Chapter 1076 Big Bang
"Killing Song" shocked the industry with a first-weekend box office of more than US$1 million in a single market in North America and mainland China.

When this data was released, all entertainment-related media around the world immediately released the news.

When Melando was ecstatic and other major film companies were shocked, almost all film and television bloggers in China reposted the news immediately and brought up the topic #zhouyunbox office queen. This topic is black The samurai brought it up, and everyone else followed suit.

Darth Vader's excitement is palpable: "This will become the highest-grossing movie in the world starring our Chinese actors! Zhou Yun once again proved her vision for selecting movies. It is a big Hollywood production, with a global box office of over [-] million US dollars in the first weekend. ! Will it have the hope to eventually achieve a global box office of more than [-] billion? Let’s wait and see! From today on, whoever questions Zhou Yun’s international influence and world-renowned reputation will undoubtedly be the best!"

Why are these film critics and film and television bloggers so excited?
Again, everyone has a heart that wants to conquer the world."Killing Song" starring Zhou Yun almost achieved the best opening record in the history of movies. Before this, no Chinese actor had ever achieved this!This makes them proud.They can't wait to see how much box office the movie "Killing Song" will eventually get around the world. They can't wait to see Zhou Yun go global and compete with the biggest movie stars on the biggest stage. Down!
Zhou Yun used her strength to prove that she could.

Zhou Yun himself did not expect such a good opening result.

Countless people have analyzed why "The Killing Song" was able to attract so many audiences into cinemas around the world?

This is not the result of two single markets, but the results of almost every country and region are very impressive.

Needless to say, in the mainland Chinese market, more than half of the people are interested in this movie because of Zhou Yun's starring role.

In other markets, there is no big-name star, and there was no sign that the movie was going to be a hit before it was released. Why was it able to get such a high box office in the end?

Various reports hit the desks of studio executives.

Zhou Yun doesn't have the time or energy to analyze these now.

Melando's promotional tour is not over yet.

Zhou Yun brought Hugh Redman and Chris Pine to two of the most popular variety shows in China.

She flew to Japan again to record programs and shoot magazines with Nakajima Sui, and held a signing party for everyone in Akihabara using the image in the movie.

In the United States, all the materials previously filmed by Zhou Yun have been released in turn. At the latest event, Zhou Yun and Tim Lange officially announced the release date of the second part of "The Killing Song", which will be in 2 years. After November 11th.

In France, Melando held a dialogue event with actresses, which was broadcast on multiple media around the world.

The theme of this conversation is "Women and Power".

In addition to Zhou Yun, Nakajima Sui, Jin Zhulin and Lily Cruise, the actresses who starred in "Killing Music", Melando also invited the world's most popular action actress Angel Besser ten years ago. It was full of topics, and Zhou Yun also used his personal connections to invite Jiang Yuzhen and Julieta, who had just finished working together.

By the time Zhou Yun regained consciousness, ten days had passed since "Killing Song" was released.

The global box office of "Shaqu" reached 7.3 million U.S. dollars, including 2.2 million in the North American market, 2.3 million in the Chinese mainland market, 6200 million in the United Kingdom, 3600 million in South Korea, 3200 million in Japan, 2800 million in Spain, and 2700 million in Mexico... All markets are fully popular. , especially the box office the following weekend, which dropped only 31%, once again giving Hollywood film companies a heavy blow.

According to this momentum, "Shaqu" is certain to break through 10 billion U.S. dollars, and may even hit the 15 billion U.S. dollar mark.

The craze for "Killing Song" is spreading around the world.
Yao Yuanfeng holds a contract in his hand.

This contract is the performance contract for the second and third parts of "The Killer".He sat alone in his office, thinking quietly.

When the craze for "Killing Song" spread around the world, Yao Yuanfeng was thinking about the "Female Killer" series.

At present, the domestic release of "The Killer" is coming to an end. Although it will continue to be released for another one to two months, the box office has reached the finish line, with a total of 37 billion yuan, which is more than 5 million converted into US dollars.

In December, "The Killer" will be screened on a large scale in North America and simultaneously in other markets around the world.

According to the popularity of "Killer", "The Killer" will receive huge feedback as Zhou Yun said. Yao Yuanfeng even thinks that the combined overseas box office of "The Killer" may exceed US$1 million. Of course, This is his dream, which is difficult to achieve.

But no matter what, there is no doubt that "The Killer" has become the most profitable movie in New Shield's history.

If this movie is to be continued as a series, it must be ensured that Zhou Yun's ace card still plays the role.

The question now is what kind of conditions should be given to Zhou Yun before Zhou Yun will sign this contract.

Because of the success of "Killing Song", it is foreseeable that Zhou Yun's salary in Hollywood will enter the tens of millions of dollars club.

Then, the salary for "The Female Killer" will inevitably be adjusted accordingly.

This is also the reason why Zhou Lan refused to sign the contract and insisted on waiting for the release of "Killing Song".

But now, Yao Yuanfeng doesn't want to wait any longer.

After this, not only Chinese films will compete for Zhou Yun's schedule, but Hollywood will also compete for her schedule.

An actress who stars in movies that make over a billion dollars will be the actress that every studio around the world is keen to work with.
While Zhou Yun was running promotions, he was using all his spare time to study the script of "Flower City".

The filming of this drama has been scheduled to start in January, and Zhou Yun is about to join the cast. She is used to making various preparations in advance, preparing for every scene, knowing it by heart, and then throwing away the script on the set and acting according to the feeling of the scene. come out.

The huge success of "Killing Song" has made her in a very good mood these days.However, her true job is to be an actress, and she still has to let her acting speak the loudest.

"Killing Song" became a big hit in North America, and Zhou Yun was shortlisted for several influential awards. She was shortlisted for Best Actress in the Teen Choice Awards, People's Choice Awards, MTV Awards, etc.

Zhou Yun has completely become famous in North America this time, and has truly gained widespread recognition as a film actor.

Now when Zhou Yun appears on the streets of the United States, he is often recognized and asked for autographs and photos.

It was the time when various parties were held at the end of the year, and Zhou Yun also became the target of invitations to various parties.

(End of this chapter)

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