What Zhou Lan said was not wrong. Both Zhou Yun and Song Chi now hope to build their own strength overseas instead of relying on others.

The difficulties encountered by "Truth Night" in overseas distribution are actually a sign.

Because Zhou Yun and the others are on the production side of content, but they don’t have the power on the distribution side and can only rely on others.And if these major companies are unwilling to give good conditions, there is nothing Zhou Yun can do.Only by building your own strength can you get rid of this powerless situation.

Zhou Yun thought for a moment and then said: "The main reason is that we have just established production and agency companies in China, and it is difficult to find the right people to do this."

There are no people and no energy. This is the biggest obstacle for Zhou Yun to expand his own business territory.

A trustworthy person who can get things done is too important and too rare.

Zhou Lan nodded and said: "Of course this is a problem, but I think you must have met a lot of people while working overseas, just like Xu Jinbo. If you think it is appropriate, you can also consider poaching people over. At the beginning We also thought it would be difficult for Xu Jinbo to recruit him, but now he has relented."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "Actually, we don't necessarily need to set up a production company right away. Haven't we been doing one thing, the overseas distribution of some domestic movies? I think we can be a film copyright broker. This kind of work is to promote domestic film and television dramas to Hollywood. On the one hand, it is direct sales. On the other hand, good ideas and ideas can be introduced to them and remade into English works. Starting from this point, the initial investment will be relatively small. It is much smaller, but it can also meet our core needs, familiarity with Hollywood, and establishing our own network of contacts and channels."

"Of course you can, but most of the works we can represent are literary films, so it's hard for Hollywood to be interested in them," Zhou Lan said.

"On the one hand, we are expanding the range of works we represent. On the other hand, aren't we also looking for screenwriters and signing their works to our company?" Zhou Yun said, "We may not necessarily be able to film these scripts. Chinese-language movies and scripts translated into English can also find buyers in Hollywood."

"This is indeed an idea." Zhou Lan's eyes suddenly lit up, "You have a good idea."

"Liu Qidong's scripts are actually very classic in terms of creativity and story structure. If we run the scripts he writes well, even if they are remade into English movies, they will be very suitable and there will be no cultural barriers." Zhou Yun said, "Speaking of which, the movie "The Prophecy" might as well go to film festivals to find buyers. There should be many people interested in this subject and genre."

Zhou Lan nodded and said, "This movie is very popular. Many people have inquired about this project, including Xue Caiqin. She really wants to buy the streaming media for this movie to be broadcast around the world."

"Sister Caiqin, are you also interested in this movie?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

"Well, as you said before, for overseas audiences, unless they are at your level, they are actually unfamiliar actors that they don't know. They all rely on the subject matter and content of the movie itself to attract people." Zhou Lan said, "The genre of "The Prophecy Child" has a stable market audience. It may not necessarily attract many viewers to watch the movie in the cinema, but it will definitely attract a lot of viewers to watch it on streaming media."

Zhou Yun said: ""Children of the Prophecy" can be screened at film festivals and attract film dealers and buyers from various countries. I think "Night of Truth" reminds us of a very important point. We must have film distributors we know in every country. , it is best to establish a long-term cooperative relationship.”

"Yeah." Zhou Lan nodded in agreement, "It's not easy for "Truth Night" to catch up with your popularity and be released globally so quickly, and it's not easy for them either. In fact, this movie is completely riding on your unprecedented popularity. To attract everyone's attention to this movie, such a box office miracle is too difficult to replicate, even for yourself."

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded in agreement.
Zhou Yun and the two made an appointment for dinner with Melando's Brillancchi.Brilanche specially invited the two of them to his house for dinner.

This means closeness.

Because the two movies "Killer" and "Killer" were hugely successful in North America, as Melando's main person in charge of the two projects, Brillancchi's status in the company skyrocketed.

Zhou Yun will continue to collaborate with Melando on the sequel to "The Killer", and the friendly cooperative relationship will last at least five years. Of course, Brillanc is very happy to stay close to the newly minted Golden Globe Award-winning actress. relation.

However, because the release of "Truth Night" in North America did not go smoothly, both parties were still a little embarrassed.

As soon as Brillancchi met them, he immediately congratulated them: "I heard that the global box office of "Truth Night" has exceeded [-] million US dollars. This is amazing and incredible. Within half a year, three consecutive starring movies have exceeded [-] million US dollars. No other actor in Hollywood has achieved such a miracle."

Zhou Yun smiled and said: "It's a pity that it was not released simultaneously worldwide in North America. Otherwise, I think the global box office of "Truth Night" would have exceeded [-] million by now."

Brilanche laughed.

"Oh, dear, you must know that I am very optimistic about the movie "Truth Night", but there are always some old antiques in the company who are obstructing me with market data, and I have no way to get past them to give more information. High conditions.”

"I wonder if the veterans of your company have changed their minds after the movie "Night of Truth" achieved its current box office performance?" Zhou Lan asked with a smile.

Brilanche shrugged his shoulders and said in a voice with the same hatred: "Believe me, if they change their mind, I will definitely contact you as soon as possible. You know, I am definitely your strongest ally in Melandu." , I fully believe in you.”

"Well, what a pity." Zhou Yun showed a regretful expression, "I thought we could have more cooperation."

"Actually, Zhou Yun, Melando is definitely not the only one who is not optimistic about this movie. If no one can agree to your conditions, why not lower the conditions? Everyone still believes that you can appeal to many viewers now. I went to the theater to see this movie, but to achieve the same results as "Lady Killer"? I think this is basically impossible."

""Truth Night" may not be able to achieve the same results as "The Killer", but my estimate for it is also more than 1000 million U.S. dollars." Zhou Yun said, "Coupled with the income from family and streaming media broadcasts, I think This movie deserves better.”

"Well, then we can only continue to look for it and see if there is any company willing to satisfy you." (End of Chapter)

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