I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1080 Sequel to "The Sword Lady"

Chapter 1080 Sequel to "The Sword Lady"

"I've finished the work here. I just came out of the airport and am ready to go to the company."

Song Chi sat in the passenger seat and talked on the phone with Zhou Yun.

"I'll come find you after I take care of the company's affairs," Song Chi said.

"Okay." Zhou Yun said, "I'll wait for you to come over."

Song Chi hung up the phone and turned to look at Wu Chengbao sitting next to him.

The latter had a teasing smile on his face.

"I just came back and I have to leave again soon." Wu Chengbao sighed, and the old man said, "Old Song, why do I think you tricked me and asked me to be a partner, but in fact you just asked me to work for you? What? This is your company after all, you can’t just leave it all to me!”

Song Chi: "Those who are capable work hard. Besides, I just finished filming a movie. Shouldn't I be given a vacation? I'm so tired. I have to join the cast again in January."

Wu Chengbao didn't really complain. He waved his hand and said, "Is Zhou Yun okay in the United States now? She is probably quite busy now."

Song Chi: "She is indeed busy. She has not had as much leisure time as me in the past two years."

"To be honest, her luck is really good. "The Killer" and "The Killing Song" were two hits in a row, which completely confirmed her position as the leading actress in the movie. No one can compete with her in terms of performance." Wu Chengbao He clicked his tongue twice and said, "The female celebrities who came out with her were more or less born at the wrong time."

"It's not such an exaggeration. It's just the wrong time." Song Chi said, "Everything she has achieved now was earned by herself."

"Of course, I don't mean that. What I mean is that if you want to be an actress now, you can't get over the big mountain of Zhou Yun." Wu Chengbao said, "She is the ceiling for actresses now. Let's take a closer look at these in the country. As an actress, who can compete with Zhou Yun?"

Song Chi: "Zhou Yun doesn't want to compete with others."

"Zhou Yun doesn't want to compete with others, but others always compare themselves to mountains to measure where they can climb." Wu Chengbao said, "In the past, Ning Yao could compete with her in awards, but in business In terms of value and box office, Ning Yao was left far behind by Zhou Yun."

Song Chi: "The value of an actor is not measured by box office. To be honest, if you look back at the actors who have left their names in film history, who made their name by box office."

"Of course, of course, but no one will compare with those actors who have left their names in film history. Of course, everyone only compares with actors of the same era." Wu Chengbao said on the post.

Song Chi: "I mean, there is no point in comparing like this. I know that celebrity artists are ranked higher or lower in the eyes of others, but this is not what Zhou Yun and I are concerned about. To be honest, we have already gone through it." At that stage, for me and Zhou Yun, nothing is more important now than making a good movie."

"Song Chi, if you think so, Zhou Yun may not think so. I heard that she is going to compete in this year's awards season."

"I know." Song Chi nodded, "Awards are honors for us actors, and they are also things related to our own vital interests, especially the Oscar that Xiaoyun is competing for, which is what almost all actors in the world hope to win. Who wouldn’t want a prize?”

Wu Chengbao: "Then you said you don't pay attention."

"We don't pay attention to whether others have a higher or lower status than ourselves, nor do we pay attention to whether we are brothers and sisters." Song Chi explained helplessly, "What I mean is that no matter what people outside say, we have already passed the point where we have to follow Now that others are competing for food, we pay more attention to ourselves." Wu Chengbao suddenly realized.
Arriving at the company, Wu Chengbao said: "In half an hour, Liu Qingqing will come to the company to meet you."

"Is she so positive?"

"She has taken a fancy to the role of the second female lead in the sequel to "Knife Lady"." Wu Chengbao said, "She is in an awkward situation now. All the scripts that come to her are in the thriller and horror genre. She is eager to transform, but she doesn't want to He was willing to put down his stature to play supporting roles for his peers, but he didn't get the chance. No, as soon as he heard that we were going to make a sequel to "Sword Lady", he immediately came over and contacted us."

Song Chi heard this and said, "Is she willing to play a supporting role?"

"She is willing to play a supporting role for Sister Hongyu." Wu Chengbao nodded, "I talked to her, and she was very straightforward. It's not that she is unwilling to play a supporting role, but she is just afraid that if she plays a supporting role for someone of her age, it will not be scary. The market of the subject really positions her as a supporting actress, but playing a supporting role for Sister Hongyu, the risk is much smaller."

Song Chi: "It's a bit surprising that Liu Qingqing is willing to play the second female lead."

Wu Chengbao: "The first part of "The Sword Lady" was broadcast very well, so many people are interested in the sequel. Not only Liu Qingqing, but also Cheng Shenlu, Yang Xi, and Jin Lin came to take the initiative to fight for it."

"Wow, is everyone so enthusiastic?"

"In fact, everyone has the same dilemma. There are only so many heroine roles, and they are all given to the most popular actors, but they are not willing to play supporting roles for their peers. The protagonist of "The Sword Lady" is Hong Yu Sister, given her status, no one can say anything for her to be the second female lead, and she can participate in a popular drama. Naturally, everyone is very interested. Among them, the most positive one is Liu Qingqing. Her predicament is more complicated than the others. People are much more serious, and if she doesn’t take the initiative to break the situation, she might just end up in horror thrillers in the future.”

Song Chi nodded clearly.

"I see."

"Then do you think it's appropriate for Liu Qingqing to play the second female lead?"

"Her acting skills are actually quite good. Others think she can only act in thrillers. But actually think about it, she hasn't acted in this kind of costume drama for several years. In addition, she has been quiet for a while. She was in "The Knife Lady" "Appearing in the sequel should give everyone a strong sense of surprise."

"It seems that you like her very much."

"Among the people you just mentioned, Cheng Shenlu is not suitable. Although she is quite popular, her acting skills are a little immature. Let her play a 30-year-old who has been in the world for several years. Women are not as close in age as Liu Qingqing." Song Chi said, "Others are even less good. I have watched Yang Xi and Jin Lin perform. To be honest, they are all routine performances. They are not as good as Sister Hongyu. The drama will be completely crushed. Liu Qingqing acted in so many dramas back then and fell silent again. She has been holding a breath in her heart. If she plays this role, I think she will get twice the result with half the effort."

"From what you say, I feel like you can settle on her without even meeting her."

"Whether I decide on her in the end or not, I have to see her first. Maybe she is not what I thought. She wants to prove her ability as an actor through this role. If she doesn't have this heart, then it won't work." Song Chi said.

Wu Chengbao nodded.

"Do you have any objections from Sister Hongyu?" Song Chi asked again.

Wu Chengbao shook his head: "Sister Hongyu only gave us a list of those who would never cooperate. She was free to do the rest."

(End of this chapter)

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