When Jennifer Roy came out of the car with her agent, she was surrounded by many people.

This situation has continued for several months in this awards season that has lasted for several months.

It was cold and windy.

Everyone is heavily dressed.

Jennifer Roy was the only one still wearing fashion.

Under such high-intensity exposure, she pays great attention to her image every moment.

At this moment, someone suddenly asked: "Jennifer, regarding Variety's report that you stole Zhou Yun's dress, is this true?"

This man's voice is so loud that it's hard not to pay attention.

Jennifer Roy paused.

She looked at the questioner with her sunglassed eyes.

"Steal?" Jennifer Roy frowned slightly, "Do you think I need to steal other people's dresses?"

A look of pride appeared on Jennifer Roy's face.

She didn't need to do such a thing.

However, the person still did not give up and continued to ask: "So about the accusations made against you by Variety Show, will you respond?"

Jennifer Roy said: "This matter has nothing to do with me. The clothes were brought over by people from VX. I don't know if they gave me the clothes they promised to others, but I will not snatch other people's clothes to wear. .”

After saying that, Jennifer Roy walked into the hotel in front with a straight face.

Reporters at the scene were stopped at the door.
"Whether Jennifer Roy knows about it or not, she will definitely not admit it." Zhou Lan said, "I also tend to believe that she doesn't know about it. With her status, there is no need to compete with others for clothes, just like we don't know at all. There is no need to compete with others for a piece of clothing.”

Zhou Yun asked: "Has VX contacted you?"

"Zheng Xiaowen called me later and she said that it was most likely that someone within the group wanted to target her."

"Aimed at her?" Zhou Yun looked at Zhou Lan in surprise, "What do you mean?"

Zhou Lan said: "Olga Ruili and her are competitors. After VX was acquired by Zhenvia, Zheng Xiaowen was the original founder and designer of VX, and Olga Ruili was sent from the headquarters of Zhenvia Group. , one is in charge of the Chinese market, and the other is in charge of the American market. Although the two sides do not overlap, there is a competitive relationship on the other side of the group. In the past few years, you also know that VX has developed very rapidly in China, Olga Ruili Feeling a big crisis, Zheng Xiaowen said that she believed that Oujia Ruili deliberately wanted to sow the relationship between you and VX - within Zhenvia Group, everyone knows that VX's rapid expansion in the Chinese market is closely related to You, the spokesperson, have a great relationship."

Generally speaking, the relationship between the spokesperson and the brand is not as deep as the relationship between Zhou Yun and VX.

The relationship between Zhou Yun and VX is indeed special.

From the beginning of the cooperation, to subsequent endorsements, to important occasions, she almost always wore dresses customized for her by Zheng Xiaowen. Later, Zhou Yun also cooperated with VX and starred in the drama "Under the Dress".

Zhou Yun is present in every key move of VX in the Chinese market.

The rapid rise in popularity of VX in China is also due to Zhou Yun's endorsement and promotion of VX.

Zhou Yun frowned slightly. "So, this matter is not just an internal matter within VX?" Zhou Yun asked, "This is because someone within them has seized power, and then they are planning to blame me."

"Yes." Zhou Lan nodded, "But this is their internal matter. I think what you said in the interview with "Variety" was quite good. If VX cannot give us a satisfactory explanation on this matter, , then our cooperative relationship with them will indeed change."

Zhou Lan had always felt that Zhou Yun was too tied to VX.

Zhou Lan doesn't really want Zhou Yun to be so closely tied to VX - because this will affect Zhou Yun's cooperation with other brands. If Zhou Yun hadn't been so strong in recent years, the D family would have been so happy if something like this happened. Lend them clothes temporarily?
It's hard.

Basically impossible.

There are several stylists who work with Zhou Yun, but because of Zhou Yun's deep ties with VX, there has never been much room for those stylists to perform.

Brands such as Djia have been actively trying to cooperate with Zhou Yun, but because of Zhou Yun's deep ties with VX, there is little room for cooperation.

This is a good opportunity.

Therefore, Zhou Lan decided to tell Zhou Yun more.

"I know that you have a very good relationship with VX, especially with Zheng Xiaowen. Because of this friendship, your feelings for VX are not just as simple as an endorsement brand. But, Xiaoyun, you have also seen that VX is not complete. It belongs to Zheng Xiaowen. She has absolute say in the Chinese market, but it is different here. If we continue to be deeply tied to VX as before, it is easy for something like this to happen again. We have to make VX realize that we are not the only ones. They are a brand that can choose. Between us and VX, it is VX that needs us more, not us that need VX more. Only with competition will VX pay more attention to you - I am talking about Zhenweia, which VX is affiliated with. ."

Zhou Yun fell into deep thought.

Zhou Yun actually understood what Zhou Lan said.

From a cooperation perspective, this is indeed the case.

Zhou Yun didn't listen to Zhou Lan's advice at first. Indeed, as Zhou Lan said, it was because she and VX met in Weimo's past and because Zheng Xiaowen supported her from beginning to end.

Olga Reilly's robbery of the dress was a wake-up call.

VX is not owned by Zheng Xiaowen alone.
VX is in a crisis of public opinion.

Olga Ruili, who was named and accused by Zhou Yun, also got involved in "Variety Show" and fell into chaos that was not in her plan.

Olga Ruili's social account was hacked by Zhou Yun's fans, including fans of Jennifer Roy, who also criticized her, blaming her for causing so much trouble to Jennifer Roy.

When Olga Ruili did this, she forgot one very important thing, that is, Zhou Yun is not a staff member of VX, and she is not someone she can suppress quietly through some kind of plan or conspiracy.

Zhou Yun had nothing to avoid or hold back on this matter.

She openly and openly accused VX and Olga Ruili, not caring at all about the blow to her personal image after the incident of being robbed of her clothes was exposed, directly setting off a storm of public opinion, directed towards Olga Ruili.

Even Mabel immediately drew a clear line with her.

"This is something you made on your own. You have to find a way to solve it yourself." Mabel said, "The headquarters is very angry and has sent someone to apologize to Zhou Yun in person. The headquarters values ​​Zhou Yun far more than you think. .”

No company is willing to struggle with money.

Olga Ruili had long expected the reaction of Zhou Yun and the headquarters, but she did not expect that their reaction would be much greater than she imagined.

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