards for Zhou Yun to guard him in [-]-hour shifts.At the same time, Zhou Yun's apartment was checked inside and out to make sure that there were no bugs, hidden cameras and other things.

"It's really realistic." Zhou Yun sighed.

"Reality?" Zheng Xiaoju didn't react for a while, and didn't know why Zhou Yun was so emotional all of a sudden.

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Once you become useful to others, even if others don't like you, they will protect and value you in order to safeguard your common interests."

"Is this the time for you to sigh here? I'm glad you are useful to him now, otherwise there would be no company to arrange these security measures for you, and you are really being targeted by a stalker. I think you can still talk and laugh here. "Zhou Lan complained.

After being taught such a lesson by Zhou Lan, Zhou Yun immediately let out an annoyed sigh.


In the afternoon, Zhou Yun will participate in a reading session of the crew of "The Eighth Heartbeat".Although it is an online drama, most of the actors are newcomers. Huang Zhong suggested that it is better to create a reading book to help these young actors understand the roles, and it is also beneficial for subsequent filming.

Huang Zhong had originally invited Zhou Yun only symbolically, and never thought that Zhou Yun would come to participate.

Participating in the reading session will waste time, Zhou Yun himself does not want to act in "The Eighth Heartbeat", and now it is getting more and more popular, with so much work, how could he come.

Who knew that Zhou Yun would actually come.

This surprised Huang Zhong a little.

"How did she come?"

When Huang Zhong came into contact with Zhou Yun at the beginning, Zhou Yun didn't want to play "The Eighth Heartbeat". At that time, Zhou Yun told him a lot about her attitude and thoughts in a serious way. I don't want to act in a play, I hope he can provide her with other plays to choose from.

Huang Zhong scoffed at that time.He has been a producer for so long, and he has dealt with many artists in the circle. Over the years, he has seen a lot of people who start to be self-righteous because of their little fame, and their eyes are higher than the top. Later, Huang Zhong didn't want to deal with such artists. , I think they are "artist upstarts", once they become famous, they have not experienced too many things, they think they have finally got up, and they look down on this or that.It's just that the current film and television industry is like this, whoever is popular, investors will trust and choose whoever they want.

If it wasn't for the director Lu Yuanfei who wanted to choose Zhou Yun, Huang Zhong actually still had a few candidates in his hands. With Zhou Yun's popularity at that time, he wouldn't be considered the first echelon.

Who knows, in the next two months, Zhou Yun's momentum will be like a rocket.

There are no dramas on the air, but the popularity continues to rise one after another and remains high.

This kind of high popularity for several months made Zhou Yun's name appear in the high-level meetings of Yuehai.com.

In addition, "The Eighth Heartbeat" has also become a project that high-level executives pay attention to.

Not to mention, when VX came to contact "The Eighth Heartbeat" and gave Zhou Yun a wave of high-value sponsorship, the momentum was like turning on a faucet, and the water started to flow.

Zhou Yun's several FMCG endorsements are all optimistic about Zhou Yun's drama, so they came to sponsor him.

In just one month, the filming of "The Eighth Heartbeat" has not yet started, and this small-budget web drama has already paid off.

Huang Zhongdu was personally called by the big boss, praising him for his vision.

This made Huang Zhong not know what to say.

But there is one thing he knows very well, Zhou Yun is no longer the artist he used to use when he wanted to, and not to use when he didn't want to.

After all, to some extent, capital is the right to speak.

Special treatment followed immediately.

When Zhou Yun and his party rushed to Yuehai.com's company, they even arranged for a special person to connect with them and provide full service. Not only did they prepare a separate lounge, but they also had to go to the scene to queue up to buy everything from refreshments to drinks that day.

"This Xiaogongcha has only one family in Shanghai. They don't do takeout, but only order offline. They are really sincere." Zhou Lan said in surprise, looking at the drinks prepared for Zhou Yun on the coffee table.

Zhou Yun had never heard of Xiao Gongcha, he was a little surprised and asked, "Really?"

"Well, it's very famous. It's also very popular on the Internet. It takes an hour to queue up. The key is zero fat. It's the most suitable for a female artist like you who needs to manage her figure."

"Really? I'll try."

Zhou Yun stayed in the lounge for more than ten minutes when someone knocked on the door.What Zhou Yun and the others didn't expect was that it was Huang Zhong who personally invited her to read the book together.

When Huang Zhong accompanied Zhou Yun to the conference room, everyone else had already arrived.

Everyone looked at Zhou Yun with different eyes.

"Everyone is here, let's start." Huang Zhong sat down and said to director Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan first asked everyone to briefly introduce his character.

Zhou Yun did his homework before coming, and briefly introduced his character, a young girl who failed the test. When she was struggling to find a job, she met the male god she had a crush on in high school, and a series of stories unfolded from then on.

This is actually a very sweet and loving love story. The structure of the script actually follows the logical line of the story from reunion, to further understanding, to misunderstanding in the middle, to resolution of misunderstanding, confirmation of love relationship, to quarrel, to Break up, and then the two people still like each other by accident, and finally have a happy ending.

Related to her growth experience, Zhou Yun didn't like to watch dramas of this kind since she was a child. She didn't believe that there were people in this world who liked it for nothing, and she didn't believe that life was as lucky and beautiful as in this script.

But this kind of play is really sweet and will be liked by many young girls.

People are like this, the harder it is to get in reality, the easier it is to dream.

The reading will be halfway through, with a break in between.

Zhou Yun went to the bathroom, and after he came out, he didn't go back to the meeting room directly, but found a place to get some air, when suddenly he heard a low voice from the side: "Don't put everything on your face!"

(End of this chapter)

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