Chapter 1077 Snow

A heavy snow suddenly fell.

Zhou Yun woke up in his hotel room and saw that the city outside the window was covered with snow.

Heavy snow like goose feathers was falling.

Zhou Yun has always felt that there is a quiet beauty in a snowy city.

No matter how many people or cars there are, covered by this layer of white, it’s as if all the noise has been filtered out.

Zhou Yun used the coffee machine to make a cup of hot latte and sat in front of the window, enjoying this rare quiet moment.

She was so tired recently that sometimes, she felt as if she had been separated from her body, looking at herself smiling mechanically, hugging and taking photos with others mechanically.

This is the exhaustion inevitably caused by high-intensity social frequency.

Since becoming popular, Zhou Yun has been consciously controlling herself not to fall into such an illusory bubble, so most of the time, she would rather join the cast of one film after another than attend such parties or dinners every now and then. But There is obviously no other choice but to carry on in the past two months.

"Killing Song" needs to be promoted, "Female Killer" also needs to be promoted, and Zhou Yun also needs to make good friends with celebrities from various backgrounds.

She doesn't have the personality to act like a big star, nor can she act like one. She can't refuse many requests, so her life is more tiring than that of ordinary popular celebrities.

The phone suddenly rang.

The call was from Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan said: ""Sui" is definitely going to enter the main competition section of the Berlin Film Festival!"

Zhou Yun said pleasantly: "That's great!"

"Well, now we are just waiting for the official announcement of the Berlin Film Festival." Zhou Lan asked, "When do you plan to return to China?"

Zhou Yun said: "Before the promotion of "Female Killer" ends, I will stay here. A lot of work is done here. I don't want to go back and forth and change flights."

"Okay, then you can come back after "Female Killer" is released in North America." Zhou Lan said, "God knows how many people have asked you to meet, and the action movie scripts sent to the company are almost piled up."

"That's great. I can't take it. Let's see if there is anything suitable for Yu Chu and Wang Jing."

Zhou Lan said: "Without you acting, the script may not be filmed."

"Oh, they are all chasing hot spots."

"Yes, the box office of "Female Killer" and "Killing Song" is like a huge cake full of tempting smells. How could they not be tempted." Zhou Lan said, "It's normal for them to chase hot spots."

Zhou Yun: "Yao Yuanfeng has called me five times in the past ten days."

"He is afraid that your schedule will be taken away by others." Zhou Lan chuckled softly, "This time, he even wants to sign the contract for the second and third parts directly together, and shoot the two parts back to back."

"Has the script been written?" "How can it be possible? The second part has been written before and the draft has been finalized. The third part has not been written yet, but Yao Yuanfeng asked Wen Bing to write the third part's script during this period." Zhou Lan said, "Actually, it's okay to shoot two movies back-to-back. Except for "Flower City", your shooting schedule for next year has already been decided, and other movies have not yet been decided. In this way, your time will be easier to arrange."

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said, "Anything is fine."

"Melando is already preparing for the filming of the second part of "The Killing Song". According to the plan to be released in two years, this film must be completed next year." Zhou Lan said, "It is initially scheduled for the end of the year. shoot."

"That can."

"I'm going to ask Mo Weisen's people to go with them to negotiate the remuneration." Zhou Lan said, "Mo Weisen plans to negotiate an advance remuneration of 1500 million U.S. dollars, plus 5% of the global box office share, and 5%. Streaming media share in China.”

Zhou Yun thought for a while and asked, "Isn't this a bit high?"

Based on the success of the first part of "The Killing Song", there is no problem with the advance payment of 1500 million yuan, but Melando may not agree to the two splits.

Zhou Lan said: "Yes, we expect that the hardest thing to bite is the share of the global box office, but Mo Weisen is going to throw it out like this. As a replacement, the base price we want to replace is based on all the actions of the character you play. Dividends from surrounding development.”

"It seems like this has happened before."

"But the income dividend is very low." Zhou Lan said, "We have to improve it. Because of the big hit of the first part of "Shaqu", peripheral development has become imperative. This is a big piece of cake. Your character model toy. It’s already being produced.”
On Saturday, Yu Huaijiang sent her a script, which tells the story of a Tibetan woman who decided to return to her hometown to retire after living in Shanghai for 30 years.At first glance, it looks like an art film, and based on the subject matter, there is no desire to watch it.However, this script is about a person's life experience, dignity and attachment to his hometown. It is simple and simple, making people feel a kind of purity from afar.

Yu Huaijiang said that he had finally negotiated an investment before, but he suddenly withdrew his capital, leaving a gap of 200 million, and asked Zhou Yun if he was willing to support it.

After Zhou Yun read the script, he asked someone to sign an investment contract with Yu Huaijiang.

She had told Yu Huaijiang before that she had only one requirement for investment, that she liked the script.

Yu Huaijiang sent her the word thank you.

Zhou Yun smiled slightly.

At ten o'clock in the morning, she and Shi Luoqi made an appointment to meet at the hotel.

After not seeing each other for a long time, Shi Luoqi was very happy to meet her and said: "I am really proud to see the success of "Killing Song". After so many years, Hollywood finally has a movie starring a Chinese movie star to achieve such success. "

Zhou Yun said: "Actually, although I am the leading actor, I have also benefited from many people. Tim is a very talented director. It is not that he made the movie so good. Maybe it is just an ordinary movie. Moreover, There are so many actors in the movie, from different countries and regions, and the global box office is so high, I owe it to them."

She is not being modest.

The UK, Spain, Japan, and South Korea have all achieved results of more than 5000 million U.S. dollars. A lot of the credit is due to the participation of actors from these countries, which played a huge role in promoting and attracting domestic audiences. role.

When Shi Luoqi heard what Zhou Yun said, he smiled even more gently.

"You are always so humble and rational. I really don't know how those people outside who say you are arrogant after becoming famous can say it without conscience." Shi Luoqi smiled and said, "It's a pity. I originally wanted to use "Falling Leaves" this year. "The Word" will give you a PR for Best Actress, but the trend this year is not on us. Looking at it now, it may be difficult to even get a nomination for Best Foreign Language Film."

This year "Language of Falling Leaves" is China's recommended film for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. Since then, Schluoqi has been working hard on the public relations of this film. However, this year is a big year for foreign language films, and there are too many strong players. "Language of Falling Leaves" Although "Language" has a good reputation in North America, it has not received as much attention as the other films. It is currently hanging at the back of the car and will be thrown out of the first echelon at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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