"Season broadcasting is not a bad thing, the key is to control the quality of the series."

After Zhou Lan heard about this, he immediately considered whether the quality of the series itself would be affected.

Zhou Yun said: "Although Xu Jinbo said that the script was divided into six chapters at the beginning, which is true, each chapter is not written strictly according to the format of the season. I think adjustments must be made, otherwise there will be some problems. Some of the episodes have a lot of content, and some of them are quite watery.”

Zhou Lan nodded: "In this case, I will negotiate with Yue Hai. If they really want to split it into six seasons, they must readjust the script, and then based on the newly adjusted script, see if there is any need to make up for it. The place where the photo was taken.”

Zhou Yun nodded.

"I also think this is the best, but this way, the pressure of filming will probably be even greater."

"No matter how much pressure there is, it cannot affect the quality of the series itself. The only blame is Yue Hai's own decision to release the series. At first we suggested that they film and broadcast the series in seasons, but they were unwilling to say anything. Now Then they turned around and said they wanted to broadcast in seasons, which had such a big impact on us." Zhou Lan didn't feel sorry for Yue Hai at all, "They were able to make the decision to split the broadcast into six seasons so quickly, isn't it because you are now The global influence has increased, and when they sold the copyright overseas, they found that it was selling better than "Deep Sea". Now it was like the value of the treasure they were holding had increased again. They refused to sell it all in one go. What we sell to overseas companies now are the first three seasons, but we still keep the last three seasons in our own hands and refuse to sell them.”

Zhou Yun shook his head and sighed: "People are not as good as snakes swallowing elephants. They are not afraid to worry that the first three seasons will not be broadcast well and the next three seasons will be in their own hands."

"You think they are stupid. The money sold in the first three seasons is enough for them to make a profit. If the first three seasons are broadcast well and have the same effect as "Deep Sea", the prices of the next three seasons will only go up." Zhou Lan said, "To put it bluntly, your global reputation has soared in the past six months, and they have caught the eye."

Zhou Yun laughed.

Zhou Lan seemed very reluctant to see Yue Hai taking such advantage.

But there is no other way. Yue Hai's luck is relatively good. "Deep Sea", the first drama he collaborated with Zhou Yun, has become the most popular Chinese drama overseas in recent years. It has truly won the love of many overseas audiences and achieved commercial success. and market success.

And "Flower City" has become Zhou Yun's first film after winning the Berlin and Golden Globe Best Actress nominations, as well as the Oscar for Best Actress nomination. It is difficult not to pay attention to it - this means that it is difficult not to take advantage of it. Disaster.

The news that "Flower City" will be split into six seasons spread quickly.

As soon as the news came out, many people began to scold Yue Hai for not being a good person, and clamored that Yue Hai had better finish the broadcast in one go and not hang them for several years.

But the greater the popularity, the more Yue Hai felt that it was the right decision to split "Flower City" into six seasons to allow the popularity to last longer.
Gerald Sanchi is coming to China.

He came to the crew to meet Zhou Yun.

He watched Zhou Yun's rise in the past few years with his own eyes, and was still surprised by the speed of Zhou Yun's rise.

When Gerald Sanchi arrived on the set, Zhou Yun was filming.

People were coming and going around, and they were all surprised to see a foreigner like him appearing, not knowing who he was.

But because Liu Yun was standing next to Gerald Sanchi, no one from them bothered him and asked him who he was.

After Zhou Yun finished filming the scene, passed over, and came over, Gerald Sanchi opened his hands and hugged Zhou Yun with a big embrace.

"Long time no see, beautiful girl."

Gerald Sanchi is always so enthusiastic.

Zhou Yun laughed and said, "Jerrod, it's been a long time since we last met. We finally meet in China."

When the two of them met before, they were all abroad.

This is the first time they have met in China."But every time we met, except for the first time, it seemed like on set, you worked so hard, harder than anyone I know," Gerald Sanchi said.

Zhou Yun: “Because I love this job.”

She took Gerald Sanchi to her trailer.

"Have you investigated what I asked you to help me investigate?" Zhou Yun asked.

Gerald Sanchi nodded and said: "We have fulfilled our mission and worked hard to get something. Although we cannot completely defeat him, we can definitely cause him a lot of trouble."

He took out a USB flash drive and handed it to Zhou Yun.

"There is evidence here of some of his crimes in the past few years, but nothing particularly explosive. Someone helped him do it and acted as his white gloves." Gerald Sanchi said, "Furthermore, in South Korea, class divisions are very deep. Obviously, the things he committed have been committed by many powerful people. If you use these to deal with him, you may not be able to kill him with one blow. There will be many people who do not take these crimes seriously, and there will also be many people who will help him deal with them. You, my suggestion is to use this as a handle to protect yourself at the critical time."

Gerald Sanchi’s advice is actually very pertinent.

Zhou Yun understood what he meant.

She put away the USB flash drive, nodded, thanked her, and said, "You're not in a hurry to go back today, are you?"

"I plan to spend a few days in China." Jerrod Sanchi said.

"I'll treat you to Chinese food that night," Zhou Yun said.

On the one hand, she wanted to entertain Jerrod Sanchi who came from afar, and on the other hand, she also wanted to introduce Jerrod Sanchi to Song Chi.

Song Chi's future work focus will also shift overseas.

In their line of work, if you can get to know a capable detective like Gerald Sanchi, it can often play an unexpected role.

Just like Li Zhenti of Taikang Group, Zhou Yun had suffered some losses at his hands. If Jerrod Sanchi hadn't secretly collected these things that could be used to deal with Li Zhenti, Zhou Yun would have followed him later. Li Zhenti will always be at a disadvantage in the competition.

Gerald Sanchi nodded cheerfully.

After finishing the work, Zhou Yun took Jerrod Sanchi to meet Song Chi.

Song Chi had been staying in Zhou Yun's hotel recently.

He had no scenes to shoot, so he had a rare vacation to spend a few days with Zhou Yun.

Song Chi had known for a long time that there was a person like Gerald Sanchi, but this was the first time he met him.

Song Chi naturally understood Zhou Yun's intention instantly.

After a delicious meal, after greeting Gerald Sanchi and returning to the hotel, Zhou Yuncai told Song Chi what Gerald Sanchi was here for this time.

"Do you think I should listen to Gerald Sanchi's suggestion and stay put as a backup, or should I take the initiative and teach him a lesson first?" Zhou Yun asked Song Chi's opinion.

Song Chi did not answer, but asked: "You have to ask yourself first, can you continue to endure it? Or do you have to say this now?" (End of Chapter)

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