Chapter 1065 Changes 2
The money is running out.

This is not a small matter.

When Zhou Yun took on the role, he never thought that this would happen.

For directors like Antonio, they usually have their own fixed investors, and there are rarely problems with funding.

How did she catch up?
Zhou Yun asked Julieta what the specific reason was.

Julieta said that she didn't know either. She only knew that the next few payments from investors had not arrived as promised. Now Antonio and his company had borrowed money from the bank to continue filming the film. They originally thought that when the investors' money arrived, it would be fine. Turnover started, but who knew the investor’s money never arrived.

The investor's money is generally not transferred directly in one lump sum. It is usually paid in installments according to the preparation and shooting stages of the crew.

For example, Zhou Yun has not paid half of her remuneration, and the payment will not be paid until she finishes filming the movie.

This is also a normal process.

According to Julietta, if the investors' money doesn't arrive later, she won't be able to receive half of her salary.

What Zhou Yun cares about is not the remuneration, what she cares about is whether the film can continue to be filmed?

It was only then that Zhou Yun realized that she had not seen producer Reno Peggy for several days.

Probably to raise money.

The news about the crew's lack of funds has not yet spread, and most people don't look strange.

Zhou Yun can only hope that Linuo Peggy can resolve the matter in the next few days, otherwise the crew may not be able to get things started later.

After all, for some support departments such as field management and logistics, their wages are usually paid once a week. If they cannot pay their wages, they will definitely go on strike.

In addition to these, there are also these photography equipment, related equipment and shooting locations, usage funds, rent, consumables, daily meals, vehicles, etc., all of which require money.

At least finish filming first.

Probably because of the financial pressure, Antonio's mood was not particularly high today.

Even Wade was secretly asking her if there was something he didn't do well that made Director Antonio angry.

Director Antonio is not the kind of director who will directly speak out or scold you when he is angry. Therefore, sometimes when Wade does not perform well, Antonio will also become angry, silent, or have low pressure.That's why Wade had such a misunderstanding.

Zhou Yun comforted Wade and told him that he performed well today and that the director's low mood had nothing to do with him.

Antonio's problem can only be solved by Lino Peggy.

Now Zhou Yun can only hope that Lino Peggy will come back soon.
"A baby asked, Zhou Yun is very popular recently, and asked me if anything interesting happened when I worked with her?"

In the live broadcast room, Li Ci smiled after reading a netizen's question.

"Zhou Yun is not very popular recently. Has there ever been a day when she was not popular in the past few years? There is no more popular female star than her in the country." Li Ci said directly, "The crew of her recent filming has encountered some problems. , However, this is not a big deal. That is Director Antonio. Do you think he is a bit controversial? Isn’t this a good cake? Let me tell you, as for this director, if he wants to find any actor to act, basically They won’t refuse, they are so awesome, world-class directors, Spanish national treasure directors, this is no joke, their works are all in Spanish, almost no Hollywood actors are used, but their films are often shortlisted for Oscars , and often wins awards, what actor wouldn't want to act in his dramas." After mentioning Zhou Yun, the comments in Li Ci's live broadcast room started to flood one after another, and the number of views was also rising.

The director opposite wrote a prompt board and asked him to talk more about Zhou Yun.

Li Ci was irritated, but now this live broadcast room was his only job and his source of income. He also had to find ways to increase the popularity of the live broadcast room.

So, Li Ci continued: "I know, in fact, there are many actors who can't eat grapes and say sour grapes, so they follow Zhou Yun. But, to be honest, Zhou Yun really has nothing to hate. She is a noble person. , he has a bad temper, but he is second to none in other aspects, his acting skills are good, his luck is good, his works are also good, what else is there to say."

"Okay, we are about to launch a new product. Dear babies, the milk powder I am going to recommend to you next is our domestic product, the Light of Light..."


After the live broadcast ended, Li Ci asked the staff on site a little irritably: "How was the live broadcast data today?"

The on-site director said: "The period when you mentioned Zhou Yun was the time when the number of viewers was the highest, exceeding 1000 million, and the average number of viewers remained at 600 million. However, the goods sold today are also selling well, much better than yesterday. ”

After every live broadcast, the staff will review today's live broadcast with Li Ci.

When talking about what to do next, the planner and on-site director said: "Li Ci, your biggest advantage is that you are a star artist and you have a huge fan base, and you know and have played with many artists in the industry. Jiaodao, we can tell a little story about you and other artists in the live broadcast room every day, so that everyone will be willing to stay and stay in your live broadcast room every day."

Li Ci frowned and said, "These things are not written in the script prepared for me. Do you want me to say it on the spot?"

Every day, a scriptwriter would write scripts for Li Ci to say and make jokes in the live broadcast room.

What Li Ci said about Zhou Yun today was based on the questions he asked during the barrage. Unexpectedly, the effect was very good.

In fact, Li Ci didn't want to talk about these artists.

He was also a top artist before, but now he is reduced to selling goods in the live broadcast room, while others are doing better and better. In comparison, he inevitably looks very depressed.

The planner seemed to have seen the resistance in his heart and said directly: "We must continue to maintain the popularity of the live broadcast room. You have been running the live broadcast room for a while, and everyone's interest in you has gradually declined. If we don't want to attract more people to maintain the popularity of the live broadcast room, The popularity makes everyone continue to stay in our live broadcast room, and no brand may be willing to enter the venue later.”

As soon as Li Ci heard this, the resistance in his heart was put aside.

To be honest, he is not willing to leave just now. Although the live broadcast room is relatively low, it is the only thing he can do at the moment.

Moreover, the income brought by the live broadcast room is not high.

Compared with real money, Li Ci, who has been angry for several years, is now more pragmatic.

Li Ci thought for a while and nodded.

"Okay, let's continue talking about Zhou Yun tomorrow?"

"We bought you a hot search entry. We specially cut out the passage you mentioned about Zhou Yun. Now it's quite popular on the Internet. When everyone sees you mentioning Zhou Yun, they all want to read it. I guess tomorrow More people will come to your live broadcast room because of these hot searches. Tomorrow let’s continue talking about Zhou Yun and another artist’s story. Tell a little bit every day.” After the planner finished speaking, he added, “Also, " Have you seen the movie "Female Killer"? I will also evaluate this movie tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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