I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1072 The promotional tour begins

Chapter 1072 The promotional tour begins

Zhou Yun actually invested in a lot of film and television dramas this year.

Wu Chengbao basically reserved an investment share for Zhou Yun in Song Chi's company's projects. Of course, it wasn't much. Zhou Yun usually only got a few million. It was purely investment, just for fun, and to help share a little risk with each project. , of course, basically all is earned.

In addition to Song Chi's company's projects, several projects from Xindun, Yuehai, Lizi and other platforms will also come to Zhou Yun for investment.

These projects are all good projects and will obviously make money. They asked Zhou Yun to invest purely to sell her a good one.

Zhou Yun's current income mainly consists of two major components: remuneration/dividends and endorsement fees.

Now Zhou Yun has a total of 1.5 brand endorsements, which can bring her nearly [-] million yuan in income every year.

The dividend income brought to her by the studio should be almost 5 million, plus the later payment of several dramas such as "The Moon Sets on the Sea" and "The Language of Fallen Leaves", as well as the follow-up dividends from several dramas invested in the past, If "The Killer" is a big hit and "The Killer" does well at the overseas box office, Zhou Yun's revenue this year may even exceed US$[-] million.

After all, there are bonuses and box office shares from the two blockbusters "Killer" and "Killer".

Zhou Yun didn't even realize that his income had reached the level of Hollywood's top star artist without even realizing it.

Perhaps the most profitable artist in China.

Zhou Yun never thought that his income would reach this level one day.

Since you have made so much money, why not use it to do something you love and enjoy?
Yu Huaijiang has devoted himself to the film industry that he loves all his life and has never done anything else, and he has been raising money almost all his life.

When Zhou Yun suddenly found him and said that he would give him a sum of money to support the development of artistic films, Yu Huaijiang was stunned.

He never thought that one day someone would take the initiative to come to him with money and say they wanted to invest in literary films.

Almost everyone knows that literary and artistic films do not make money. They lose more and earn less. With this little money, you can make more money by making other investments.

Zhou Yun said: "Mr. Yu, I have been wanting to support the development of our literary films two years ago. At that time, I said that I would invest in one or two literary films every year, but because I was too busy, I didn't. I had time to chat with them one by one, but I didn’t have the energy. As a result, I had this idea but never took action. Oh, I can’t say that. I did take action, but that time I was not very lucky and met a person with a bad character. OK."

Yu Huaijiang knew who Zhou Yun was talking about.

The matter between Zhou Yun and that person was quite a big deal at that time, and Zhou Yun even received some criticism.

"It's hard to make money by investing in literary films." Yu Huaijiang said, "Have you thought about it?"

"I've thought about it a long time ago." Zhou Yun nodded, "Mr. Yu, if you think there are good films that are short of investment in the future, you can come to me. I have read the scripts. As long as the scripts are good, I will invest in some. I may not be able to invest in all of them. It’s all up to me to vote, but I will do whatever I can.”

Yu Huaijiang nodded and said, "I'm very touched that you have such thoughts."

"I'm really touched that you can persist for so many years, constantly discover new directors, and support them in filming their own feature-length works." Zhou Yun said, "Before, I just wanted to be an actor, but then I saw some things and encountered What some people, especially Song Chi, are doing have made me change a lot of my ideas. I like a word now, "I can do my best. If I have the ability to do something that is good for the entire industry, I am very willing to do it." Do."

Yu Huaijiang said: "The movie "Female Killer" you made gave our Chinese film the first action movie with a female protagonist. Without you, this movie would not have been made by New Shield even if Wen Bing was the director. What he shot, of course, is another matter now. Wen Bing has fully proven his ability through these works. No matter what subject he wants to shoot in the future, Xindun will support him."

"The only thing I will no longer support is his artistic films." Zhou Yun smiled.

Yu Huaijiang sighed. "Mr. Yu, please help me keep this matter a secret. Too many people are watching my every move now, which can easily cause criticism. So as long as you know what I know, I will just be an investor hiding behind the scenes, okay? ?”

"Okay." Yu Huaijiang nodded, "I understand what you mean."
Zhou Yun went home to rest for two days. He was arranged to shoot the new season commercials of two endorsed brands. He also attended a charity party organized by Shen Yao as the chairman and met many friends he had not seen for a long time. , chatted for a day.

The online promotion of "Killing Song" has begun.

Melando arranged for the actors to appear on the covers of more than a dozen mainstream magazines and gave them covers.

Among them, Zhou Yun has five solo covers and six group covers with other actors.

To this end, Zhou Yun spent five days in the United States and France to shoot these covers.

In the meantime, Zhou Yun also took the time to record a talk show in the United States and participated in a dialogue event.

The promotion period is always very exhausting.

Zhou Yun is full of energy and follows everyone from morning to night every day to do various publicity work.

And because "Killing Song" will also be released simultaneously in mainland China, there will also be a BJ stop on the promotional site.

Of course, the collective action of the film crew was at the premiere of BJ.

Zhou Yun also has the recording of two programs to promote "Killing Song" and the upcoming "Truth Night".

At present, "Truth Night" is ready to be released during the Spring Festival, but there is no official announcement yet.

Zhou Yun's only requirement for participating in the recording of these two programs is to play the trailers of the two movies "Killing Song" and "Truth Night" in the program's main film.

These two programs are both top-notch variety shows, with tens of millions of viewers and hundreds of millions of views. This kind of publicity effect is very concentrated.

Zhou Yun has no plans to run long-term road shows for the two movies "Killing Song" and "The Night of Truth". The former is to be released simultaneously around the world. The main promotion strategy is large exposure and large traffic, while the latter "The Night of Truth" is going to be released simultaneously around the world. "Night", Zhou Yun planned to leave the road show to the director and two other actors, because during the Spring Festival, she had already joined the team and was filming "Flower City".

As the release date approaches, the promotion of "Killing Song" begins to intensify.

The promotional materials that Zhou Yun had previously produced or photographed began to be gradually released.

Melando still uses the traditional promotion model in Europe and the United States, showing trailers, interviews with the main creators, and behind-the-scenes videos.

However, in addition to this, the publisher of "Shaqu" in mainland China has also deeply explored the current domestic network status and combined multiple social platforms to help "Shaqu" enter the market.

They went in the opposite direction and put most of their promotional funds in third- and fourth-tier cities.

Because, according to their calculations, with the scale of publicity for the global release of "Killing Song", even if they don't do much domestic publicity, audiences in first- and second-tier cities will know about this movie.

(End of this chapter)

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