Chapter 1071

""Three Thousand Worlds" is about to be finished. What do you think of the movie I will arrange for you later, the script written by Liu Qidong?"

When Zhou Lan was on the phone with Wang Jing, they talked about the subsequent arrangements.

Wang Jing said: "I like it very much."

Zhou Lan laughed when Wang Jing said these three words and breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, as long as you like it, then after "Three Thousand Worlds" is completed, we will prepare this movie together. This is your first movie." Let’s do a good job in a movie with a starring role.”

Wang Jing immediately hummed and said, "Sister Lan, producer Long Lingxiang just contacted me and asked me if I have any arrangements from June to September next year. She said there is a film she wants me to act in."

Long Lingxiang is the producer of the web drama "Youth Story" who worked with Wang Jing.

This drama was originally assigned to Wang Jing by Zhou Lan.

After the show was aired, it got a pretty good reputation, and it has a group of fans of its own, making it a hit.

Zhou Lan said: "Her plays? The quality of her plays is pretty good. What did you say?"

"I said I would love to act, but I don't know what the company's arrangements are for me next year, and I don't know if I have time."

"Okay, then I understand. I will contact her and get the scripts of the previous episodes first." Zhou Lan said, "I'll tell you too, so that you don't have someone complaining in front of you later. Director Liu Yide gave me another You sent me the script, and I still asked you to play the second female lead. It was a story similar to "Arrow on the String", so I declined."

Wang Jing was a little surprised and said oh.

Zhou Lan couldn't help but explain a little more: "The main reason is that the results of "Arrow on the String" were not very good. When I read the script, I still thought it was very average. I didn't think it was worthy of your acting, so I rejected it."

"Well, I listen to you."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Lan opened a folder dedicated to Wang Jing.

There are not many arrangements behind Wang Jing, including "Three Thousand Worlds", a movie written by Liu Qidong, and "My Youth Ends with You" to be filmed.

Wang Jing's output in the past two years has not been high, and he has been stuck in the dilemma of being unable to achieve high standards and unable to achieve low standards.

Now it's finally coming to an end.

In the studio, in terms of acting skills and potential alone, the person most worth cultivating is Wang Jing.

Wang Jing also proved herself.

Directors or producers who have worked with them will always think of her when they start a new drama.

Next, Wang Jing's "Three Thousand Worlds" is about to be finished, and Zhou Yun is about to return from Spain and start to devote himself to the promotion schedule of "The Killing Song".

"Truth Night" is in full swing preparing to enter the Spring Festival season.

"Sui" may participate in the Berlin Film Festival.

It also includes invitations from several large-scale parties and fashion festivals, and Zhou Yun must be invited to attend.

This is all something to consider.
On the day Zhou Yun finished filming "A Boy Destroyed by Desire" and left Spain, it suddenly started to rain lightly.

Zhou Yun said goodbye to everyone.

There were so many things that happened during the filming of this movie that left a deep impression on Zhou Yun.

However, Zhou Yun has no regrets at all about taking on such a movie.

She flew directly back to Shanghai.Zhou Lan called everyone in the studio and arranged a dinner for Zhou Yun to cleanse himself from the dust.

"It's been a long time since I've tasted delicious food from our motherland. The longer I stay abroad, the more I realize that I actually have a Chinese stomach."

Zhou Yun took one shrimp wonton in one mouthful and told Zhou Lan, "I'm really lucky to have Xiao Yun there and cook me something to eat from time to time, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to survive."

Zhou Lan rolled his eyes at Zhou Yun and said, "You can survive even if you go to the desert to film for half a year. However, it's hard for you to go there to film this time. You actually met that idiot Li Zhentai who attacked you."

"Not to mention this annoying person, Jerrod Sanchi has already checked for me. I believe he can find what we want." Zhou Yun said, "Oh, by the way, Sister Lan, there is something You have to keep an eye on the matter for me, Wade hasn’t signed with an agency yet, and if there’s a chance, I’d like to sign him.”

Zhou Lan was amazed.

"You want to sign him? He is a Spaniard. If we sign him, are we going to let him come to China to develop?" Zhou Lan said.

Zhou Yun said: "Why can't we get his agency contract in China?"

Zhou Lan understood.

Zhou Yun said: "He is very good at acting, and he is very pure and hard-working. I am very optimistic about him. Even if he does not develop as well as I imagined in the future, I plan to continue filming with him."

Zhou Lan: "Okay, I understand what you mean, I will contact him."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded.

"That girl in Xiaoju has also taken a fancy to someone and wants to sign her to our studio." Zhou Lan said, "But she's not an actor, she's a comedian, and she's still a college student."

"Is he the creator of the video collection you sent me before?"


"That girl is quite humorous." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan: "What do you think? Do you want to sign it?"

Zhou Yun: "It's rare for Xiao Ju to take the initiative to have the idea of ​​signing someone. Support her. Moreover, this is indeed a shortcoming of our studio at the moment. All the people we sign are actors."

Zhou Lan: "I would like to sign a singer. The problem is that we are completely incompatible with the music industry. After thinking about it, I decided to forget it. I don't have the ability to be a singer at all."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "Don't be too greedy."

Zhou Lan: "Half of the bonus for "Female Killer" has been reached, and there is still half of the follow-up. This time "Female Killer" was a box office hit, and received 35 billion that no one expected. Now Yao Yuanfeng is eager to sign with us. As for the performance contract for the sequel, I'm holding back for the time being and haven't agreed to it. I want to wait until "The Killing Song" is released and "The Killer" is released overseas before negotiating with him."

Zhou Yun nodded: "I'll leave this to you. Let me talk about the money directly. I'm really a little embarrassed."

"I understand." Zhou Lan nodded, "But, Xiaoyun, this time you go to film "A Boy Destroyed by Desire", your salary is not enough to cover expenses."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was taken aback.

"This time your bodyguard team alone cost almost 20 euros." Zhou Lan said, "In the end, you were responsible for the security of the crew. Why didn't the crew pay for it themselves?"

"Where do they still have money? They want me to invest." Zhou Yun waved his hand and said, "It's okay, just spend it. We can earn it back elsewhere."

Zhou Yun suddenly thought about a question.

I make more and more money every year. I have always said that I would invest in some literary films that may not make money, but because I am very busy, I have no time to do this.

But doesn’t she know a filmmaker who has been supporting art films and low-budget films?
Why not look for him?
(End of this chapter)

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