I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1075 First Weekend Box Office

Also released on the same day as "The Killing Song" were two blockbuster films, Paimucci's "Soul House" and Dick Cage's "Grey Doors."

Paramount executives got the box office forecast data and laughed when they saw that the first-day box office of "Soul House" was 1200 million US dollars, while "The Killing Song" was only 1000 million US dollars.

"Melando overestimated herself. She cast Zhou Yun to star in "The Killing Song", a movie that did not feature Chinese elements. In the eyes of American audiences, she was just a star who was stuck in various problems. She relied on her to carry the box office. It's simply impossible." Some people said, "Now the box office performance of "The Killing Song" will teach them a lesson."

"Zhou Yun's previous movies released in the United States were movies like "Days", "Behind the Scenes" and "Language of Fallen Leaves". Her few movie fans are not interested in movies like "Killing Song" at all. Of course, "Killing Song" "Music" should still be able to get a good first-week box office in the end, and maybe it can break even in the end." Someone joked in a sarcastic tone, "With a cost of [-] million US dollars, Melando is really a big gamble. Even with Elizabeth as the lead, not many people would dare to spend so much money on a non-sequel movie."

"Haha, otherwise why has Melando been on the decline over the years? They really need a series to revive their reputation."

"A series starring Chinese actors, haha."


Paimongchi's ridiculing attitude is actually a portrayal of the mentality of most people in Hollywood towards the movie "The Killing Song."

Can "Killing Song" draw audiences into movie theaters?
Although Zhou Yun is indeed a well-known star in the United States. After all, she has been in more and more news in the past two years, she has not acted in Hollywood. Most movie fans know her through DVD or streaming media. .

She suddenly starred in an action movie, but not many people were interested, right? ——
On the day of the premiere, Zhou Yun was in Shanghai.

She locked herself in her study, not contacting the outside world or surfing the Internet.


She had never been so nervous when "The Killer" was released, because she knew that "The Killer" would be watched by many people no matter what, and it had its foundation.

However, now Zhou Yun doesn't know how many of his fans will choose to watch "Killing Song".

This is not a Chinese film after all.

What makes Zhou Yun even more nervous is the feedback from overseas audiences.

Zhou Yun locked himself in the study room, letting himself read novels and abandon his worries and uneasiness.

After watching it, he fell asleep directly on the tatami.

It is already the end of November and the temperature has dropped very low.

There is heating in the room, and Zhou Yun sleeps very warmly.

When she woke up, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.


Zhou Yun went out and cooked himself a bowl of wontons.

Not having enough, I ordered another fried chicken takeout.

She turned on the TV and opened "The Big Bang Theory" she had downloaded before, deciding to rewatch this American TV series today.

Another breath to see [-] p.m.

Zhou Yun couldn't bear it anymore.

She finally turned on her phone.

The moment I turned off airplane mode and restored the Internet, my phone buzzed and vibrated repeatedly.

Countless people sent her messages on WeChat.

Zhou Yun opened WeChat cautiously, even a little afraid to read the messages they sent.


A message from Jiang Xin at 18:42: I went to see "Killing Song" for the first time. I won't praise anything else. Your taste in selecting movies is very good, very good. Congratulations!

A message from Yao Yuanfeng at 17:46: The well-deserved queen of box office, "Killing Song" has not yet been released in the evening, and the box office has exceeded [-] million!

A message from Wen Lanlan at 17:22: Xiaoyun, you are so cool in the new movie. This movie will become your new masterpiece. I was originally worried that "Killing Song" would conflict with the theme of "Female Killer". It was released so close to each other, so I didn't expect it to be completely different.

A message from Gu Huaichun at 16:14: Oh my friend, when will you take me to Hollywood? [smirk].

...Many friends went to support her on the first day it was released, watched the movie, and then sent their thoughts.

Zhou Yun pursed his lips while watching, his eyes still a little red.

No one knows how much psychological pressure she was under when she performed "Killing Song".

When you act in a Chinese-language film, you are responsible for both the good and the bad.But by playing "The Killing Song", she not only represented herself, but also represented Chinese actors. She was afraid that the performance would be a failure and she would be embarrassed. She was even more afraid that the film would be a failure and others would question whether Chinese actors were good enough.

Zhou Yun has never told anyone this, and only she knows about these pressures.

She couldn't tell anyone else either.

But the friends around her, even if they didn't know, would take the time to watch the movie on the first day and give her encouragement and support immediately.

Zhou Yun needs such encouragement and support.

Zhou Yun decided to disguise himself, put on a scarf, mask and hat, and went to a nearby cinema to watch "Killing Song" to see the real reaction of the audience in the cinema.
Brilanche is also waiting for news.

From the initial contact with Zhou Yun to the entire process of the subsequent film, Brillancchi, as Melando's executive producer, followed up the entire process.

This is the biggest project he has ever been responsible for, and he knows how stressful it is.

He also knows how much the industry dislikes this movie.

But he doesn't believe other people's opinions.

He personally selected every actor, watched every scene personally, and devoted two years of his time to the final film and every promotional schedule.

He knew how well the movie was made.

He's waiting for the first-day box office.

The first-day box office in China has come out, with 2607 million US dollars, which is twice as high as Melando expected, fully proving that Zhou Yun's box office appeal in the Chinese market is not an exaggeration.

Now he is waiting for the first day box office in North America.

As long as it is no less than US$1200 million, it has met their expectations.

The previous figure given by box office forecasting agencies was US$1000 million.

Just 200 million more!
The phone rang suddenly.

Brillanc suddenly came back to his senses. He reached for his phone, only to find that his palms were sweating.

"Hello?" Bridgelan answered the phone, "Are you out?"

"It's out!" The person on the other end of the phone couldn't hide the excitement in his voice, "3517 million!"

"How much?" Brilanche suspected that she heard wrongly.

"3517 million! Three times higher than the estimated number!"

Brilanqi was stunned for two seconds, and a huge surge of excitement and joy came over her.

"Okay, great!" He almost shouted.
Paramount executives, who didn't check the news over the weekend, were given last weekend's box office numbers on Monday.

Their movie "Soul House" received a first-weekend box office of 2420 million in North America and 2900 million worldwide, which is quite satisfactory.

Then they looked at other movies.


and many more!

Was the number for "Killing Song" written wrong?

1.01 million in North America and 3.6 million globally?
How can this be? ! (End of chapter)

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