I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1129 Shadow Queen

"Huaichun, why are you sitting here alone?"

Actress He Zhimao, who was in the same crew, came over and asked.

"There is nothing else to do." Gu Huaichun said, "Are you looking for me?"

"Well, let me ask you if you want to play Werewolf with us." He Zhimao said.

Gu Huaichun shook his head and said, "I'm not very good at this game. You guys can play."

He Zhimao moved a small pony and sat down too.

"Actually, I'm not very good at this game. It's just that everyone asked me to play together, and I was embarrassed to refuse."

"What's the matter? Just say it directly." Gu Huaichun said, "It's just a game, don't force yourself."

He Zhimao blinked and laughed.

"I'm always embarrassed to say no to people."

"Then you have to learn it quickly, otherwise you will have to suffer a lot in the future." Gu Huaichun joked.

He Zhimao: "I hope I can learn it as soon as possible."

He Zhimao asked curiously: "Huaichun, you usually play the leading role, why are you willing to play a supporting role this time?"

Gu Huaichun said: "Xiao Yun recommended it, saying that this role is challenging. I read the script and liked it very much."

He Zhimao had a look of envy on his face.

"I like Xiaoyun so much. She is really talented and every drama she picks is very good. It's a pity that I haven't met Sister Xiaoyun since I joined the cast."

"She will be back soon, and you can see her right away." Gu Huaichun said.

He Zhimao nodded, "What is Xiaoyun's personality like in private? Is there anything I need to pay attention to?"

"There is nothing special that requires attention. You will know when you see her. She is very nice." Gu Huaichun said, "She is the same person on the outside."

He Zhimao nodded.
At noon, He Zhimao went to have lunch with his assistant.

Because the shooting environment is relatively good, in a film and television city, the crew generously reserved a canteen and cooked lunch for them instead of having to eat packed lunches.

He Zhimao and his assistant ordered the dishes and found a seat to sit down.

Because there was another scene being filmed, not many people came to the cafeteria to eat.

The assistant whispered: "Zhimao, do you have a good relationship with Gu Huaichun?"

"It's okay, what's wrong? I've filmed a movie with him before, so I'm quite familiar with him."

"Next time... try not to be alone with him." The assistant showed hesitation on his face, "His reputation in this area is not very good. Everyone says he is a playboy who often hooks up with women. Friends also change very frequently. If you stay with him, others will think too much of you."

He Zhimao pursed his lips and said, "Huaichun is not that kind of person. Don't listen to other people's nonsense. It's not the first day I met him. If he was that kind of person, he would have been exposed long ago."

Assistant: "Whether he is that kind of person or not, everyone says so, so we still have to be careful about everyone's opinions."

He Zhimao was silent.

Although what the assistant said made her a little unhappy, it was not unreasonable.For a woman, if she gets caught up in such tidbits, it will stay with her forever.

He Zhimao also has to take into account his own image and the impression he makes in the eyes of others.

"Xiaoyun often meets and plays with Gu Huaichun, and they have a close relationship, but no one will ever suspect that she and Gu Huaichun have an affair." He Zhimao sighed, "In the end, I am not strong enough, so I will be People misunderstand.”

"How is that possible, Zhimao, there were rumors about Zhou Yun and Gu Huaichun's affair before." The assistant immediately said, "How come no one has ever suspected that there is an affair between her and Gu Huaichun."

He Zhimao was stunned.
"The rain is a bit heavy." Liu Yun glanced out the car window and said, "It's raining so hard, are you still going to the set?"

Zhou Yun said: "I read in the group that the studio has stopped working. Forget it, let's go back to the hotel directly." Liu Yun agreed, and then added: "Producer Xu said that we have booked a place tonight and we want to eat together." It’s a meal.”

Zhou Yun nodded, "Okay."

The car drove directly to the downstairs of the hotel.

Zhou Yun got out of the car and went in with Liu Yun.

The bodyguard escorted her in the middle, away from the people around her.

Now even if Zhou Yun is wearing sunglasses and a mask, he will still be recognized at a glance.

She no longer thinks about him and is used to being surrounded by bodyguards as soon as she goes out.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to move forward.

Liu Yun and Zhou Yun entered the elevator together.

She said: "One more thing, Sister Xiaoyun, reporter Chen Qiren from the Daily News would like to ask you for an exclusive interview."

Zhou Yun was a little surprised: "Didn't the last interview only take place two years ago?"

Reporters like Chen Qiren who conduct exclusive interviews are different from ordinary interview reporters.

Each of his character interview manuscripts is actually a large manuscript, an in-depth interview with tens of thousands of words.

The last time Chen Qiren did it for Zhou Yun, the response was very good.

Liu Yun said: "He said that because a lot of things happened in the past six months, he wanted to do an exclusive interview about your resume in the past six months."

Zhou Yun actually didn't want to do it anymore, but Chen Qiren was really an excellent reporter on people. She subscribed to his column and often read his interview manuscripts.

"Okay, you can make an appointment with him, but you can only do it between filming."

"Yeah." Liu Yun laughed and said, "I knew Sister Xiaoyun that you would definitely agree."


"Everyone in the publicity department said you wouldn't accept it." Liu Yun said, "You have postponed all interviews during this period."

"Well, it was mainly because I had done too much during the awards season, and I really had nothing to say. I just kept saying those words over and over again." Zhou Yun said, "I'm tired of talking."

Liu Yun nodded and said: "Chen Qiren will definitely ask some questions that are different from others."

"Huh? Xiaoyun, do you also read his interview transcript?"

"Yeah." Liu Yun nodded, "I think reading his interview can help me understand the types and personalities of various people."

Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

Because she and Liu Yun had the same idea.

Zhou Yun loves to read Chen Qiren's interview transcripts because Chen Qiren's interview transcripts can always reveal the depths of the characters' hearts, the secrets, and even the hidden places.

This is similar to performance.

In the evening, Zhou Yun and Xu Jinbo met at the restaurant.

Just the two of them.

"Congratulations first. This time you come back from the United States. You are a well-deserved world-class superstar!" Xu Jinbo said unabashedly, "You have reached a very remarkable position, and you are still so young and have no At 30 years old, the future is limitless, and it is an honor for me to have the opportunity to work with you."

"Brother Jin Bo, you praise me so highly, I don't even know how to answer this." Zhou Yun smiled helplessly.

"Then you should get used to it as soon as possible. I think there will be more and more situations like this in the future." After Xu Jinbo finished speaking, he blinked and shouted again: "Queen." (End of Chapter)

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