This night, Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan also had an unexpected harvest.

Global Star was very interested in obtaining the distribution rights of "Truth Night" in the United States. They made an appointment to have a serious chat about the release of "Truth Night" in the United States.

That night, Zhou Yun also met Liu Qingqing.

Only then did Zhou Yun find out that Liu Qingqing had actually signed a brokerage contract with an American brokerage company.

Liu Qingqing is also preparing to enter Hollywood.

Huanxing is currently preparing a horror film called "Smiling Face", and is contacting Liu Qingqing to be one of the two heroines.

After Liu Qingqing and Zhou Yun met, she greeted Zhou Yun enthusiastically and proactively, saying, "Xiaoyun, long time no see."

Because he knew that Liu Qingqing had won the second female lead in the second part of "The Sword Lady", Zhou Yun was a little more affectionate with Liu Qingqing than usual.

"I heard that you will soon star in a movie produced by Huanxing. I'm looking forward to it." Zhou Yun said.

"Oh, the movie I want to make is still a horror movie, there is nothing to say." Liu Qingqing shook her head, "It's not like you don't know how much I want to transform."

Zhou Yun said: "There is always a chance."

Liu Qingqing suddenly thought of something, nodded and said, "That's right. Speaking of which, I have to thank you. The sequel to "The Sword Lady" finally gave me a chance."

She now kept her posture very low in front of Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun shook his head and said: "This matter has nothing to do with me. I did not participate in the casting of "The Sword Lady". You have such rich acting experience and you are very popular. If you are willing to join the sequel of "The Sword Lady", I think Song Chi and Wu Chengbao must also be very happy."

In front of others, Zhou Yun has always been willing to take advantage of others.

Zhou Yun also didn't want to see Liu Qingqing, a once-famous female star, whose career faltered just because she gave birth to a child out of wedlock.

At this time, Jennifer Roy suddenly came over.

She took the initiative to find Zhou Yun and said, "Hi, Zhou Yun, thank you for supporting me tonight."

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "You deserve the award tonight. Your performance was very brilliant."

Jennifer Roy asked: "I have always been a fan of yours. I have watched all of your movies like "Behind the Scenes", "Deep Sea", "Killer" and "The Killer". I have wanted to get to know you for a long time, but you know , this award season, we have always been competitors, and I am worried that when I came to meet you before, our first impression would not be good because of the pressure caused by competition."

Zhou Yun: "Of course, I'm glad to meet you, Jennifer."

Jennifer Roy should be more than ten years older than Zhou Yun, I don't know if she is in her 30s or early 40s.

Zhou Yun didn't check it specifically.

Before winning this year's award, Jennifer Roy was already a very famous actor, but she was not as famous as Elizabeth and others.

There are actually many actors like Jennifer Roy in Hollywood.

They have not won an Oscar, but they have been nominated for it, and their acting skills are recognized in the industry as good. They are just waiting for an opportunity.

Liu Qingqing looked enviously at Zhou Yun, who was chatting and laughing with Jennifer Roy.

Hollywood seems prosperous and star-studded, but in fact it is a small circle. Everyone knows each other. New people come out every year, and many people are dim. There are only so many people who can really stay in this circle. .

Zhou Yun's performance in Hollywood is an instant success.

"Days" swept the independent film community and received rave reviews from film critics. "Behind the Scenes" helped her get her first Golden Globe nomination for Best Actress.

Then came this year’s explosion.

Zhou Yun has become quite famous in Hollywood in recent years.

In particular, Zhou Yun also has a strong journalistic attribute and is often noticed by media around the world for various news.

The most recent thing is the VX custom dress thing.

To be precise, these works have allowed Zhou Yun to make a solid career as an actor, step by step, and gain recognition from industry insiders. And the endless news, from the hotel attack to the crew of "A Boy Destroyed by Desire" The filming was blocked, and the VX dress was robbed in the past few days, which further strengthened Zhou Yun's star and celebrity attributes.

There are very few actors in history who can achieve both the status of actor and star. It almost all depends on the gift of fate.

Zhou Yun is an actor who received such a gift.

After attending the party, Zhou Yun returned to China to continue filming "Flower City", while Zhou Lan stayed in the United States to negotiate with Huanxing Film Company about the release of "Truth Night" in the United States.
A heavy rain came.

The filming of the "Flower City" crew fell into chaos due to the sudden rainstorm, and the filming had to be interrupted.

Gu Huaichun, who had already joined the group for filming, moved a small horse and sat under the eaves, watching the rain.

After going to Venice, Gu Huaichun often stayed alone and thought about many things.

This time I came to play "Flower City" entirely because of Zhou Yun's invitation, and also because this drama was Yue Hai's self-made drama, so my agent didn't stop her.

Gu Huaichun's performance in "Sui" received praise from many film critics and brought a huge shock to Gu Huaichun.

He has been acting for five or six years. Apart from the praise he received when he debuted, he has not been praised for his acting for a long time.

Now he is seriously thinking about his transformation path.

If he doesn't transform and continues to act in idol dramas, he will be 30 years old soon.

How many more years can he act?
He likes this character in "Flower City" very much because it is not perfect and even has many shortcomings.

This is the first character with various flaws that he has played in so many years.When he read the script, he was filled with emotion as he read it.Of course, he does not regret his choices over the years - not everyone has the ability and qualifications to take Zhou Yun's path. Gu Huaichun knows that if he chooses to be like Zhou Yun, he will choose himself in every drama. He wants to act, but if he fails, his career may collapse.

Yue Hai's artist management department is a breeding ground. No one can stop during the rising period and do what they want to do.

As red as ancient Sophora japonica, you can't do whatever you want.

In fact, Gu Huaichun has filmed several works in the past year that are completely different from the foreplay approach.

He guest-starred in "Sui", the main drama "The Age of Light", and now the main drama of the Republic of China "Flower City".

The only popular drama behind Gu Huaichun is "Land of Prosperity" adapted from the game.

The film was a hit and passed over all the A-list actors, and finally landed in his hands.

This is what his agent asked him to do.

"You always have to keep your base." The agent said, "You have no inventory now. If you don't accept "Prosperous Land", your only male leading role will be "The Age of Light". It's not that I don't like it. But as you know, the audience for serious dramas has never been young people. No matter how good your performance is and how big your breakthrough is, at most your die-hard fans will watch it from beginning to end. Most young people will not. After chasing it, you have to have a drama that can attract young audiences.”

Therefore, Gu Huaichun took it. (End of chapter)

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