I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1070 Bonuses and Dividends

Chapter 1070 Bonuses and Dividends

Over the past 20 days, Zhou Yun and Wade have established a relationship of mutual trust.

Because Wade's scenes were basically shot with Zhou Yun, and before each shooting, Zhou Yun would take him to rehearse many times and give him a lot of guidance.

Wade also gradually became dependent on Zhou Yun.

If we were to shoot intimate scenes at this time, Zhou Yun felt that Ward's discomfort and obstacles would be able to be overcome.

Ward is quite talented in acting.His talent lies in his ability to easily present a pure concentration of emotion. Whether it is a procedural scene or a highlight scene, every time he performs, as long as he finds the right direction, his emotions are completely consistent. The state matches, especially the pure feeling, which cannot be acted out, it is his true nature.

Ward is actually not a pure person.

He is not that innocent, and he never hides it himself.

But in front of the camera, he seemed to have unearthed another personality from his own body.

Zhou Yun was very surprised by Wade's appearance.

"After you finish filming this movie, are you going to continue to be an actor?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wade nodded and said, "This is a great opportunity."

"Have you signed with a brokerage company?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wade shook his head and said: "Antonio told me not to rush to sign with the agency now. He told me that after the movie is released, I will sign with them and I can get better terms."

"Well, that's true." Zhou Yun nodded, "But, Ward, what are you going to do after the filming of this movie is completed? After the filming is completed, it will still take some time before it is released."

"I didn't think it through either." Wade continued to shake his head.

Zhou Yun said: "Are you going to stay in Spain and film in the future, or go to Hollywood?"

Wade was still shaking his head, "I haven't thought about this problem. My English is still very poor, and I can't communicate with people in Hollywood."

"English itself is just a skill. Your English is getting better and better now. If you really want to develop in Hollywood, this is definitely not a problem. Once you get to that language environment, you will quickly adapt."

The two were chatting when Antonio came over.

"Hey, my beautiful children, what are you talking about?" he asked.

Zhou Yun said: "Chat."

Since the crew's financial problems were resolved, Antonio has returned to his warm and gentle self.

Antonio told them with a smile that the film might participate in the Cannes Film Festival next May and premiere in Cannes.

"Wow, that's great." Zhou Yun asked, "Can the movie be completed before then?"

"Almost." Antonio nodded, "I hope you can find time to participate."

Zhou Yun nodded: "I will save time."

Major film festivals have been proactively approaching the works of great directors like Antonio early on, hoping to get their new works to be screened at their own film festivals.
"According to the news we have received, "Sui" is likely to be shortlisted for the main competition unit of the Berlin Film Festival."

After hearing the report from the people below, Yao Yuanfeng smiled and shook his head.

"You really deserve to be Wen Bing. The last time "Days" was shortlisted for the Horizon section of the Cannes Film Festival, this time "Sui" will be shortlisted for the main competition section of the Berlin Film Festival."

"They contacted us very actively about participating in the exhibition, and they also very much hope that we can take "Sui" to participate in the Berlin Film Festival." Yao Yuanfeng said: "As long as we can be shortlisted for the main competition unit, what else is there to say? Of course."

"The official list has not been confirmed yet. According to the practice of previous years, everything is subject to change." The people below immediately added another sentence, fearing that they would not be shortlisted for the main competition unit.

Yao Yuanfeng said: "The previous film "Language of Fallen Leaves" by Xue Qin was not allowed to go to Berlin because the other party refused to agree to the main competition unit. "Sui"... How much do you estimate the box office of this film will be? ?”

"In our country, the box office is estimated to be between 1 million and 2 million. This is a situation where the sales are particularly good. In fact, based on the production cost of this movie, it is a profit no matter what."

At first, Xindun was not willing to make this film. He hoped that Wen Bing would focus on the "One Mountain Two Tigers" and "The Female Killer" series and stop making such low-budget literary films. Therefore, Xindun was not too supportive. The filming of this film.

But Wen Bing insisted on filming, and even invited Zhou Yun to film with him, so Yao Yuanfeng had no choice but to give the green light in the end.

For this literary film, Zhou Yun did not get the normal market price, but a symbolic salary of 100 million yuan, and also added a 5% profit dividend.

Yao Yuanfeng said: "Look, we were reluctant to pay the film in the beginning and took dividends in exchange for it. As a result, everyone could get more income than the film salary every time. The first part of "The Female Killer" had a box office of 35 billion, and she was the only one to do so. One person can get a bonus of 2 million, not counting the subsequent overseas box office."

No one spoke.

Who would have thought that "The Killer" could have such an exaggerated box office hit?
No one dares to think about it.

Yao Yuanfeng said: "Have you talked to Zhou Yun about the second part of "Female Killer"? She hasn't signed a performance contract for the second part yet?"

"Zhou Lan said that we will discuss the specific contract details after the overseas box office results of "The Female Killer" are released."

This makes it clear that the conditions must be improved.

Yao Yuanfeng's face immediately darkened.

However, Zhou Yun's current momentum is too exaggerated and too fierce.

The box office performance of "The Killer" has left everyone speechless, and "The Killing Song" will be released around the world.

Yao Yuanfeng said: "When "Killing Song" is released around the world, if it also becomes a hit, then the conditions we will give to the second part of "The Killer" will be doubled."

Zhou Lan cut him too hard.

But Yao Yuanfeng still had to let her cut it.

Zhou Yun can not do the second part of "The Female Killer", but Xin Dun can't do it.

Now Zhou Yun is the one with the bidding power.

Yao Yuanfeng mentally estimated for a while and calculated a bottom-line price.

Excluding overseas income, Zhou Yun's prepaid salary for starring in the second part of "The Killer" will be up to 6000 million yuan at most. After that, whether it is box office dividends or bonuses based on box office figures, the maximum cannot exceed 2 million yuan. This is his bottom line.

Unless Zhou Yun tells him now that the box office of the second part of "Female Killer" can exceed 50 billion, then ok, he is willing to add 1 million to the bonus number.

After the calculation, Yao Yuanfeng felt even more painful in his heart.

For actors to receive such high remuneration, basically no one else in New Shields can do this except Zhou Yun.

Even Liang Yuanpu of "One Mountain Two Tigers" received an advance salary of 1000 million plus 5% dividends. Liang Yuanpu has been able to get this figure based on his status for decades, but Zhou Yun got even more than him. .

(End of this chapter)

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