Such a chaotic situation was something none of them had expected.

People who don't understand the situation think that Zhou Yun is the general trend. With the approval of two films, he can still get a nomination.

It was difficult for Zhou Yun to explain such a statement.

She could only do her own thing and then resign herself to fate.

If she really fails to get the nomination due to split votes, it can only be said that she is unlucky this year.

However, no matter what, in today's awards season, Zhou Yun's reputation has really been established.

"Female Killer" also benefited a lot, because Zhou Yun's high exposure, coupled with various media mentions and reports on the movie "Female Killer", the movie successfully made its debut on January 1th. North America exceeded 10 million U.S. dollars, which is the highest box office achieved by a foreign language film in North America in the past ten years. The total box office of "The Killer" in other overseas regions has also achieved more than 8000 million U.S. dollars. According to the current trend, overseas box office The box office may exceed $9000 million.

You know, Zhou Yun was able to get a 5% box office dividend from the overseas box office of this film.

Yao Yuanfeng never expected that "Female Killer" would reach this stage.

However, this time, Yao Yuanfeng also completely believed that Zhou Yun was worth the dividend.Without Zhou Yun's single-handedly supporting overseas promotion, "The Killer" would never have achieved this box office result.The only pity is that the global box office of "Lady Killer" will hardly exceed one billion US dollars.In terms of overseas distribution and promotion channels, "The Killer" is still a lot weaker. Melando had a large-scale screening in North America, but it did not get the same release conditions as "The Killer" in other regions. .

However, no matter what, it is certain that the global box office of "Lady Killer" will exceed [-] million US dollars.

It depends on the subsequent trend, whether there is hope for it to exceed [-] million US dollars.

Zhou Yun returned to China on January [-]th.

Must go back.

"Flower City" has been started, waiting for her to join the cast.

Currently "Flower City" is filming other people's dramas.

On the day she returned to China, the Berlin International Film Festival announced the shortlisted films for the main competition. "Sui" directed by Wen Bing and starring Zhou Yun was on the list.

Everyone even had a feeling: Zhou Yun, Zhou Yun, why is it Zhou Yun again.

Yes, why is it her again?
After returning to China, as soon as the plane landed, many reporters on site swarmed up and surrounded Zhou Yun.

"Xiaoyun, the movie "Sui" starring you has been shortlisted for this Berlin International Film Festival. Will you participate with the crew?"

"Both "The Killer" and "The Word of Fallen Leaves" have great hopes of being nominated for Best Actress at this year's Oscars. Do you think "Sui" may help you win a Best Actress trophy at the Berlin International Film Festival?"

"Xiaoyun, are you here to film a movie this time? It is rumored on the Internet that you will star in Yue Hai's "Flower City". After you have made such a splash in the film field, why would you consider taking on a full-length TV series like this?"


One question after another came one after another.

Zhou Yun wore sunglasses and waved to them.

"Everyone, I'm so tired. I'm in a bad state right now. Can you please stop turning on the flash? It's a bit dazzling, so I won't take off my sunglasses." Zhou Yun showed a tired smile.

Everyone nodded in understanding and turned off the flash point. "I'm not very good at answering these questions now, mainly because I'm in a bad state right now and I'm afraid of saying the wrong thing." Zhou Yun said, "I'll simply talk about what everyone is concerned about, but please don't ask any questions. My mind is so mushy now that it’s hard to think.”

The reporters smiled understandingly and said, "I see, I've never seen you so tired before. If you're too tired, forget it. Just go back and rest. We'll talk next time."

Zhou Yun: "It's okay, let me just say a few words. I really hope to be nominated for the Best Actress Oscar this year, because I have encountered good works and good opportunities. My character is that now that I have met , I spared no effort to work hard, and everyone can see the results of my efforts on my face. I think today must be the most haggard day for me. If it is convenient for you, please give me a P."

The reporters laughed.

"There is also the film "Sui". Director Wen Bing and I have been filming for a long time. It is also a very special shooting record. For me, this is a documentary-style performance that is completely different from my performances in other films. It’s different, I’m also looking forward to what the movie will look like, but I haven’t seen the feature film yet.”

"As for "Flower City", I actually feel very guilty about this drama. I had promised Yue Hai to film this drama a long time ago, but because my schedule has been very tight, I made them wait for me for a long time and delayed the start of filming several times. I feel very sorry." Zhou Yun said, "Apart from all this, the script is very solid and informative, and it is a family-style drama that I have never acted in before. It has a strong sense of history and a long time span. Very big. I am very much looking forward to filming this drama with them. As for movies and TV series, I still say the same thing. No matter what form it is, for us actors, the key is to play our own characters well and play a script that touches us. Impressing your own characters is always the core.”

"Okay, everyone, let's go back and rest early. I really have to go to the car to catch up on some sleep. Bye."

The reporters said goodbye to her and wished her the award, but they really didn't follow her up.

Zhou Yun's good relationship with reporters has become a mystery in the entertainment industry.

After Zhou Yun came back, he didn't have time to go home and went directly to the set.

But she didn't start working.

She told the crew not to arrange any scenes for her in the first three days. She needed to relax and adjust herself first.

As soon as she checked into the hotel, Zhou Yun silenced her cell phone and took a long sleep. After ten hours of sleep, she didn't feel refreshed when she woke up, but felt dizzy.

It is already morning.

Zhou Yun contacted Li Yang and took her to the set.

When you go to the studio, you go to watch the filming live.

When Zhou Yun came to the set wearing sunglasses, everyone was surprised. They all greeted her and looked at her with a lot of awe.

This time out, Zhou Yun became a truly internationally famous actor.

Several months of news bombardment have elevated Zhou Yun to a very high position.

Everyone's attitude towards Zhou Yun also changed subtly.

Knowing Zhou Yun was coming, Xu Jinbo and Cui Xidong both stopped and said hello to her.

Zhou Yun said: "I'll come over and take a look. You're busy with your business, so don't worry about me."

Therefore, the crew was shocked to find that Zhou Yun had moved a chair all day long, sat behind Cui Xidong, and watched everyone's performance silently.

When she wasn't filming, she would walk around the house by herself.

No one knew what she was doing. (End of chapter)

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