I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1114 Problems with "Night of Truth"

Chapter 1114 Problems with "Night of Truth"
"It's hard to say how much box office a film like "Truth Night" can sell."

There is not much interest from major Hollywood companies in this movie.

Including Melando, they are not very optimistic about the box office prospects of this low-cost Chinese-language film.In their eyes, although the quality of this movie is good, it is actually playing with a concept, and it is still playing with the concept of a horror comedy that has long been outdated in Hollywood.

Even if Zhou Yun stars, they may not be able to attract many viewers. Therefore, of course they are willing to distribute the film, but the conditions given are far from reaching Zhou Yun's goal.

After returning from the United States, Zhou Yun has only been busy with two things. The first thing is the filming of "Flower City", and the second thing is the simultaneous overseas release of "Truth Night".

During the break between filming "Flower City", Zhou Yun has been communicating with Melando's people about "Night of Truth".

Melando's successful release of "The Killer" made Zhou Yun hope that "The Night of Truth" would be best distributed by Melando.

At least Melando did not compromise on distribution.

However, after watching the movie, Melando's executives were not optimistic that it could replicate the box office miracle of "The Killer" in the United States. At most, it only had a potential of one to 2000 million US dollars.

Therefore, they hope to release the film on a small scale and then gradually expand the scale of the screening and increase the number of theaters based on subsequent box office and word-of-mouth success.

A small-scale release is certainly safer for a small-budget film like "Truth Night."

However, for a foreign language film, it is easy for it to disappear after it is released - after all, it has neither a famous director nor any awards, so it is difficult to take a long-term route.

In addition, the most unacceptable thing to Zhou Yun was that Melando's price was not high. In the final analysis, they were not optimistic about the prospects of this movie.

Zhou Yun had no choice.

A debut feature film by a new director is tantamount to a huge adventure in the eyes of Hollywood studios.

Not even if its heroine is the most talked-about movie star in America right now.

Unless it's an action movie.

With "Killing Song" and "The Killer" in front of him, Zhou Yun's box office appeal in the field of action movies is still widely recognized.

However, "Night of Truth" does not have such a theme.

Melando's attitude is actually the attitude of other large companies.

Faced with this situation, Zhou Yun and the others were in trouble.

"Or, simply give up the U.S. theater market and sell it to streaming media." Zhou Lan said, "There are currently two streaming media, both of which have offered prices of more than 3000 million U.S. dollars. With Xiaoyun's current fame and popularity, , we can continue to negotiate this price.”

"You can also go to streaming media. The price is really not low."

"Upstream media has an obvious shortcoming, that is, its influence is not as great as that of a theatrical release." Zhou Yun said, "For me, the difficult part of this decision is that we don't know "Truth Night" "When it is released in North America, will it be able to get a good box office? Is the box office of "The Killer" a flash in the pan, or can Chinese films continue to achieve good box office results? I actually believe in the quality of "Truth Night", we all watch it As a finished film, this is a very interesting film, and it is also very mature. As a genre film, if it is released in theaters and then released on streaming media, we may not make as much money overseas as if it were released directly on streaming media, but , I hope that North American audiences can be familiar with watching Chinese-language movies in cinemas. The production cost of "Truth Night" is not high, and it can be profitable domestically without any pressure to repay the capital. I want to give it a try." To allow Chinese-language films to enter the American film market, we need to use the box office success of each Chinese-language film to show people in that market that Chinese-language films can win box office.

In the past two years, Indian films have frequently grossed tens of millions of dollars at the box office in the United States, and American film producers have begun to favor purchasing Indian films.

Although tens of millions of dollars is not that staggering, it is still a lot of income.If you spend a few million dollars to buy the distribution, plus the family income such as DVDs, you can still make tens of millions of dollars. No company is willing to do this kind of business.

Both Zhou Yun and Song Chi are doing this kind of thing, making Chinese-language films and then promoting Chinese-language films.

Zhang Zifan finally expressed his stance. He said: "This is my first film as a director, and I hope it can be seen in theaters."

The two main creators have expressed their opinions, and others have stopped mentioning the direct sale to streaming media.

"The situation we are facing now is that no company is willing to help us do a large-scale release. We can only choose a small-scale release and then slowly expand the number of theaters." Zhou Lan said.

Zhou Yun said: "It's not impossible to release a small-scale release, but the conditions offered by various companies are not very good now. I'm worried that after they win this film, they will only do the simplest distribution, and then directly put it on streaming media. That would be worse than We sold directly to streaming media ourselves at the beginning."

In the final analysis, "Truth Night" is not favored.

Zhou Yun said: "Either we will give up showing it in the United States first."


"We will release it in Europe and Asia first," Zhou Yun said. "Don't package it up and sell it. We know the local film producers in each region. It's better to break it up and distribute it."

Zhou Lan said: "Time is so tight now, it may not be possible to make it to be released simultaneously with us during the Spring Festival."

Zhou Yun said: "If you can catch up with the simultaneous release, it will be released on the same day. If you can't catch it, it doesn't matter if it is released later."

Zhou Lan said: "What about the United States?"

"I hope that "Truth Night" will perform well at the box office in other places. I hope they will change their minds after seeing the global box office performance and reputation of "Truth Night"." Zhou Yun said, "As I said, I I don't care if they start with a small release, but I want to see their sincerity in releasing this film. I don't want it to just stay in theaters for two or three weeks, fulfill the contractual requirements, and then rush it. If we put it on streaming media, our movie is aimed at theaters."

"OK, let's implement it according to this." Zhou Lan said, "We have very familiar film producers in Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, India, and Malaysia, and they have been very interested in our film from the beginning. We have expressed interest, and as for Europe, only two film studios in France have made inquiries."

"We can consider handing over all distribution rights in Europe to one of them," Zhou Yun said. "French film producers already have strong distribution capabilities in Europe."


After discussing it, they decided on this pace.

"On the Latin American side, I'll ask Antonio if he can help us introduce him." Zhou Yun said.

(End of this chapter)

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