I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1082: First Day Overseas Box Office

"Oh, Director Chen, I didn't think about anything. I was in a daze." Yu Huaijiang came back to his senses, smiled and said, "It's not that you don't know, I am most afraid of meetings like this, where a group of people are talking, and I It feels like a duck quacking, and I can’t hear it.”

The man he called Bureau Chen was about the same age as him and had known him for decades.

Director Chen laughed and said, "You've always been like this, I'm used to it, but do you really have no good suggestions?"

"I don't have any good suggestions. I have always only focused on low-cost art films. I have dealt with new directors a lot. Although I have known these big bosses for a long time, I have very little contact with them." Yu Huaijiang waved his hand, "How can I make Chinese film and television dramas more popular? Get out, it’s not something I can do.”

"I'm not asking you to come up with a solution, I just want to hear your thoughts."

"Ideas... Well, Director Chen, let's be honest. When creating content such as film and television dramas, you can either play and film according to their set of values, and then you have the possibility of joining the game, or you can stick to your own way of playing and follow ours." The current set of things cannot compete with Europe when it comes to artistic depth, and cannot compete with Hollywood when it comes to market channels. It has a history of hundreds of years, and it only takes a few decades for us to really start to do it and become famous.”

"We are not saying that we should surpass others now, but at least let our works be seen by more people. Look, Wen Bing and Zhou Yun have done very well, especially Zhou Yun. I really don't To think that in addition to her own works, she can promote more than a dozen of our Chinese-language literary films overseas every year."

"Her child has always been so kind and willing to help anyone who can help others. Those who were promoted by her were those who couldn't sell it themselves and asked her for help." Yu Huaijiang said, "Actually, we must really say that we should let our I think the only feasible way for film and television dramas to go abroad is to have more actors like Zhou Yun, the better. Things are done by people. Why "The Killer" was able to be released on such a large scale in North America is because "The Killing Song" "has achieved great success, allowing Melando to see the hope of making money from "The Killer". Why Zhou Yun can star in "The Killing Song" is because there happens to be such a novel with an Asian female protagonist that is very popular in the United States. And Zhou Yun was selected by them. In fact, Xiaoyun's influence in the world of film circles is indeed very great now, and it's not just an exaggeration. She can talk to the directors of the three major European film festivals and maintain a good relationship. Well, almost every film, whether it is shortlisted for competition or not, will premiere at the film festival and will be strongly promoted by the film festival officials. And she can get such treatment because she has earned it for herself. There are many actors who have entered the international stage with one or two films, but being able to become a frequent visitor to the three major European film festivals and receive courtesy from them in just five or six years is due to Zhou Yun's own personality charm and The result of ability is precisely something that cannot be replicated.”

Director Chen listened to what Yu Huaijiang said, nodded and said, "I agree with everything you said, but as you said, actors like Zhou Yun are not so easy to copy. It is precisely the achievements she has achieved now that I She has never allowed our official to be too closely tied to her, and let her do it according to her own ideas. Some things are not beautiful if they are done deliberately. She and Song Chi are both the pride of us young filmmakers. I can What I do is to guard the dock for them at home and not let some messy things affect them, but after all, we can't just rely on these two actors, film and television dramas are too big."

"No matter how big the business is, it still relies on people to do it, doesn't it?" Yu Huaijiang said, "If you ask these bosses to do it, IMHO, it will be of no use. The ones who can really make a difference are directors like Wen Bing and Xue Qin. Actors like Zhou Yun and Song Chi, and producers like Shi Luoqi, need to create an environment where more and more people like this come out, and they will naturally thrive."


The meeting lasted about four hours.

In the evening, Director Chen was the host and invited everyone to have dinner together.

At the dinner table, the box office of "The Killer" on its first day in North America came out: 980 million.

A number that is neither too high nor too low, ranking second on the North American box office list for the day.

However, this figure is extremely rare for a foreign language film like "The Killer".

This number silenced the dinner table for a moment, and then a look of shock appeared on everyone's face.

Even if they had expectations, they did not expect that the box office of "The Killer" would be so high on the first day in North America.

Zhou Yun, is he really going to defy heaven? "It's scary. Yao Yuanfeng will laugh out loud in his dreams now."

"You said that the box office of "The Killer" in North America will not exceed [-] million, right?"

"It's impossible. So far, there is only one foreign language film that has exceeded [-] million in the history of the United States."

"I really wouldn't believe it if it were someone else, but if this happened to Zhou Yun, I don't think it's impossible at all."


Subsequently, the first-day box office of "The Killer" in other markets also came out.
"The first-day overseas box office of "The Killer" reached US$2100 million?!"

When Frederic Rooney, the leader of Paimunchi, heard the news, he couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

You know, when the industry initially expected the first-day overseas box office of "The Killer" to reach 1000 million, Frederic Rooney felt that this number was too exaggerated.

Even if "Killer" is successful, it does not mean that "Female Killer" can replicate such success.

The former is at least Melando's behind the scenes, while the latter is a solid Chinese-language film. Hollywood did not participate in the production of this film, and the U.S. film market does not like foreign-language films, as decades of box office records have long shown. everything.

But "The Killer" really stole the show and got such terrifying box office figures!

Is it that the residual power of "Killing Song" is too strong, or is that girl named Zhou Yun too popular with Americans?
For the first time, Frederic Rooney regretted not inviting Zhou Yun to star in the movie "Chinese Samurai".

If it was Zhou Yun who was originally chosen, now that he hears such news, he will be more happy than shocked.

Frederick Rooney immediately ordered to see if there was a suitable script and send it to Zhou Yun.

Frederic Rooney believes that with the first-day box office data of "The Killer" coming out, others will no longer be able to sit still.

Hollywood is a place that is very superstitious about "star halo". The box office appeal of big-name stars has been proven countless times in history.

Frederic Rooney can see Zhou Yun's future stardom from the continuous success of "The Killer" and "The Killer," so why can't others see it?

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