I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1123 The inside story of robbing clothes

The remaining VX staff looked at each other.

They were ordered to try on Zhou Yun's clothes, but now that the clothes have been taken away, they can't do anything if they stay here.

Zhou Lan was so angry that his face turned red.

"Who is she? The clothes you brought here, she took them away just as she told you to take them?"

Several girls at VX hesitated for a moment, and someone explained: "She is our vice president and head of the artist liaison department. We can't stop her."

Zhou Lan took a deep breath, raised his hand and said, "Okay, you can go back."

Several girls from VX left immediately.

It was too embarrassing to stay here, and they wanted to leave immediately.

Zhou Lan said to Zhou Yun: "I'm going to call Zheng Xiaowen and ask what's going on, but that woman dares to be so arrogant and directly wait for people to come and take away the clothes. I think it will be difficult to get one of us in a short time." If you want the answer, I’ll contact D’s family first to see if I can borrow a dress temporarily.”

Zhou Yun said: "I will contact Zheng Xiaowen. You can help me borrow the dress directly."

"it is good."

When this happened suddenly, both Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan looked a little ugly.

Zhou Yun contacted Zheng Xiaowen.

She didn't even know what happened. After listening to Zhou Yun's words, everyone was shocked.

"This, this..." Zheng Xiaowen didn't know what to say for a moment. This incident had a great impact on her. She was no less shocked than Zhou Yun. "Xiaoyun, I'm sorry, I don't know anything about this." Qing, I will call them right now and ask them to return the clothes! This is too much!"

Zhou Yun: "Xiaowen, no need. Since they took the dress away, I won't wear it even if it comes back. I guess you don't know about this, so I'll tell you first. Of course, about this dress Matter, VX must give me an explanation later, so I won’t tell you now.”

Zhou Yun hung up the phone directly.

Zheng Xiaowen didn't know about this, but Zhou Yun believed it.But no matter what, the woman named Olga Ruili represents VX.It is no longer her personal matter that she dares to do this openly. This is because VX completely ignores the cooperative relationship with Zhou Yun and puts Zhou Yun in a position of being ridiculed and insulted.

Zhou Yun would not let this matter go lightly because of his personal relationship with Zheng Xiaowen.

This incident was so unexpected and even so unbelievable that Zhou Yun didn't know how to deal with it.

The relationship between her and VX over the years has been very strong because of Zheng Xiaowen and the Chinese market.

No matter how you think about it, such a thing will not happen.

Ten minutes later, Zhou Lan came back.

The D family took out several high-end sets that have not been released this year and gave them to Zhou Yun to choose.

Still very sincere.

Zhou Lan said: "They didn't know what was going on here, but when they heard that we wanted to borrow their clothes to attend the Oscars, they immediately agreed and told me in less than 5 minutes that they could borrow their undisclosed haute couture dress. Let us pick.”

Zhou Lan spoke in such detail because he wanted Zhou Yun to understand how sincere the D family was this time.

Zhou Yun nodded and said: "Please help me give a thank you gift to the person in charge later. This time we have indeed accepted someone's favor, and we don't have to worry about others knowing that our dresses were taken away. I don't mind being in this situation." When it comes to saving face, how one evaluates things depends on fairness and justice."

"Okay." Zhou Lan breathed a sigh of relief, "Then let's wait here. They have already arranged for someone to deliver clothes."
Lucia is an editor at Variety.

Now is her busiest time because of the upcoming Oscars.

At this time, her mailbox was also the busiest - all kinds of people sent her breaking news.Lucia picked out the ones she was interested in and checked the authenticity.

Once confirmed to be true, Lucia will be published in Variety's report.

This is the norm for many newspaper editors and reporters.

She has been working overtime recently, and Lucia didn't sleep well yesterday. She was very sleepy.

Just as I was yawning and preparing to pour myself another cup of coffee, my mailbox suddenly prompted that I had received a new email.

Lucia opened the email and saw that it was news about the two contenders for Best Actress at this year's Oscar.

VX?Grab a dress?

Lucia's eyes changed immediately.

These few keywords alone have aroused her great interest.

She quickly read the content of the email and immediately picked up her phone to contact the whistleblower.
In winter, the snow has stopped falling, but the wind is blowing.

Olga Reilly got out of the car and entered the building with her dress.

"Jennifer, I brought you clothes." She walked into a lounge with a smile on her face, "Try it on quickly. If you need to modify it, you have to hurry up."

Jennifer Roy was sitting on a chair and looking at her phone. She turned around and saw Olga Ruili, smiled slightly and said, "Olga, did you really bring me that dress?"

"Of course, you asked for it, why didn't I bring it over?" Olga Ruili said.

"Isn't it said that this dress has been lent to Zhou Yun?" Jennifer Roy asked, "Does she have no objection?"

"Jennifer, don't worry about this matter, I will solve it." Olga Ruili smiled at them with a calm attitude and said: "You know, with me, you will always be Highest priority.”

Jennifer Roy said: "She's in the spotlight right now and I don't want to get into trouble with her."

Olga Reilly laughed, "Oh my god, what are you talking about? How dare she conflict with you, a Chinese? This is not their place. This is America, this is Hollywood."

Jennifer Roy sighed, shook her head, and said, "Hollywood today is no longer what it used to be. Look at how many Asians are coming over now, and how many Asian characters appear in movies and TV shows every year. Europe Chia, times have changed."

Olga Ruili raised her lips, "But here, in VX, I still have the final say."

At this moment, her cell phone rang.

She picked up the phone and looked at it. She was a little surprised to see that it was a call from her immediate boss, Mabel.

Mabel is not only the vice president of Zhenvia, the parent company of VX, but also in charge of the VX market in the United States.

"Mabel, why did you contact me?"

"You took away Zhou Yun's clothes, didn't you?" Mabel's tone showed no emotion.

Olga Reilly picked up the phone, signaled to Jennifer Roy to answer the call, and left the room.

As soon as she walked out of the room, Olga Reilly said immediately: "Mabel, I did it on purpose."

"Give me a reason."

"Zheng Xiaowen has been in the limelight in recent years due to the rise of the Chinese market. If her momentum is not blocked, she will step on me and enter the management of the group headquarters." Olga Ruili said, "Mabel, you want her to enter management Are you coming to compete with you?"

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