I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1130 About the production company

Life is divided into different stages. Zhou Yun doesn't know if she has reached the best stage, but this time is when she feels the most free.

Every choice she makes is made by herself, and no matter what she does, it goes smoothly, and the whole world is blowing for her.

Zhou Yun suddenly felt very lucky. At least at this time, she had not won the Oscar for Best Actress. She still had a goal she wanted to achieve.

After Xu Jinbo had some drinks with her, he talked about the serious matter of his date with her tonight.

"Xiaoyun, I want to make one thing clear: what will our future production company focus on?" he said.

Zhou Yun thought about it seriously and said, "I really haven't thought about it carefully. When Sister Lan and I wanted to set up the company, it was because we were more and more involved in the production of movies starring me. We became more and more responsible for some production aspects, so we needed this company. Later, we signed Zhang Zifan and Liu Qidong, and we felt that we could do this seriously and well."

Xu Jinbo said: "Because the operation methods of movies and dramas are very different, and my past production experience is almost all in the field of dramas. I am still exploring how to operate movies."

"It doesn't matter, we will have many opportunities for you to learn later." Zhou Yun said, "The key is that both I and Sister Lan think you are a very suitable person. Experience can be learned and accumulated, but it is difficult to find people." We are lucky that if you are the right person, you are willing to join us and do this with us.”

Xu Jinbo: "At this age, it is really difficult to make such a decision and step out of my comfort zone. However, I can honestly say that my cost of failure is actually very low. Even if this production company fails, I can still make it." I have to find another job, but if this production company is as successful as I expect, my career will also take a huge leap, and I hope to be able to compete with film and television workers around the world on a bigger stage."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded.

Xu Jinbo said: "I currently divide the work of the production company into two parts. One is the production of the movie starring you, and the other is the production of our main investment. At present, we do not need to focus on one party alone, but I want to understand first, what direction do you want to take this company in? Is it as a production assistant for your starring movie, or as a real, independently run film production company?"

"The latter." Zhou Yun said very clearly, "It must be the latter. If it is just to be used as a production assistant for the movie starring me, there is no need for us to invite you to sit here."

"OK." Xu Jinbo nodded, "I understand."

Xu Jinbo added: "What about our annual production plan?"

"Currently on the agenda is a film adapted from a script written by Liu Qidong, and we are going to let Wang Jing star." Zhou Yun said, "The investment in this film is not large, and the estimated production cost is 5000 million. We are interested in it." The box office is estimated to be about 5000 to 2000 million yuan. It should be a movie with a female audience. Of the [-] million yuan in production funds, we will use about [-] million yuan ourselves, and the rest will be raised from outside. Currently, these two You don’t have to worry about funding this year, it’s relatively easy for us to attract investment.”

"Of course, you serve as the producer, even if you don't star, everyone still trusts you in choosing the film."

"Actually, movies are a very risky industry. I hope to keep production costs as low as possible." Zhou Yun said, "Otherwise, if a movie suffers too much loss, it will affect the operation of the entire company. We After all, it is still a newly established company and it needs money everywhere.”

"Don't worry about this." Xu Jinbo didn't say much, but asked, "What is the company's estimated annual production expenditure, I mean our own internal expenditure?"

Zhou Yun said: "We are not soliciting investment or financing now. The initial capital is that Zhou Lan and I are working on it with our own money. Since neither of us has experience, let's not rush at the beginning. We invested in and produced the movie ourselves." , there are only "The Prophecy" that has been completed and the one I just told you. I will not do other projects for the time being. The money should be enough. Later I will shoot Li Qingzhao's biopic and Song Chi Company's " "Idol Copy" and several other movies, all have to participate in more or less part of the production work, and these have to be left to you and your team."

Xu Jinbo nodded, "Okay."

"My idea is that you can first familiarize yourself with the whole process of film production through these movies, and then we will look at the situation, whether to borrow money from banks, raise funds, or just attract investment from outside." Zhou Yun said , "But there is one thing. Generally, I will not star in the movies that we mainly invest in. I will still mainly shoot outside scenes." "Okay." Xu Jinbo was actually a little surprised when he heard Zhou Yun say this. , but after reacting, he admired Zhou Yun even more.

Generally, an actor sets up a film production company to make it easier for him to film. Zhou Yun's move is obviously to separate himself from the production aspects of the company as much as possible and make it a real film production company. It’s not Zhou Yun’s film production company.

Zhou Yun's attitude made Xu Jinbo secretly relieved, and at the same time he became more motivated.

Xu Jinbo said: "Then when "Flower City" is finished filming, I will be ready to tell them about my resignation."

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "I'll leave it to you later, Brother Jin Bo."

Xu Jinbo laughed.

When they came out of the restaurant, the heavy rain that had been falling finally stopped.

Zhou Yun and Xu Jinbo came out together.

Li Yang drove them back to the hotel.

The next day, a media outlet published an article saying that Zhou Yun had a date and dinner with a mysterious man in the evening, and they acted intimately.

Seeing this kind of news now, Zhou Yun can't feel any emotions anymore.

She pursed her lips, smiled and took a screenshot and sent it to Xu Jinbo.

Xu Jinbo: "..."

Zhou Yun Studio did not respond.

Only the official Weibo account of "Flower City" processed this leaked photo, putting three words "heroine" next to Zhou Yun, three words "producer" next to Xu Jinbo, and a horizontal comment below "Thank you everyone." Follow "Flower City", but you don't need to pay attention to an insignificant dinner party online, thank you everyone!"

The media that broke the news was ridiculed by the crowd - in this online environment, it is the only one like this.

People who eat melons think that this melon is unpalatable and tastes like chewing gum.

——Let’s make something up and make it real! (End of chapter)

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