VX is a brand founded by Zheng Xiaowen in Europe. It was later acquired by TrueVia and became a brand of TrueVia.

Originally, a new brand could not achieve such a status in a short period of time.

But the attention VX has received in Europe, especially France, has made it skip a lot of distance.

Later, Zheng Xiaowen took VX to open up the market in China, and in just five years, VX's sales and revenue increased to TOP 1 among all Zhenvia brands.

This record is also the reason why senior personnel like Mabel and Olga Ruili will be assigned to the North American region of the VX brand, because the group headquarters wants to build VX into a high-end team that can compete with the D and C families. Luxury brand.

Olga Ruili cannot change the decision of the group headquarters, but if this continues, Zheng Xiaowen's status will become higher and higher. With the dual identities of VX chief designer and China market leader, she is simply not something Olga Ruili can fight against.

VX was able to emerge in the Chinese market like a tiger descending from a mountain, and it was inseparable from Zhou Yun.

This is a well-known thing at the headquarters of Zhenvia Group and VX.

For this reason, Olga Ruili thought of this trick.

First, let’s break up the deep bond between Zhou Yun and VX.

Olga Reli has been waiting for her chance.

At this Oscar ceremony, when she sent a dress sample book to Jennifer Roy, she deliberately included Zheng Xiaowen's custom-made dress for Zhou Yun.

When Jennifer Roy spotted the dress, Olga Reilly knew her chance had come.

"Jennifer Roy has taken a fancy to this dress. Can we not give it to her? Zhou Yun is very popular, but her influence in Europe and the United States cannot be compared to Jennifer. She is also the most popular actress at this year's Oscars. VX worn by nominees and Oscar-winning actresses should better demonstrate the value of the brand than VX worn by Oscar-winning actress nominees.”

As soon as Olga Reilly finished speaking, Mabel knew what she was planning.

Mabel said: "No matter what, this is a dress specially customized by Zheng Xiaowen for Zhou Yun. Zheng Xiaowen and Zhou Yun will not give up. They rely on the Chinese market, and the group headquarters must give them an explanation."

"Of course, I will go and apologize to them in person." Olga Ruili didn't care about this, "But whether they will accept it or not is another matter."

"Maybe the headquarters will fire you to appease Zhou Yun." Mabel said lightly.

"Mabel, you know that I am firmly on your side." Olga Ruili said immediately, "Do you want to see Zheng Xiaowen firmly stepping on our heads?"

"Right or wrong is not important, nor are your and my emotions. What is important is that VX needs Zhou Yun very much now. You took away the dress provocatively. VX must show an attitude."

"Jennifer Roy will also see the attitude of VX." Olga Ruili said, "I did this to protect our North American market. Believe me, Mabel, when Jennifer Roy stands wearing VX On the Oscar podium, the group headquarters will understand my actions."
Lucia confirmed the news again and again, but still couldn't believe that VX would do such a thing to Zhou Yun.

However, she has been working in "Variety Show" for so long, and she has seen all kinds of strange things.

These people in the vanity fair often do things that ordinary people cannot understand.

Lucia immediately realized that this could be a great source of material if done right.Instead, she was thinking about one thing. Should she send this news out before the Best Actress Oscar comes out, or wait until Jennifer Roy successfully wins the Best Actress award before breaking the news.

The newly minted Oscar winner is competing for another nominee's dress!

With the popularity of the new actress, this news will definitely break out.

But Lucia thought about it and decided to send it immediately.

On the one hand, because of this information, other media may not have received the news. If it was sent out in advance, she would be robbed of the news.

On the other hand, if there is an upset this year and Jennifer Roy does not win the Best Actress in the end, this news will not attract so much attention.

Lucia edited the article, logged into the backend of the website, and published the article using her own account.

"Jennifer Roy maliciously competes for Zhou Yun's dress, does the Oscar red carpet battle begin in advance? ! 》
As soon as the breaking article came out, it immediately spread in Hollywood.

Jennifer Roy is the most popular candidate for the Best Actress Oscar this year, and Zhou Yun is the popular heroine who has two blockbuster movies in the past six months. Both of them are the female stars that the media pays the most attention to, and they are also the women who have attracted much attention in Hollywood. For an actor to suddenly release such news at this time, it is simply a bomb that explodes.

Less than 5 minutes after the article was published, Zhou Yun received a call from Lucia.

Zhou Yun was not surprised at all that this person was able to get her private number.

Lucia is the official editor of "Variety", and her connections in Hollywood are not necessarily worse than those of ordinary stars.

"Hi, Zhou Yun, I'm Lucia from "Variety Show". Do you have anything to say about Jennifer Roy taking away the dress that originally belonged to you?"

Zhou Yun was silent for two seconds and said, "Lucia, will you publish these words I answered?"

"Yes." Lucia admitted frankly, "But if something like this happens, I believe you will be willing to express your attitude, right?"

Zhou Yun: "Whether this matter has anything to do with Jennifer Roy or whether she knew about it, I don't know. I want you to help me convey this."

Lucia was a little surprised, "Oh, really?"

"What makes me angry about this is Olga Reilly. She is a manager in VX North America. When I was trying on clothes today, she suddenly brought someone in and declared in the name of Jennifer Roy. Jennifer Roy fell in love with this dress and forcibly took away the dress specially customized for me by the designer Zheng Xiaowen." Zhou Yun said, "After this incident, I have expressed my dissatisfaction to VX. If If there is no satisfactory explanation for this matter, I will end my partnership with VX."

Lucia was quite depressed at first. She felt that Zhou Yun was unwilling to directly express his dissatisfaction with Jennifer Roy. As a result, there was no way for this matter to continue to explode. Who knows, Zhou Yun would not follow her to the end. He immediately raised his conflicts and contradictions with VX.

A veteran like Lucia, who has worked for many years, certainly knew that Zhou Yun wanted to use her to put pressure on VX.

But she doesn't mind being used - everyone gets what they want.

The conflict between Zhou Yun and VX was also full of explosive points, and it directly added another party to the matter.

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