Chapter 1081 Premiere
The North American premiere of "Lady Killer" was a grand event.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that if "Killer" hadn't been so successful, "Killer" wouldn't have had such a big premiere.

The main reason is that the two movies have similar themes and both star Zhou Yun. In addition, "The Female Killer" received an overwhelming reputation at the Venice International Film Festival and received almost unanimous praise. All major box office forecasting agencies have rated this Chinese-language film. The box office in North America has given a good estimated result, with a score of approximately US$[-] to US$[-].

Because Zhou Yun had already made up her mind that she would win the Olympics through this movie, she and Zhou Lan decided to build momentum from the premiere.

Zhou Yun gave a name to everyone who is well-known and influential in Hollywood, including Antonio Sirra, Elizabeth, Cristina, Sedar, Julieta, Yu Zhihe, Jiang Yuzhen and all the creative staff of "Killing Song" Call and invite them to attend the North American premiere of "Lady Killer".

Zhou Lan also used Mo Weisen to ask the brokerage company to invite their major clients to attend.

The starlight made this already sparkling premiere even more shining.

Zhou Yun finally walked onto the red carpet holding Song Chi's hand.

Song Chi arrived in the United States specially before this day.

At this time, Zhou Yun needed Song Chi very much.

The North American premiere was an unexpected success.

"Lady Killer" received excellent reviews.

Many media outlets were interviewing celebrities present, and film critics rushed back to write articles and publish them in their columns.

A grand premiere costs a lot of money, but Melando is not stingy at all in the face of the promising profits.

This is necessary publicity for the release of the movie.

On the day "Female Killer" was released, Zhou Yun, Liu Gang, and Zou Kai participated in the most watched morning news program in the United States and were interviewed by the anchor to talk about Chinese Kung Fu.

This is a live broadcast, the interview lasts 10 minutes.

The anchor's problems have already been communicated to the three of them, and they only need to speak out on the spot.

Liu Gang and Zou Kai felt dreamy about everything that had happened in the past few days.

When they first participated in the movie "The Killer", none of them expected that the movie would come to the stage all over the world, and even receive publicity treatment in the United States that only blockbusters can receive.

Both of their careers have evolved dramatically since "Lady" was released in October.

Not to mention Liu Gang, Zou Kai mainly plays Chinese characters in the movie, but because he is the villain who betrays the heroine, and because of his reversal of acting skills, he has received a lot of attention.

After coming out of the TV station, Zou Kai and Liu Gang got into the car with Zhou Yun.

Melando's staff arranged for them to go to the cinema to meet the audience later.

On the day of the premiere, their promotional schedule was very intensive.
"The release of "The Killer" in North America was very exciting. It's been a long time since I've seen such a lively response to the release of a Chinese-language film in North America." Someone said with a smile in the conference room of an office building in BJ.

Yao Yuanfeng was originally able to attend this meeting, but because of the release of "Female Killer" in North America, he has been staying in the United States these days and cannot come back.

If you are familiar with the big guys in the film and television industry, you will find that the people sitting in this conference room are all big guys with real power.

The person who just spoke was sitting in the front seat.

As soon as he spoke, Chen Wenjun from Haichi Film and Television immediately said with a smile: "Who says it's not the case? Mr. Yao has been very proud of himself in the past few years. He picked up Wen Bing while searching for treasures, and then hooked up with Zhou Yun. Look at their combination, every time It’s enviable to make a movie that is a hit.”

"Old Chen, what do you have to envy? Anyway, Haichi Film and Television mainly produces dramas and rarely films." Another person immediately answered, "Oh, we are the ones who are really envious. Look at our country this year. How many films have a box office of more than 20 billion? Five films, two of which were released during the Spring Festival, and the other three films, two starring Zhou Yun and one starring Song Chi. The film industry is almost taken over by the couple, but... Now that both of them have opened their own film production companies, it will probably be more difficult for us to hire them for filming in the future.”

"Don't say that either. Zhou Yun only filmed a little-known "The Night of Truth" in June. Isn't Song Chi's "Forbidden Army" released in August also produced by another company? Don't worry, although they both have She has opened a film production company, so she will definitely act in outside movies." Chen Wenjun said, "And, you see, Zhou Yun is going to film Yue Hai's "Flower City" next month, and I thought she didn't plan to do it. , two movies have been released in a row, and the schedule is already tight. A TV series as big as "Flower City" takes four months to shoot, but Zhou Yun still went to act. She keeps her promise. With such a good actor, you should work with her more often. .”

"It goes without saying that if you have the opportunity to work with her, who wouldn't be happy? Knowing that you and Zhou Yun filmed "The Moon Sets Over the Sea", you can also invite Zhou Yun to guest star in "Three Thousand Worlds". It's a huge honor. .”

"Just be sour."


A group of people laughed and laughed.

At this time, the leader said: "I invite everyone here today because I want to discuss how our Chinese-language film and television dramas can go global. We have been talking about promoting our Chinese-language films and television dramas for many years, and have achieved great results. Wei, in the past it was a problem with the production process. All aspects could not keep up with the world's production standards. Now our production level is not bad. We are all experienced and capable film and television company owners and producers in the industry, so you might as well Let’s talk freely, what should we do next for our film and television series?”

What should I do?
Everyone was laughing, you were talking to me, and I was giving advice.

In fact, few people really care about whether they can promote their own film and television dramas. What they really care about is what kind of drama will be popular and what kind of drama can make the most money.

Now is a very difficult time. Compared with five years ago, the landscape of film and television companies has completely changed.

This is the case in this industry. The changes are so severe that no one knows when they will be eliminated. They can only survive in the fierce turbulence.

Why does everyone want to cooperate with Zhou Yun?

Because she is a miracle, a myth who still maintains an undefeated record.

Listening to their seemingly positive discussion that actually had no real meaning, the leader also knew that he was being perfunctory. He couldn't say anything more. In his helplessness, he saw Yu Huaijiang sitting in the corner, saying nothing, not knowing what was going on. What to think about.

During the tea break, he went to chat with Yu Huaijiang.

"Lao Yu, what were you thinking about when you didn't say a word just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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