Yu Chiha is a world-famous artistic film director.

He has never made a commercial film. However, he rated a commercial film made by a newcomer so highly, which surprised and confused many people, and then he also became interested in watching the film.

However, most fans of director Yu Chiha still cannot accept such a movie with many twists and scenes. In the words of some people, this movie is full of attractive gimmicks, but there is not much that makes people feel. Something to ponder and immerse yourself in.

That's what genre films are like.

People who like it like it very much, but people who don't like it think it's just a vulgar concept film.

This is the case with any creation. It cannot please everyone, it can only find its own audience.

Therefore, when Zhou Yun promotes the movie "Truth Night", he must focus on the content and subject matter, rather than focusing on the "Zhou Yun brand".

Playing the "Zhou Yun card" can only get a small number of movie fans who will actually go to the cinema because of Zhou Yun, but playing the "content and theme card" is the key to attracting a large number of passerby fans into the cinema. reason.

There were a lot of discussions, but these discussions did not affect the box office trend of "Truth Night".

In the final analysis, it is still a commercial movie aimed at most audiences, without a collision of values, and has set off a craze for movie-watching in various markets.

At the end of February, Zhou Yun finally asked for leave from the crew of "Flower City" again because he had to attend the Oscar Film Awards ceremony.

After being nominated for Best Actress at this year's Oscars for "The Killer," Zhou Yun's popularity in the United States has climbed to a position that others can't even imagine.

Actors have good years and bad years, and at this moment Zhou Yun is undoubtedly in her good year.

Winning the Golden Globe Award unexpectedly gave Zhou Yun a huge surprise, but Zhou Yun would not start looking forward to the Oscars giving her such a surprise just because of this.

These are completely two award mechanisms.

The Golden Globes are a jury system, while the Oscars are voted by thousands of members.

The latter makes it difficult to change the results based on personal preference.

The results of the Oscar awards are often the general trend of the year.

A nomination is already the end for Zhou Yun and the movie "The Killer".

But even if he doesn't win the award, it's impossible for Zhou Yun not to attend the award ceremony.

This is the most influential film award in the world and the most exposed award ceremony.

Zhou Yun has worked hard for so long, how could he not attend at this time?
"Aren't you going to attend with me?" Zhou Yun asked Song Chi.

Song Chi has finished filming "The Order" with Yu Zhiyang, and he is currently promoting "Forbidden Forces" in the United States.

After this movie was released in the United States, it did well at the box office and has exceeded US$700 million so far.

Song Chi said: "You are the protagonist that night. I will attend with you. Then everyone's focus will become that we attend together."

"So what, I think it's good." Zhou Yun said directly, "Besides, at this time, I also hope that you can stay with me."

"Are you sure?" Song Chi hesitated.

As an actor, of course he also wanted to see the Oscars ceremony.It's just that he didn't want to affect Zhou Yun's limelight that night because of himself.

"Sure." Zhou Yunsi said decisively without hesitation, "I'm very sure, I need you to come with me."

There is no airtight wall under the sky.The news that Zhou Yun and Song Chi were going to attend the Oscars together soon spread.

What surprised the media and netizens even more was another actor who was rumored to be attending the Oscars.

This is really unexpected.

This person is Liu Qingqing.

——Why was Liu Qingqing invited to attend the Oscars?
This is the first question that comes to everyone's mind after seeing that Liu Qingqing is going to attend the Oscars.
"Liu Qingqing was invited by Huanxing, I heard." Zhou Lan told Zhou Yun, "She has made many horror films before, and Huanxing bought them for overseas distribution. She and Huanxing are in love. It’s the period.”

Zhou Yun nodded.

Universal Star is an independent film company in the United States. In the past few years, it has been committed to the production of small and medium-cost films, and has produced many cases of using small to achieve great results.

Huanxing bought several horror-thriller films starring Liu Qingqing, but instead of arranging theatrical releases, they put them all on streaming media and released them directly online.

Because of this partnership, Liu Qingqing is also negotiating with Huanxing to collaborate on a horror movie.

Huanxing is preparing to make a horror-themed movie with two female protagonists, a blond American girl and an Asian girl.

Liu Qingqing originally wanted to change her mind and stop filming thriller-themed dramas. After receiving the news about this drama, she changed her mind.

Mainly because Zhou Yun gave her a great inspiration.

With the rise of the Chinese film market, the "Hollywood fever" has faded. Chinese actors who once worked hard to act in Hollywood rarely go to Hollywood to look for opportunities now.

However, no one can deny that Hollywood is still the most powerful film production center in the world.

Liu Qingqing thought that if she could act in this movie produced by Huanxing, she might be able to become famous around the world.

The talks between the two parties did go relatively smoothly, so in order to warm up the movie, Huanxing invited Liu Qingqing.

"Now because of you, many domestic actors are starting to think about taking the international route again." Zhou Lan said, "I heard that many people are starting to look for projects in Hollywood."

"There are only so many Chinese characters in Hollywood, and there are so many Asian actors in Hollywood right now." Zhou Yun is not very optimistic about the current situation where all the actors are heading to Hollywood.

"You know, this industry is like this. If something becomes popular or successful, it will attract a swarm of people to follow suit." Zhou Lan laughed.

Zhou Yun also smiled helplessly.

"Did Song Chi meet Elizabeth?" Zhou Lan asked again.

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I said we made an appointment to have dinner together tonight. I don't know what they want to talk about. Elizabeth probably wants to talk about more cooperation with Song Chi, not just opening her own production company." This is just a reason, she wants to open a production company, and there are too many people in Hollywood willing to match her, so there is no need to ask Song Chi for advice."

"Actually, you and Song Chi both have the idea of ​​developing overseas. Why not set up a production company in Hollywood together?" Zhou Lan said, "This is actually something you really want to do, isn't it?" (End of Chapter)

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