Zhou Yun has made a lot of money in the past few years. His own earnings, plus the studio's dividends and the returns from investing in various film and television dramas, add up to almost more than [-] million.

The movie "Female Killer" was a big hit. According to the agreement between Zhou Yun and Xindun, the box office of "Female Killer" reached 35 billion, and Xindun will pay Zhou Yun a bonus of 2 million yuan.

Zhou Lan originally wanted a 5% dividend, but Xindun felt that the pressure was too great, so Zhou Yun took another approach. If "Female Killer" did not reach a box office of 10 billion, Zhou Yun would get a fixed salary. When the box office reaches more than 10 billion, Zhou Yun will be given a bonus of 5000 million, and then for every additional 5 million in box office, a new bonus number will be added. When the box office reaches 35 billion, the bonus number will reach 2 million, which exceeds the 5% dividend.

But at that time, New Shields did not expect that this movie would actually reach this box office figure.

Originally based on a 5% box office share, Singdon only had to pay an additional 1.75 million in dividends, but now it has to pay an additional 2500 million.

No one thought of it.

This is still the domestic market, as well as the overseas market. Zhou Yun wants to get actual dividends, and the dividend ratio has reached 7%.

Therefore, Zhou Yun is indeed not short of money at all.

The money she earned from the movie "Female Killer" was equal to her income in the past two years.

Just two days after the news came out that "A Boy Destroyed by Desire" had financial problems and was about to stop filming, the news came out that director Antonio and star Zhou Yun spent their own money to help the film continue filming.

Since the filming of this movie started, various news has come out from time to time. It can be said that among Antonio's works, it was the most popular before it was even shot.

At the same time, some people were curious about how much money Zhou Yun took out.

This number has not been disclosed.

Zhou Yun didn't want these news to overwhelm him.

At this time, Jerrod Sanchi returned from the investigation.

He brought news that Zhou Yun did not expect.

"The source of funds behind this matter seems to be a Korean consortium." Jerrod Sanchi said.

"What?" When Zhou Yun heard the word "Korea", he immediately thought of Li Zhentai from the Taikang Group in South Korea.

In Korea, that person was the only one who was so hostile to her.

Jerrod Sanchi said: "If it wasn't the person who wanted to attack you with a baseball bat, I wouldn't have been able to find out. His money was transferred to his card separately, and the person who transferred the money to him was a Korean. , has been working in Spain for many years, but he was working for a Korean consortium called Taikang in Spain."

Zhou Yun understood immediately.

Well, the matter has come to light.

It's really Li Zhentai's grandson who is causing trouble behind his back.

She nodded and said, "Thank you, Gerald. The information you found out is very useful to me."

"Do you know who is behind you?" Gerald Sanchi asked.

Zhou Yun nodded.

"Jerrod, are you willing to accept another commission? This commission may be dangerous, but I will not let you suffer." Zhou Yun said.

Gerald Sanchi was stunned and asked, "What commission? Is it related to the person behind the scenes who wants to investigate you?"

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "I want you to find out all the dirty information about him for me."

A firm and murderous light flashed across Zhou Yun's eyes.

Gerald Sanchi said: "It should be quite difficult."

"Yes, it's not easy." Jerod Sanchi was silent for two seconds, smiled slightly, and said, "That's great, what I like most is challenging work."
Zhou Yun finished chatting with Gerald Sanchi and reached an agreement, feeling relieved in his heart.

After figuring out why these people came to protest and demonstrate, Zhou Yun was no longer so uneasy.

Knowing that someone is behind the scenes will lead to unknown troubles.

Zhou Yun got in the car and prepared to go to the set.

She has her last scene with Julietta today.

After filming, Julietta was finished.

Zhou Yun sat in the car and wrote an email to Zhou Lan, telling Zhou Lan what Jerrod Sanchi had investigated and his new commission for Jerrod Sanchi.

She edited a long paragraph, checked it was correct, and sent it.

Zhou Yunchang was about to turn off his phone when suddenly, the car suddenly braked.

The bodies of everyone in the car suddenly fell forward due to inertia.

Zhou Yun was sitting in the back seat without wearing a seat belt, and his head hit the back of the seat in front of him.

Fortunately, it was a soft cushion, so she wasn't hurt. It was just a hard bump that made her a little dizzy.

She looked up and found that there was a pool of red stuff splashed on the windshield. She didn't know what it was. It completely blocked her view. No wonder the driver had to make an emergency stop.

"Bang bang bang!" Suddenly someone slapped her car window frantically.

Zhou Yun was startled, and when she turned around, she found someone outside the window spitting at her and cursing something with a fierce look on her face.

Xiao Meng immediately pulled Zhou Yun over, put her arms around Zhou Yun's shoulders, then took out her mobile phone and made a call.

"The main vehicle is under attack and is requesting support."

After hanging up the phone, Xiaomeng said to Zhou Yun: "Don't be afraid, our car has been specially treated. Even if they hit it with a metal rod, they can't break in. It can last for at least 10 minutes."

Zhou Yun nodded, and his nervousness slowly eased.

She suddenly thought of something and immediately took out her mobile phone.

She turned on the video mode, pointed at the people outside the window, and said while recording: "On the way to the set, I was attacked by these people. They poured a pool of red liquid of unknown origin on my car. They also surrounded my car. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but this behavior was too much. I hope the police in Spain can severely punish these people. This is my first time filming in Spain. I don't know this. Who inspired people to commit such thug-style attacks? No matter what, it caused serious psychological harm to me. I am very angry. I also hope these people can pay the price for their actions today! "

Zhou Yun immediately posted the video on his social media.

Every media outlet posted it.

She angrily said to these people in English: "I tell you, every one of your faces was photographed by me, and you will pay the price for your actions!"

At this moment, the people surrounding her car suddenly dispersed.

Zhou Yun thought it was her words that scared these people, but soon she knew that it was Li Yang who took the bodyguards to take action.

They carried pepper spray and sprayed the mob heavily.

Zhou Yundu heard many people screaming in pain.

At this moment, Zhou Yun just felt relieved!

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