I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1131 Season Broadcast

Despite this, the huge traffic allowed the media to earn a lot of advertising fees.

There is no way, now any news that has anything to do with Zhou Yun, even if it is extremely fake, can still attract a lot of attention and be converted into traffic.

"Although this kind of news is ridiculous and no one believes it, if you don't report this kind of thing to them, more media will do it even more aggressively in the future."

Zhou Lan still has to sue.

Zhou Yun nodded and approved the matter.

"Then sue."

As a result, no one expected that now, as soon as the lawyer's letter was issued, many self-media accused Zhou Yun of making a fuss and wanted to sue him on every trivial matter.

This certainly did not gain the support of mainstream public opinion.

In fact, Zhou Yun's experience of being rumored has been sympathized with by many people, especially Zhou Yun's identity as a woman.

One blogger said: Even a female star of Zhou Yun's level would be spread by unscrupulous media just because she went out for dinner with a producer. The two of them walked in and out of the hotel without any ambiguity. Or the posture of covering up. Anyone with eyes can see the openness between the two people. I can only maliciously speculate that this is a fake material deliberately made to attract attention. To put it bluntly, it is to gain traffic. And spread rumors.

This speech was liked and forwarded by many of Zhou Yun's fans.

Zhou Yun's fans have always had a strong fighting spirit, which is not something ordinary people can compare to.

It's just that because of Zhou Yun's rapid career development in the past two years, everyone has become more low-key and restrained, so as not to cause trouble for Zhou Yun in such a limelight. On the contrary, people feel that Zhou Yun's data is not as good as that of ordinary traffic stars. .

Zhou Yun's fans directly promoted this speech to 100 million+ retweets and 100 million+ likes.

By this time, even the content of this speech was secondary. What shocked the industry was the power of Zhou Yun's fans.

In the entertainment industry, generally the higher the status of a celebrity artist, the "activity" of his fans will be much lower than when the celebrity artist is on the rise.

This is a very common phenomenon.

Fan stickiness is generally only fully stimulated when a celebrity artist is on the rise.

However, Zhou Yun has been famous for so many years, and her fan power is still active on the front line and has not gone dormant. This sign makes people in the industry can't help but sigh and wonder, how many more years will Zhou Yun's popularity last?
Few celebrities can really stay popular for decades - later on, when they get older, well-known enough, and have a high-level status in the industry, the so-called decline in popularity is a normal phenomenon and will no longer affect their status. .

However, common sense cannot be used to measure Zhou Yun.

Just like now, since his debut, Zhou Yun has not had a blockbuster work, and all his works have achieved great commercial success.

There are too many masterpieces.

Zhou Yun truly relies on his works to speak for himself.

If one day, any of Zhou Yun's works fails, her transcendent status will be lost.

Zhou Yun is now superior to all the super A-list stars and ranks alone in a category because she has never failed. So far, she is a miracle and a myth.
On this day, Xu Jinbo said: "I had a meeting with Yue Hai's senior management two days ago, and they put forward an idea."

"What do you think?" Zhou Yun asked.

Xu Jinbo said: "They want to split "Flower City" into six seasons for broadcast."

"Ah?" Zhou Yun looked at Xu Jinbo in surprise. "After evaluation, they believe that broadcasting "Flower City" in one go is not as valuable as splitting it into six seasons." Xu Jinbo said, "There is another main reason. Your schedule is too difficult to get an appointment. They think the next A drama with you has not yet been decided. With how busy you are now, it will be difficult for you to make an appointment for your next drama, so I thought of simply turning "Flower City" into a series. In this case, this can be guaranteed. The show’s long-term influence.”

Zhou Yun was speechless.

"When we were discussing this drama, we mentioned that if we could follow the season broadcast model, we wouldn't have to be so stressed during filming." Zhou Yun said, "Now it's all shot in one go, with hundreds of millions of dollars spent. It’s invested, but it’s not going to be broadcast in one go. Aren’t you afraid of the pressure of capital circulation?”

Xu Jinbo laughed.

"You underestimate the profitability prospects of this show."

"The cost of this drama is already high enough. No matter how profitable a drama is, it has its limits. How else can it be profitable?"

"The overseas rights of the drama "Flower City" were sold very well." Xu Jinbo explained, "The broadcast rights of dozens of countries and regions were sold, including streaming media. You know why they split it into six seasons. broadcast, because they talked with overseas purchasers and found that selling it in six seasons would be more expensive than selling more than 70 episodes in one go."

Zhou Yun: "Okay, whatever Yue Hai does, my contract has been signed anyway, and I can't interfere with whatever they want to do."

"Aren't you willing?" Xu Jinbo asked.

"It's not that I'm unwilling, it's just that the play itself is based on a long-running TV series script, and is not set according to the season broadcast mode. When I go back to edit, it may not be able to be cut according to that rhythm, in case the broadcast effect is not good. , even if we film ten seasons, no one will watch it later." Zhou Yun expressed his concerns.

"If that's the case, I don't think you need to worry. When we were writing the script, we originally wrote it in six chapters." Xu Jinbo said, "Actually, it's good to split it into six seasons. To be honest. , it was aired in one go. Its popularity and influence are definitely not as long as the season airing. This drama itself is not a great drama. The foundation is actually very thick. It needs time to slowly ferment and find the audience who like it. On the other hand, this is also good for you. You have worked so hard for four or five months to film a drama. Do you hope that it will be aired in two months and no one will watch it after that?"

Zhou Yun actually understood what Xu Jinbo meant.

This is indeed cruel in the market.

TV series are no better than movies.

If it is not a classic drama, the subsequent broadcast effect of the general drama series is not as good as that of the movie. After a few years, no one may care about the big hits five or ten years ago.

It’s also rare for new viewers to watch a show that spans dozens of episodes from the beginning.

But the series is different.

The broadcast of a new season can bring in many new viewers and give the show longer vitality.

Many American dramas are like this.

Zhou Yun thought about it carefully and found that it was actually hard for her to accept it for a while.

Considering all other aspects, it is actually a good thing to split this 70-plus episode drama into six seasons.

The pressure on viewers to follow a drama is not that great. After all, few people can catch up on a drama with more than 70 episodes in one go.

For this drama, it can also enhance its vitality.

As Xu Jinbo said, this drama has a relatively strong foundation. If it is broadcast in one go, it may only be able to capture the audience of that season.

But it can attract more viewers.

Split into six seasons, whether one or two seasons per year, it can give it enough time to build up its audience. (End of chapter)

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