I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1091 In the Mountains and Forests

Chapter 1091 In the Mountains and Forests
When the crew of "Senior" attended the opening ceremony of the Berlin Film Festival, Zhou Yun was filming a location scene on the crew.

This scene had to be shot in a different location, in a mountain forest.

Because they insisted on shooting in real locations, the group of people came to the mountain forest that they had predicted in advance.

They will stay in this mountain forest for five days to finish filming about two episodes.

Cui Xidong and Zhou Yun were very worry-free when filming.

Most of the people who filmed this drama are veterans who have worked with Cui Xidong. Actors like Zhou Yun are not too busy and have strong professional skills. They cannot shoot a scene seven or eight times. Every scene The scenes were shot very quickly.

Basically, go through it once and then keep one line.

Zhou Yun encounters Chen Bi in the mountains and forests, the son of the Chen family who pursues her fiercely in the play. This is a villain who loves Zhou Yun deeply in the early stage, but hates her in the later stage, and wants to kill Zhou Yun's family. , but the characters are very three-dimensional, with big twists and turns, and there are so many scenes that several first-line actors came to compete, including He Xuran and Liu Zhikun, two actors who had collaborated with Zhou Yun in "Four Killers".

At this point, I have to mention that when we were preparing for this drama, if Zhou Yun hadn't been starring, such a non-actor character with a not-so-good character, it would have been impossible to hire the level of He Xuran and Liu Zhikun. actors, let alone them competing.But because everyone is betting on this show, they will carefully consider and study every role.Like He Xuran, even if he thinks that this role is well played, he is still a character whose rendering power is not weaker than any character in the play. Even if he is a villain, he will definitely be one of the characters that impresses the audience the most.

He Xuran believes that this role can give him a breakthrough. If he performs well and gets good reviews, he may even be able to win awards.

Best Supporting Actor is also a real acting award.

For He Xuran, what he lacks most now is a significant grand prize.

After careful consideration, He Xuran won the role.

This is because Zhou Yun feels that He Xuran's nature is closer to this character, and Liu Zhikun is relatively less critical.

Of course, Zhou Yun never told anyone else this reason.

If others heard it, there would probably be quite a disturbance.

He Xuran followed the crew to the mountains and forests.

For these four days, they could only live in farmers' households in the mountains and forests.

The environment was tough.

He Xuran's face looked a little ugly.Although, no matter what, he hasn't suffered like this for a long time.

When he went to other crews to film, he never stayed in a five-star hotel.

He Xuran originally wanted to communicate with Xu Jinbo to see if he could stay in a hotel in a nearby town.

Even the hotel environment in the town is not that good, but it is more comfortable than a farmer's home.

But before he had time to say this, Zhou Yun took his assistant and moved into a house without a single complaint.

She was already there, so He Xuran was embarrassed to speak out.

It's just that everyone can see his reluctance.

Xu Jinbo's assistant said: "He Xuran's face is so ugly that it can drip."

Xu Jinbo smiled and said, "Don't worry, with Zhou Yun here, he will grit his teeth and endure this hardship."

These days, no actor dares to complain about being tired to Zhou Yun's crew.
The most difficult thing about filming in the mountains and forests is not the acting itself, but the many insects and ants.

Almost all of them had multiple bites.

Xu Jinbo had to urgently purchase a batch of medicine for everyone to use.

But this is only a temporary solution, not a permanent cure.

The next day, Zhou Yun was bitten on the face.There was no way, it couldn't go away for a while, so I had to find a way to take pictures from an angle to avoid the bag on her face.

Zhou Yun couldn't help but want to pick at the place where he was bitten, but he couldn't, because it would be easy to scratch and bleed.


He Xuran was also bitten all over his body, but luckily nothing happened to his face.

The two actors completely gave up on managing their expressions almost as soon as they left the camera, scratching their heads and ears because of the itching pain on their bodies.

"It's so uncomfortable. Why is it that it's already January and there are still so many insects and ants in the mountains! Shouldn't they be hibernating?" Zhou Yun complained.

He Xuran rolled his eyes and said, "Why can't we shoot with a green screen and do special effects in post-production? Why do we have to go to the mountains and forests to film?"

Zhou Yun said: "The real scenes have more texture than the special effects."

Especially in winter like this, the desolate mountain forest, the gray branches and the sky merge together. This kind of desolate feeling is difficult to create with special effects.

Xu Jinbo also knew that the two actors were severely tortured by this environment.

But at this point, they couldn't give up filming, so they gritted their teeth and finished filming these scenes.

Of course Zhou Yun supports it.

By the third day, He Xuran's temper could no longer be tolerated. He kept complaining and his face never felt better.

Zhou Yundu laughed at him and said: "If you can't control your emotions so much, no matter how good your acting is, you can still see the anger in your heart. This scene is your appearance in the play. You are not your appearance." Is it the most glorious and handsome moment in the play? Don’t mess up the performance."

He Xuran immediately said: "Don't worry, it can't be smashed."

Not to mention He Xuran's professionalism, his professional skills are indeed always online. Moreover, in Zhou Yun's opinion, his acting is better now than when he was filming "Four Killers", and he has more control.

Zhou Yun's several scenes with him were very comfortable.

"What stimulation have you received in the past two years?" Zhou Yundu couldn't help but asked curiously, "You have made rapid progress."

When Zhou Yun said this, He Xuran also showed a complacent look.

"I've been thinking about it."

Just because he was praised by Zhou Yun, He Xuran's whole mood became high, and he came out as if he was about to break through, and he put his utmost effort into every scene.

Even Cui Xidong was surprised. He Xuran did not expect such a good performance.

By the last day of filming, everyone was beaming with joy.

The shooting environment is harsh, which is a torture for everyone.

However, the accident happened at this time.

When filming the last scene, Zhou Yun was standing on a slightly higher ground. Halfway through the filming, the frozen soil under her feet suddenly cracked and collapsed with a radius of almost half a meter. scope.

Zhou Yun completely lost his center of gravity and fell down the slope.

He Xuran's expression changed as he stood opposite her, and he urgently grabbed her with his hands, but he only caught her sleeves, which tore instantly.

Zhou Yun fell to the ground and rolled downwards.

After rolling almost two meters, she hit one of the dead trees. She hugged the tree in an emergency to steady herself.

(End of this chapter)

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