I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1079 Xu Siyao’s new path

He Yong shook his head, "It's not what I meant, it's just the result of your acting in the past few years. This is objectively the result."

Xu Siyao pursed her lips and folded her hands in front of her chest. A look of disdain flashed across her face, but she was somewhat stern and she knew that what He Yong just said was actually right.

Even if she doesn't admit it herself, others see it that way.

"I told you a long time ago that you are suitable for playing roles with strong confrontational characters, but you plunged into dramas with big heroines, like those people, playing some romantic and ancient dolls, and it was all in vain. It’s a waste of your acting skills, and there’s nothing I can do to change everyone’s evaluation of you.”

Xu Siyao asked: "In Mr. He's opinion, what should I do next?"

"Go back to what you are best at." He Yong said, "Fight with characters in the play and fight with people outside the play. The entertainment industry has never been a harmonious place. It is always full of competition. Now you are causing trouble to the audience. The biggest problem is that you compete fiercely with everyone outside the show, and no one thinks you are easy to mess with. They even think that wherever you go, there will be a bloody storm, but in your heart you start to play the role of truth, goodness and beauty, those who Wei Guangzheng's character has a perfect personality, but that's not what your fans want, nor is it what the audience wants to see in you."

Xu Siyao was convinced.

What He Yong said actually awakened Xu Siyao's confusion that she had gone astray.

She also knew that there was something wrong with her route, but she didn't know how to adjust it.

He Yong watched indulgently as she followed her own path and made her path narrower and narrower. Finally, she couldn't go any further. Only then did He Yong appear and tell her where she was going wrong.

"I know you are dissatisfied with Zhou Yun and resist her, but you have to learn from her cleverness." He Yong said, "Her character is actually very unsuitable for being a female star, and she is also very unsuitable for being in the entertainment industry, so, you see, She spends most of her time on the set, has never been a regular guest on any variety show, and rarely accepts business. In this way, her strengths are infinitely magnified, and her shortcomings are infinitely minimized. You You must also learn to amplify your strengths and reduce your shortcomings.”

Xu Siyao sneered, "Mr. He, I know she is the love of your heart, so you don't need to repeatedly emphasize your appreciation for her."

"Siyao, I personally supported you. Do you think I care less about you than she does?" He Yong said, "Not to mention, you are the real actor signed by me. I How could I value her more than you? But in the past two years, you have always felt that the company's suggestions and plans for you are not as good as your own ideas. I don't want us to become enemies instead, so I let you go out on your own. Whatever you wanted to do, even if I felt there was a problem or dissatisfaction, I didn't stop you. Until this time, I felt it was time to make it clear to you, so I spoke to you seriously and from the bottom of my heart. Let’s talk. If I didn’t care about you, I would just let you continue to develop like this. You are still at the top of your game and your popularity is still very high. According to our calculations, you can still be as popular as you are now for two to three years and bring more benefits to the company. The profits will not be reduced, and I will not suffer any losses.”

He Yong's words pierced Xu Siyao's heart.

Xu Siyao pursed her lips again.

He Yong sighed, "You may not believe what I said, but it's good for you that I'm willing to say these things that you obviously don't want to hear."

"Okay, Mr. He, I know you are doing it for my own good." Xu Siyao asked, "Then what do you think I should do next?"

He Yong said: "As I said just now, go back to what you are best at. First, take on the roles that the audience wants to see you play. Second, you can usually show more true temperament, but, no You can offend everyone you meet, and you will only make your own path narrower and narrower. I know that you are hindering your true nature, so you deliberately say something to offend people. Isn't that okay? , but we can design it carefully so that your words will be supported by everyone, instead of feeling that you are becoming more and more rude." Xu Siyao gritted her teeth gently and asked: "Then what are you going to do?"

He Yong: "There is no rush when it comes to filming. We will slowly select the script, but now we will start to change your public image. First, we will give you a permanent variety show, so that you can change everyone's perception of you through the variety show." Image, in this program, I position you as a sharp-tongued person with a soft heart. You can’t just change your habit of offending people with your words overnight. However, while you are offending others with your words, your starting point must be good. You have to remember this starting point and don’t say anything rashly."

Xu Siyao frowned: "Variety show? Is my personality suitable for variety shows?"

"I didn't let you go on a reality show." He Yong said, "Of course I won't let you go on a reality show that exposes your shortcomings."
After Xu Siyao left, He Yong dialed a number.

"Xu Siyao will be a regular guest on your show."

"That's great, Mr. He, I knew you could be trusted to do this."

"However, don't forget what we agreed on earlier. This must be written into the contract." He Yong said, "Every recording of the film and the clips about Xu Siyao must be reviewed and approved by us. to play, otherwise we will exit the recording immediately."

"Of course, as long as Xu Siyao is willing to participate in our show, she will be the ancestor of our show. You don't know this yet?"

He Yong said: "As for Xu Siyao's positioning in the program, the program script is written according to what we have communicated before. Before each episode is recorded, the script must be confirmed by us in advance."

"Okay, okay, no problem."

Regarding He Yong's request, the director of the program agreed to it.

He Yong was not surprised by this.

Xu Siyao is now a well-deserved first-line female star. She is popular at the moment and is very popular. Whatever she does can be trending. This kind of hot-searching physique is originally the favorite artist in variety shows. Just because of Xu Siyao's own problems, she used to None of them really like being a regular guest on a variety show, especially a reality show. They rarely appear on it, and they were scolded almost every time.

But the program director doesn't care whether she is scolded or not. The key is that if she goes on the show, people will watch the show and scold her, and the topic will explode. For the program director, this is the most desired result. Being scolded is not scary. , it’s scary when no one is afraid.

Those who make programs are most afraid that if a program is produced, no one will even criticize it, and it will become unknown.

Therefore, as long as Xu Siyao is willing to come to the show, the director of the show is really willing to treat the person as an ancestor. Recording the show is not filming. Whether the show is popular or not depends largely on how many stars can be invited, and the stars can be invited. What kind of reaction can you contribute to the show? (End of chapter)

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