When Song Chi met Zhou Yun, he happened to encounter an executive from Zhenweiya who brought someone to apologize to Zhou Yun and calm her down.

Zhou Lan was also with them.

Song Chi did not go over and asked Liu Yun about Zhou Yun's current situation.

"Has Xiaoyun been affected by this incident?"

Liu Yun shook her head and said, "Sister Xiaoyun is a little angry, but fortunately, this incident has not affected her mood."

"That's good." Song Chi nodded.

About 10 minutes later, Zhenvia's people left.

Only then did Song Chi pass.

"Come to apologize?" he asked with a smile.

Zhou Yun nodded, rolled his eyes in displeasure, and said, "There is no sincere apology."

"Really? What attitude do they have?"

"There is no substantive attitude. It's just an internal communication problem that led to this misunderstanding. The matter was put on the head of a little girl. She blamed her for putting the dress sample on Jennifer Roy when she was making it. The dress that was originally ordered for me was also made, and they were going to get rid of the little girl."

"Where is Oujia Ruili?" Although Song Chi had not communicated this matter with Zhou Yun, he also knew what the crux of this matter was for Zhou Yun.

For Zhou Yun to accuse her by name in "Variety Show", I'm afraid Olga Ruili did something that made Zhou Yun angry.

"Haha, that's what makes me the most angry." Zhou Yun said immediately, "They actually said that Olga Ruili also spoke rudely to me without knowing it, thinking that I was deliberately grabbing clothes. When I heard that, I was too lazy to continue chatting with them and told them that if they didn’t sincerely apologize, they might as well not come.”

"VX is fooling you." Song Chi couldn't help but frown, "What's going on in this matter? Don't they know what's going on internally? Do they think we are so easy to fool? Where is Zheng Xiaowen?"

"Zheng Xiaowen is also a victim. This incident is actually directed at Zheng Xiaowen. There is an internal fight between them." Zhou Yun stood up and poured himself a glass of water. "Sister Lan is right. VX and I are tied too deeply. No matter what, after this incident, the cooperative relationship between me and VX will never be the same."

"That's fine." Song Chi supported Zhou Yun's approach, "That's how it should be."
"Variety" has been following up on the report.

On the day of the Oscars, Lucia directly raised a prize-winning bet through her social account on who would wear the VX dress specially customized for Zhou Yun on the red carpet.

And what kind of dress will Zhou Yun wear on the red carpet?
Everyone was talking a lot, curiously speculating about this matter.

When evening came and the red carpet session was about to begin, Zhou Yun finally appeared.

Lucia was there.

As the media representative of "Variety Show", she also received an invitation letter.

She is not a person who knows much about fashion and cannot identify which brand of clothes others are wearing at a glance.

However, Lucia has something else up her sleeve.

She will get a lot of information in advance.

For example, she had received the news in advance that Zhou Yun would attend today wearing the latest high-end dress from the D family.

After knowing the news, Lucia was silently surprised at Zhou Yun's current situation.After being tricked by VX, he was able to gain support from another big name so quickly.

What makes Lucia even more curious now is that after the current turmoil, will Jennifer Roy wear the dress specially customized for Zhou Yun to attend the Oscars?
Jennifer Roy wore VX and stepped onto the Oscar stage to receive the Oscar for Best Actress.

This is Olga Ruili's greatest strength in doing this.

In any case, VX is a new brand established less than ten years ago.

If you want to compete with a century-old brand like D, you must have natural weaknesses.

How to make up for this weakness?
That's it.

This is why Olga Ruili dared to lead people to steal clothes openly.

She did something wrong, but she can help VX become famous and improve their profile on the most watched stage in the world.

However, "Variety"'s revelations made Jennifer Roy also fall into the attack of public opinion.

After the incident, Jennifer Roy stopped taking her calls, and her agent and publicist stopped responding to any of her messages.

This made Olga Ruili panic.

She wants to make sure Jennifer Roy wears that VX gown on the Oscars red carpet.

However, all current signs make this matter uncertain.

Damn Lucia!

Olga Reilly was angry with the woman who had brought the matter to light in front of everyone.

But it's too late to say anything now.

Olga Reilly can only wait for news about Jennifer Roy.

I hope she will eventually choose to wear the VX custom-made one. As long as she wears that custom-made one, she has not lost.
At the same time, Zheng Xiaowen was also communicating with the upper management of Zhenvia headquarters.

"Did the person you sent to apologize get Zhou Yun's understanding?"

"She is very angry right now. It is normal that she did not get forgiveness for a while." Mabel said this directly.

"Is it normal? Mabel, have you ever considered that this matter has already been caused by our VX's very unprofessional behavior that has caused serious harm and impact to Zhou Yun. We haven't made timely remedies yet. Once Zhou Yun decides to turn around, If the partnership with us is terminated, the entire Chinese market and even the global market will be greatly affected!" Zheng Xiaowen was indignant during the video call, "The Chinese market now accounts for 65% of VX's global market revenue, Ou Jia ·After the incident of Ruili snatching away the dress I customized for Zhou Yun came to light, public opinion attacking our VX has formed on the Chinese Internet. Under our official account on the social platform, all fans of Zhou Yun are asking for an explanation. If Zhou Yun is really alienated from our VX because of this incident, I can directly say that VX’s revenue in China will plummet.”

Zheng Xiaowen knows very well what these people at the headquarters care about most.

She doesn't talk about feelings, only based on interests.

"This matter could have been solved perfectly. If Olga Reilly told me that Jennifer Roy also wanted to wear our VX dress, I could customize one for her or give her other designs of mine to choose from. , in this way, there will be two Best Actress nominees at this Oscar wearing our VX on the red carpet, but Olga Reilly used the most undesirable method!"

Mabel said: "Xiaowen, Olga Ruili's method is problematic, but she also wanted Jennifer Roy to wear a VX dress to attend the Oscars."

"Can this be used to cover up the mistakes she made?" Zheng Xiaowen frowned and asked angrily, "Olga Ruili deliberately used this way of humiliating Zhou Yun to take away her clothes, but we can't give Zhou Yun any sincerity. Apology, everyone, are you sure you can bear the risk of losing the Chinese market?" (End of Chapter)

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