I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1127 Strategies for Development in Hollywood

"Xiaowen, are you being too alarmist? Is it possible for Zhou Yun to decide our VX market in China alone?" Samir Galloway, another senior executive at the headquarters, said with some dissatisfaction.

Zheng Xiaowen: "If you have carefully studied the Chinese market, you will understand that I am not alarmist. Everything I say is based on facts. You don't understand Zhou Yun's influence in China, let alone Zhou Yun's influence in China." VX has been able to develop and expand so rapidly in China because the VX brand is deeply tied to Zhou Yun, who is on the rise. From ready-made clothing to customization, the brand value of VX has risen so fast because Zhou Yun has grown from a Ordinary stars become movie queens, then achieve their current international status, and now they have won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress, and were nominated for the Oscar for Best Actress in Chinese-language films. Zhou Yun’s image and VX’s image depth Bundling them together has allowed us Chinese to believe in the VX brand and have the confidence to compete with D and C. I can put my words here. If Zhou Yun really cuts ties with VX and ends the cooperation, VX’s revenue in China will decline in the short term, and in the long term, it will lose the brand value it has worked so hard to build over the years!”

Zheng Xiaowen's harsh words made several executives on the other end of the video call frown subconsciously.

No executive of any company would be willing to see a dangerous collapse crisis lurking beneath their promising market prospects.

It was just Zheng Xiaowen's words that made all of them aware of the hidden danger behind this matter.

Despite this, several of them discussed and were still unwilling to impose any punishment on Olga Ruili at this time.

"Once Olga Reilly is punished, it will definitely make Jennifer Roy unhappy. Are you willing to make a new actress unhappy? She will wear VX on the Oscar stage. If Jennifer Roy can be signed as As the spokesperson of our VX, VX will be able to further increase our visibility in the European and American markets with her influence." Mabel said, "VX's market share in China has now reached a relatively saturated stage, but Europe and the United States, especially It’s the U.S. market, but VX still has a lot of room for development.”

Zheng Xiaowen: "If you don't give Zhou Yun satisfactory feedback before Jennifer Roy steps on the Oscar red carpet, I can say that the cooperation between Zhou Yun and VX will be over in advance."

"We have signed an endorsement agreement with her. Does she want to terminate the agreement early?"

"The occurrence of this kind of thing has already constituted a condition for terminating the contract!" Zheng Xiaowen said angrily.

A group of people looked at each other.

At this moment, a message suddenly came in from Zheng Xiaowen's cell phone.

It was from her assistant: Jennifer Roy showed up. Instead of wearing the dress you designed, she wore a custom-made one by Celo.

Zheng Xiaowen's expression changed.

She raised her head, looked at the several executives in the video, and smiled helplessly, a bit coldly, "Don't worry, Jennifer Roy is not wearing VX, and neither is Zhou Yun. From now on, the two of them will No one will ever wear VX again.”
"Hi, Zhou Yun!"

Jennifer Roy greeted and hugged Zhou Yun affectionately.

The two actresses, who have been at the forefront of the limelight in the past two days, met in the entrance hall. There was no dispute at all and they exchanged warm greetings.

The mobile phones of people around were pointed at them to take pictures.

"Dear, I didn't know about the VX incident at all. They gave me a sample album to choose from. After I chose it, no one told me that you had chosen that dress." Jennifer Roy said seriously He held Zhou Yun's hand and explained.

"It doesn't matter." Zhou Yun said, "Don't let this kind of thing affect your mood. Tonight is the most important moment in your life."

Zhou Yun's words are already hinting that she is optimistic that Jennifer Roy will win the best actress tonight.

Sure enough, after hearing these words, Jennifer Roy immediately showed an even brighter smile. "Oh, my God, thank you, you're so kind." Jennifer Roy held Zhou Yun's hand.
There were almost no upsets at this Oscars, and all the favorites won.

When Jennifer Roy stood on the podium, Zhou Yun applauded her sincerely.

She knows that she will have many opportunities to compete for this award in the future.

Being nominated this time is already an unexpected surprise.

In fact, at the Oscars follow-up party, Zhou Yun received as much enthusiasm as Jennifer Roy, the newly minted best actress.

Everyone in the film company hopes to develop a new action film with Zhou Yun.

There are not many female action actors in Hollywood, and even fewer who can become stars.

Zhou Yun's two action movies in a row have become huge hits, which is a very obvious signal in the eyes of the film company.

However, Zhou Yun was not interested in many invitations from Hollywood companies.

The main reason is that she will be filming the sequels of "Killer" and "The Killer" in the future. Within three to five years, unless it is a particularly good script, she will not want to take on any other action movies.

"The current global box office of "The Night of Truth" has exceeded 4 million, reaching nearly [-] million in China, and has also achieved nearly [-] million overseas." When Zhou Yun met with the top management of Pai Mengqi, he was asked about the recent ’s new film, she directly said in a show-off tone, “This movie, which was rejected by you at the beginning, ended up doing pretty well at the box office.”

Paramount executives do regret that they did not obtain the distribution rights for "Truth Night" outside of China - even though it did not sell much box office in the United States, the overseas box office still reached [-] million U.S. dollars, and it still made huge profits. .

They underestimated Zhou Yun's global box office appeal.

At this party, Zhou Yun emphasized the box office performance of "Truth Night" with almost all the executives of major Hollywood film companies.

She is shaping her own image - her ability to carry the box office and her eye for choosing movies.

In fact, Zhou Yun has already had several movies with a global box office of more than [-] million, not just "The Killing Song" and "The Killer". This is purely because these two movies have achieved very good box office in the United States. The box office results of movies such as "One Mountain Two Tigers", "Truth Night" and "Four Killers" are not significant in the United States, so they are not paid attention to by Hollywood film companies.

Zhou Yun just wants Hollywood to see that the movies she stars in can win box office and win a lot of box office.

This is a strategy she decided upon after communicating with Zhou Lan—a strategy for her to gain a foothold in Hollywood.

Zhou Lan said: "You are a Chinese actor, and your appearance and skin color are obviously different from them. It is difficult for us to become the mainstream in Hollywood. Even if you have been nominated for an Oscar, as long as you star in a movie that is very profitable at the box office, If things don't change, you will always be a celebrity in Hollywood. This is our biggest asset when negotiating with them." (End of Chapter)

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