I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1069 Trust Relationships

Chapter 1069 Trust Relationships
When Zhou Yun finally arrived at the set, everyone on the set already knew that Zhou Yun had been attacked on the road.

The video Zhou Yun posted on social media, as well as her angry voice in the video, rang deafeningly on everyone's mobile phones.

Linuo Peggy and his people were preparing to rescue Zhou Yun, but on the way they met Zhou Yun and his party who had already escaped from trouble.

"Are you injured?" Lino Page asked immediately.

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I was not injured. I stayed in the car, but I was shocked."

Lino Page angrily denounced: "These thugs!"

Zhou Yun said: "Linuo, I originally thought that the attacks they launched on the streets were over and they were all caught. I didn't expect that they would come back again today. We need to strengthen the security of the crew. I have a complete security team myself. But there wasn’t one on the set, and I’m worried they’ll show up again.”

Lino Peggy looked distressed.

More security personnel will require more spending.

Now the crew is saving their money. If this expenditure is to be increased, the financial pressure will be even greater.

Seeing this, Zhou Yun guessed that Lino Peggy was in trouble. He thought for a while and said, "Lino, leave this matter to me and I will arrange it. I really don't want any more problems to happen to the crew."

Lenore Page sheepishly said thank you to her.

Since the filming of this drama, Zhou Yun has not only shown her charming acting skills, but also helped the crew a lot.

Lino Peggy was embarrassed to face Zhou Yun. After all, they were the ones who invited Zhou Yun to such an accident-prone crew.

Zhou Yun patted Lino Peggy on the shoulder and said: "Don't be so polite. When we are filming in China, people often describe the crew as a big family, a team. We are a family that supports each other, and we are also comrades who fight together. , our crew also has the same relationship."

Linuo Peggy nodded and said: "Family and comrades-in-arms, these two words describe it really well."

Zhou Yun smiled.

When they arrived at the set, Antonio immediately came over and asked her if she wanted to take a rest. If she couldn't, the scene would be moved to tomorrow, and he would go and communicate with Julietta.

Zhou Yun shook his head and said no.

She didn't want to be delayed because of her own affairs, leaving Julieta to stay on the set for one more day.

Julietta is touching up her makeup.

When she saw Zhou Yun, she said very sincerely: "Now I finally know why you have to prepare so many bodyguards. In a situation like today, it is impossible not to have so many bodyguards."

Zhou Yun laughed.

"Thank you."

"Luckily nothing happened to you, otherwise Antonio would have blamed himself to death." Julietta whispered to her, "After he heard that you were attacked on the way here, he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. I'm very worried about you getting hurt."

"He is a director who really cares about his actors." Zhou Yun said, "I am really touched to be able to work with him."

Julietta said: "He will never cooperate with a big company. He opened a production company with Lino Peggy so that he can always produce the movies he likes. His achievements today all come from Because of his own persistence, he has won everyone's respect."

Indeed, creative directors like Antonio Sirra are so inconsistent with the style of Hollywood.

Zhou Yun couldn't imagine what it would be like for him to go to Hollywood to make a movie.

Fortunately, he did not go, so his movies will always be based on the customs and customs of Spain, and will always be his own color.

After filming the last scene with Julietta, Zhou Yun hugged her affectionately and said goodbye to her.

"Julieta, I have benefited a lot from working with you in filming. It is no exaggeration. You are one of the best actors I have ever met. I really hope to have more opportunities to film with you in the future." Julieta was happy. Said: "There will definitely be opportunities in the future."

Zhou Yun said: "I don't know if you are willing to come to China to film. If you are willing, I am very willing to find a suitable opportunity for us to work together again."

Julietta said: "If it was your invitation, I think I would agree."

"That's great." Zhou Yun hugged Julieta again, then retreated, leaving Julieta to Antonio.

Antonio gave Julietta a bouquet of flowers.

"There is really no need to say more between us," Julietta said.

But as soon as she finished speaking, Antonio's eyes turned red.

He hugged Julietta emotionally and said, "You are great! Thank you for coming."

Julieta patted him on the back like a child and said: "Okay, Antonio, don't be like a child and be reluctant to leave me. I'll wait for your next play."

At this moment, Zhou Yun was moved by the scene before him.

Undoubtedly, even though Julietta is only a supporting actress in this movie, there is an emotion between her and Antonio that cannot be replaced by others.

Perhaps this time she became the heroine, receiving the most attention and emotion from Antonio.

However, that cannot replace the subtle trust between Julietta and Antonio.

Every director always has his favorite actors.

Julietta may be Director Antonio's treasured actor.

Everyone bid farewell to Julietta.

In the subsequent scenes, there are no more roles to be filmed.

Almost every role that appears and has a role may only have two or three scenes, and will not stay on the set for nearly 20 days like Julietta.

Zhou Yun smiled at Wade and said, "Wade, are you envious of the familiar feeling between Julietta and Antonio?"

Ward nodded.

He said: "Antonio has been teaching me very gently these days how to be an actor. I rely on him very much, but I still don't have the ability to make him rely on me. When I see him in a bad mood or sad, I don't know what to do. He was at a loss to comfort him, but Julietta was able to give him strength and support.”

Zhou Yun: "It's okay. That's because you haven't known Antonio for a long time. This is your first time filming. This is the eighth time Julieta has worked with Antonio. What a trusting relationship it is to cooperate." So many times, even I am very envious of such a cooperative relationship."

Ward nodded.

Zhou Yun asked: "Now that you are filming intimate scenes with me, will you be able to break the barriers in your heart?"

Walder was asked such a question out of the blue. He was stunned for a moment, then blushed.

Zhou Yun laughed.

"I can feel these days that you are slowly adapting to the role of an actor. For us, entering the state of the character and acting is our profession. If those intimate scenes have its meaning, then we must What you have to do is let yourself understand it, experience it, and then perform it.”

Walder hummed.

"You're a very talented actor, you can do it."

(End of this chapter)

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