I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1088 Zhou Yun’s status

Chapter 1088 Zhou Yun’s status

The coordinator even murmured to Xu Jinbo privately: "Why did Zhou Yun even come back and ask us to give her three days to rest? She didn't even care about resting, but she went to the scene to stay, not filming, just walking around. It’s so weird talking to everyone.”

Xu Jinbo immediately killed him with a glare: "You are so talkative here. How can I get to this point? Do you think you are like those actors who just take the script and start reading the lines? Don't you understand that she needs to adjust her state?" "

Coordinator: "...Okay."

Xu Jinbo said: "I tell you, what Mr. Liu said, Zhou Yun is the Bodhisattva of our crew. No one can be unhappy with the Bodhisattva, otherwise you will definitely be the one who will be unhappy in the end."

The coordinator immediately pursed his lips and said: "How dare I have trouble with this Bodhisattva? I'm not a fool. I'm just complaining to you in private. They say she doesn't act like a big name. If she is really dedicated, how can she just... You're just wandering around like this and not filming."

Xu Jinbo killed her with another eye strike: "If you could understand her thoughts, you wouldn't have to be a coordinator here. If you quickly change your career to an actor, you could also win the Best Actor Award."

After saying that, he added: "A frog in a well, sit in a well and look at the sky, others are like insects in the summer and you can't talk about it."

The coordinator was so ridiculed by Xu Jinbo's words that his face turned red.
Zhou Yun felt that his heart was confused.

During the nearly three months of promotion in the United States, Zhou Yun adjusted himself to a state that he would never show at ordinary times, facing everything with full enthusiasm and passion.

Now she was so restless that she couldn't calm down.

This is bad.

It would be fine if she didn't have to film "Flower City" right away. However, in this state, she was about to enter a new role, which made her feel very dangerous.

In three days, she couldn't adjust back at all.

Zhou Yun was worried that he would not be able to get into the mood for acting later.

She called Song Chi and talked about it, but Song Chi said, "This may not be a good thing."


"You have always been an experience person before, and you have completely assumed the role, but you have also acted for many years, so you might as well try the technical person." Song Chi said, "There must be no problem with your current technology. If you can't be as good as before If you find the character's state like that, don't try to get into the character's state, just use your acting skills to act."


"In the final analysis, performance is about the feelings presented in front of the audience. Many staff actually don't think highly of the technical side and feel that the performance should be broken down into processes. However, I myself sometimes completely abandon emotional substitution. In some specific situations, The play is performed entirely with skills, and the final effect is actually much better than if I acted with the emotions of the character." Song Chi said, "Before you can re-enter the character state, use your own past experience to perform and analyze , do the dismantling, and then communicate with the director to move some of the less difficult scenes to the front to give you time to adjust." "Okay."

Song Chi's advice was too timely.

After all, Zhou Yun's acting experience is not very sufficient. When encountering some situations that he has not encountered before, he becomes a little panicked and doesn't know how to deal with them.

Song Chi, a veteran actor who has been acting for more than ten years, is indeed much more experienced.

Zhou Yun went to Cui Xidong and talked to him about his situation.

"I will also need to ask for leave from the crew to attend the Berlin Film Festival, including some subsequent important awards ceremonies. I will also need to take leave to attend. Leaving the crew so frequently makes me worry that my acting status will be affected. I want to try my best to Some cutscenes will be moved to the front, and by mid-February, my other work will probably be almost finished, and I will be able to devote myself wholeheartedly to the creation of this drama."

Of course Cui Xidong thinks there is no problem.

If it were Zhou Yun's one-man show, it would be really difficult to coordinate, but "Flower City" is a group drama, with more than a dozen main characters each having their own plot lines. Originally, Zhou Yun's filming time was as long as four months. This does not include other actors. Zhou Yun wanted to adjust the scenes he shot, and for this reason, Cui Xidong had no reason to refuse.

"Xiaoyun, if you still haven't adjusted back to your condition, why not rest for a few more days. This drama is different from "Deep Sea". The scenes in "Deep Sea" basically focus on you alone. You can't rest, but this The whole play is easier to coordinate." Cui Xidong said, "You don't have to worry about slowing down the progress of the crew."

"Let's shoot as much as we can. It's not easy for such a large crew to keep running, so as not to put too much pressure on the backend and keep rushing work." Zhou Yun sighed, "No matter what happens this time, I have already given it to you. It caused a bad impact, I’m so sorry.”

Plans can't keep up with changes.

At that time, I thought that after "The Female Killer" was released in North America, Zhou Yun could basically end his work and return to China to focus on filming "Flower City". Who would have thought that "The Female Killer" suddenly had the hope of winning the Oscar. Of course Zhou Yun Don't want to miss this opportunity either.

But this way, it unexpectedly affected the filming of "Flower City".

Cui Xidong said: "Xiaoyun, this is a very common phenomenon. Any actor will be affected by other factors. It's just that you have too high demands on yourself, so you can't accept a bad performance by yourself. Of course, I am very willing to cooperate." Together you give the best quality of performance possible.”

Zhou Yun: "Thank you."

"The filming of "Flower City" was under too much pressure. Fortunately, you are starring in it. Otherwise, no one knows whether such a big project can be filmed." Cui Xidong lamented, "Maybe, even if it can be filmed, it will definitely not be in this way. To produce such a high-quality film, you must know that we built a house specifically for this movie. Every object in it was bought by our prop team. If we couldn't find it, we made it by hand. I used to It is difficult for the projects I participated in to have such sophisticated productions. They were all prepared according to the movie level. This is all because of your contribution. What I want to say is nothing else. If you were another actress, I might not dare to say that. By saying this, I am afraid that I will praise you too highly and make you look like a Bodhisattva, but you are different, so you don’t have to always feel that you have delayed the crew and everyone. You are the core and soul of our drama. It is completely natural that we give you priority in everything to ensure your performance. What's more, these requests you made are not a big trouble for us. Compared with others, you are very easy to work with. Actor, I am not telling lies at all, Xiaoyun, so don’t bear too much psychological burden, it doesn’t matter, really.”

(End of this chapter)

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