Chapter 1113 Issuance
"What a surprise."

Within a month, she won two awards in a row. She just won the Best Actress crown at the Berlin Film Festival not long ago, and today she unexpectedly won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress.

Zhou Yun's name appears in the news one after another, and people can't help but sigh at the luck of this magical girl.

"You're so lucky." This can no longer be described in terms of strength.

Even Jiang Xin told Zhou Yun: "You are really lucky."

The key is that Zhou Yun never won the Best Actress award from the beginning to the end of the film "Language of Fallen Leaves".

Under such circumstances, it is incredible that it can win a Best Actress trophy for Zhou Yun.

The only pity is that it did not bring Zhou Yun an Oscar nomination for Best Actress. Otherwise, with such an upset, the Oscars may have variables.

That night, Zhou Yun attended the party.

Although she was not a seeded candidate for this year's Best Actress Oscar, she was one of the most popular stars that night.

The fact that she won the Golden Globe Award gave a huge impact to many "Hollywood natives". They realized that they could no longer treat Zhou Yun as a simple "migrant".

No matter what the reason is, it is obvious that the current mainstream award in Hollywood is to win Zhou Yun.

Regardless of whether she acts in an English-language film or not, the projects she stars in are being watched seriously.

Whether it’s the mainstream award selection or the audience.

She was new blood and caused a lot of excitement.

That night, Zhou Yun received invitations from many big producers and directors to discuss the possibility of future cooperation.

Zhou Yun nodded happily.

As an actor, tonight's moment is particularly happy. The whole world gives her the feeling that no matter what kind of scene she plays, she can choose it.
Xu Jinbo and Cui Xidong sat in their small studio, looking at each other.

Zhou Yun won another award.

Maybe no one else is as real as these two.

"It feels like for other actors, it takes a lot of effort to win an award, but for Zhou Yun, he got it effortlessly."

"It's really luck that's on her." Xu Jinbo said, "In the past few years, no one should compete with her. She is really a god who can stand in the way of a god, and a Buddha can stand in the way of a Buddha."

"It's really great." Cui Xidong said, "Now we are under even greater pressure. If "Flower City" fails, everyone will probably scold us to death."

Xu Jinbo: "There is more pressure and more motivation, which is also a good thing. With Zhou Yun winning these two awards, the quotation of "Flower City" from overseas streaming media will definitely increase again, and the upper management will definitely be happy."

"Of course they are satisfied. Isn't this the most important thing to them?" Cui Xidong shook his head, "To be honest, I have been filming in Yue Hai for so many years. I also know what kind of morality there is in Yue Hai. You must know better than me that if this drama wasn’t played by Zhou Yun, it would have been impossible to film it as it is now.”

"So, everyone in the industry wants to work with Zhou Yun. To work with her, you only need to do one thing well, and shoot the scene well. Someone will help you solve all the other messy things." Xu Jinbo said with a smile, "The greatest happiness comes from filming with Zhou Yun. Those who used to come to the set to tell you what to do and find faults with audits have all shut up. How cool."

Cui Xidong: "Are you leaving Yue Hai?"

Xu Jinbo looked at Cui Xidong in surprise. "Don't get me wrong, someone asked me to get some information from you." Cui Xidong immediately clarified, "Didn't you just push two projects later? Someone raised such doubts."

Xu Jinbo pondered for a moment and said: "I'll tell you privately, I do have such considerations. The main reason is that I have been working in Yue Hai for these years and I am a little tired. The advantages and disadvantages of working in Yue Hai are obvious. I want to take advantage of my current situation." I can still do it, so let’s change the platform environment and see if I can do more of what I want to do.”

Cui Xidong patted Xu Jinbo on the shoulder and said, "It's normal for you to have such thoughts. You have been suppressed by your superiors. If you don't come out, there will really be no room for development."

Cui Xidong did not ask Xu Jinbo where he was going.

Xu Jinbo didn’t say anything either.

This is a tacit understanding that we have known each other for a long time.

Don’t ask, don’t tell, don’t know anything.
Compared with "Flower City", which is currently being filmed, "Truth Night", which has been scheduled to be released during the Spring Festival, seems to have received more dividends.

The most important thing is that the publicity for this movie has been overwhelming.

Zhou Yun did not join the early publicity array, only director Zhang Zifan and a few actors were running.

However, even if Zhou Yun does not appear, she is the most important selling point of the film.Originally, everyone was planning to promote Zhou Yun as the biggest selling point of this movie.

Zhou Yun strongly disagreed and said: "The people who will go to the cinema to watch this movie because of me will go without your promotion at all. The Spring Festival period is a very popular period, and no fan of any actor can support it." Regarding the box office of the movie during this period, your focus should be on the theme and content of the movie itself, and rely on this aspect to attract the audience. All publicity points should not be centered around me or a certain person. We can all be fermentation points to attract more people. People who are interested in our film must be related to the story itself in order to bring the audience to the cinema.”

"The element of horror must also be reduced in the promotion." Zhou Yun said, "The film itself is not based on horror as its selling point, but on the contrast between horror and comedy."

Because the movie "The Night of Truth" was a project entirely led by Zhou Yun, her opinions were finally adopted by the publicity team.

Mainly because what she said makes sense.It's just that the promotion doesn't focus on a popular star like Zhou Yun. Except for her own words, other people's words are inappropriate and will make people feel that Zhou Yun's fame is deliberately wasted.

Zhou Yun is not worried about the profitability of this movie at all.

Mainly because the movie was really cheap.

But she keenly feels that the film's box office will have a lot of room for growth.

Because it's very different.

It is a commercial film with a very distinct authorial style.

At this time, two film companies approached Zhou Yun and wanted to purchase the North American distribution rights of "Truth Night".

These two companies are not large companies, they are independent small companies.

They took a fancy to Zhou Yun's current fame in the United States and the excellent box office performance of "The Female Killer", so they focused on Zhou Yun's movie.

Zhou Yun did not want to hand over "Night of Truth" to a small company for distribution.

Distribution capabilities are so important to the release of a movie.

(End of this chapter)

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