I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1066 Thoughts on the Small Sentence

Zhou Lan rolled his eyes hugely.

"I can't get rid of this dog-skin plaster." She saw that Li Ci and Zhou Yun's name were on the hot search again. Looking at it again, this time Li Ci didn't say anything bad about Zhou Yun, but praised Zhou Yun. Of course, the sentence "A person is a little noble, a little bad-tempered" still sounds very harsh.

When Zhou Lan rolled his eyes, Zheng Xiaoju was sitting opposite her.

Tonight, the two of them met at a bar to drink and chat.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Li Ci is riding on Sister Xiaoyun's popularity, so that his live broadcast room will be more popular."

Zhou Lan: "Before, I found someone to release a bunch of information about him acting like a big star on the set, but it didn't have any impact on him. Everyone already knew what kind of person he was anyway, and it didn't cause any excitement at all. On the contrary, he was still generous. Di said in the live broadcast room that he really had a bad temper before, but now that he knows it, he has already corrected himself. Damn it, he even acted like he had reformed his evil ways, and a bunch of people actually believed him."

Zheng Xiaoju said with a smile: "Sister Lan, why are you angry with him? It's not like you don't know how annoying he is. You already know how annoying he is. Why are you still angry about it? If he wants to mention you, just let him." , but if he says something bad again, don’t say more, sue him directly and ask him to shut down the live broadcast room a few times to see if he still dares to say it.”

Zhou Lan looked at Zheng Xiaoju in surprise and said, "Xiaoju, you are getting more and more courageous now. You are right. You should find a way to stop him from talking nonsense."

"Actually, what you did last time, Sister Lan, was effective. This time, he only praised Sister Xiaoyun and didn't talk nonsense anymore." Zheng Xiaoju pouted, "It's not easy for him either. There was an online drama before, and I I went to find the male lead for Huang Zicheng. When Huang Zicheng auditioned, he also met Li Ci. He also came to audition. At that time, I thought that since Li Ci came, Huang Zicheng would have no chance. After all, he was the traffic he once was. A skinny camel is better than a horse. Big, I didn’t expect him to take the initiative to audition. They finally decided on a new person, and they would rather bet on a new person than give him a chance as a top player."

"He has so much black material lying around, who dares to give him a chance." Zhou Lan said, "But can Zicheng not be able to compete with newcomers now?"

"The main reason is that the role is not suitable." Zheng Xiaoju said, "The image of Zicheng is not suitable for the image of the male protagonist. In the script, he is a thin and fair boy. Zicheng, with his muscular body and sunny appearance, is completely It didn’t fit the bill, and I only found out later from the producer.”

Zhou Lan: "Then there's nothing we can do."

Zheng Xiaoju said: "This year, Zicheng and Zhongting have been seamlessly joining the set for filming. I asked them to take a break, but they didn't agree. The total rest time for the two of them did not exceed ten days. The time between the two films , I also used it all to learn acting, riding and shooting, and also practiced kung fu. I really worked hard to learn skills for myself."

Although there are many people in the bar, their corner is still relatively quiet and suitable for chatting.

"Both of their children have upright hearts, which is very good." Zhou Lan said.

"I think Sister Lan and Sister Xiaoyun often chat with them, which is of great help to them." Zheng Xiaoju said, "The biggest instability factor for the two of them before was their insecurity. They felt that they were not popular and could not see the future. Hope, but it is obvious that after they know that your plan for them is to take their time and not rush to become famous overnight, nor care whether they become popular in the next few years, their mentality has also adjusted accordingly. Now their I have a very positive attitude, trying to improve myself and waiting for opportunities.”

"Actually Liu Gang is a very good example. Look at him, he only became famous when he was 40 years old. Of course, this is also because he encountered a movie like "The Female Killer", which gave him room to show his talents." Zhou Lan said, "Little What Yun You said is right. You must have the ability of an actor like Liu Gang to make you famous. Otherwise, what's the point of becoming as popular as Li Ci? Li Ci's popularity back then The traffic and traffic are comparable to Song Chi, but as a result, Song Chi is still firmly at the top of the list of young actors, while Li Ci can only go to the live broadcast room to sell goods."

Zheng Xiaoju nodded: "Yes, I am becoming more and more aware of this." "We are a studio, and there is no burden. We are not in a hurry for Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting to make money. They can film in peace and quiet. Slowly improve your acting skills, and one day you will be seen." Zhou Lan said, "They are following the path of actors."

"I understand. Oh, by the way, Sister Lan, I want to tell you something. I want to sign an artist." Zheng Xiaoju said.

Zhou Lan was stunned, a little surprised, and asked: "Actor? Who is it?"

Zheng Xiaoju shook his head and said: "She is not an actress. To be precise, she is a comedian. She is still in college. She often records some funny videos. One day I accidentally saw her video and followed her. I have been following her for half a year, and her funny videos have a high number of clicks, but because they are all designed by herself, there is no promotion, and they have not become particularly popular."

Zhou Lan frowned slightly: "Comedian? Our studio has never signed an artist of this type."

"Yeah." Zheng Xiaoju said, "I want to give it a try. I really like her funny videos. Besides, there are actually quite a few female funny artists."

Zhou Lan asked: "Then have you thought about the direction in which you will train her after signing her?"

"Variety show." Zheng Xiaoju said with certainty, "Nowadays, variety show is a very important sector, but all the people contracted by our studio are actors. In the variety show, everyone is relatively rare. In fact, you also know that our studio's Actors, except Sister Yu Chu, are more or less influenced by Sister Xiaoyun and don’t appear in variety shows very much.”

Zhou Lan nodded: "That's true, but it's precisely because of this that even if we sign such a person back, we may not have the ability to be such an artist."

Zheng Xiaoju said: "I will work hard. I have been observing her for half a year. The more I watch, the more I like her, and it also makes me full of fighting spirit."

"Have you had any contact with her?"

"No, I haven't asked for your consent yet, and I'm afraid of giving her hope in vain." Zheng Xiaoju said.

Zhou Lan said, "Send me the link to her video homepage. I'll take a careful look at it before I give you a reply. To be honest, I'm a little unsure."

"No problem, Sister Lan, I will send it to you right away, don't worry."

Zheng Xiaoju obviously has full confidence in the person she likes.

Zhou Lan couldn't help but think to himself that Xiaoju finally started to have his own ideas and the direction he wanted to work towards. (End of chapter)

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