I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1133 The Cooperation Ends

"Of course, that doesn't mean I have to say this now. I won't go to South Korea now, and he can't hurt me anymore." Zhou Yun said, "But when I think about the last time I was hurt like that by him in South Korea, , I just have a fire. However, in fact, Gerald Sanchi is right. I am going to open fire with Li Zhentiao now. Firstly, the firepower in my hand is not enough to defeat the enemy with one move. Secondly, he is The cause is great, but I don’t have the capital to fight a protracted war with him right now.”

Song Chi smiled and said, "Look, you know everything yourself, why are you asking me?"

"I don't want to hear your opinion." Zhou Yun leaned his head on Song Chi's shoulder, "Well, actually I already knew that I would not be impulsive, but just now, I really wanted to have a blowjob with you. Need to vent these emotions.”

"There's no need to get high, and there's no need to vent your emotions now." Song Chi held Zhou Yun's hand, "I promise you, no matter how many years it takes, in short, in our eternal life, we will definitely recover from the losses you suffered before. Go back with revenge.”


"Really." Song Chi said, "Now that I don't have that much strength, I'll just stay dormant for a few years. There will always be a chance in the future."

"Well, that's true." Zhou Yun nodded.

It's strange that with a few words from Song Chi, the hostility in Zhou Yun's heart slowly dissipated.
Then, the people from VX also came.

After the incident where the dress was robbed, Zheng Xiaowen and others at VX have been trying their best to contact Zhou Yunfang, trying to win her back. Several groups of people even came to the set and wanted to see her, but under Zhou Yun's instruction, Next, the crew stopped them and refused to let them in.

Zhou Yun didn't want to talk to them any more.

She had a phone call with Zheng Xiaowen.

"Xiaowen, I know that you are also the victim in this matter, but I'm sorry, even though I know this, I still can't stand with you anymore. VX gave me complete clues about this matter. I can't choose to forgive all the undue harm after they did such an egregious thing."

Zheng Xiaowen also sighed and said: "Xiaoyun, I know what you mean, but whether it is myself or on behalf of VX, I still have to make the final effort. I know that VX is sorry for this matter, and I also I have sternly negotiated with them, regarding this matter, we are willing to provide 200 million US dollars in compensation as an apology, see if you can accept our apology."

Zhou Yun sighed and smiled, "Xiaowen, do you think I will be tempted by this money now?"

For Zhou Yun now, he lacks everything but money.

"I know, but I don't know what to do to win you back now." Zheng Xiaowen said, "You can make any conditions you want. We at VX are sorry for you, and I don't know what to say, but, Xiaoyun, I very much hope that we can continue to cooperate."

"Xiaowen, it would be great if VX was your own brand." Zhou Yun said regretfully, "I very much hope to continue to be friends with you and don't let this matter affect our personal relationship."

"Of course, in any case, this matter will not affect our true feelings."

"That's good."

At this point, there is nothing more to say.

Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan have made up their minds not to continue their cooperative relationship with VX.

According to the terms of the contract, this time it has been a serious breach of contract by VX and has caused serious impact and losses to Zhou Yun. Zhou Yun can directly terminate the contract.

VX disagrees.

Zhou Lan's attitude is very tough. If VX doesn't accept the idea of ​​getting together and breaking up, then he will go to court directly. Zhenvia's top management did not expect Zhou Yun's attitude to be so tough. He would terminate the contract immediately without any room for negotiation.

Zheng Xiaowen said at an internal meeting: "I have told you a long time ago that the relationship between Zhou Yun and VX is not an ordinary brand owner and spokesperson. In China, and even in Asia, everyone's brand awareness of VX is at least Half of it is based on Zhou Yun. If you let Olga Ruili make a mistake, if you don't make up for it immediately, and you still protect Olga Ruili, Zhou Yun will definitely terminate the contract with us. She is not someone who can be dismissed casually. You bully the little artist, you have no idea of ​​her influence in China or her status, and you will regret your past mistakes."

Zheng Xiaowen felt very sad.

VX is a brand she founded by herself. Whether she started as a designer, raised funds later, or was acquired by TrueVia, Zheng Xiaowen is the soul of the VX brand.

But as the brand became bigger, more valuable, and more and more markets, she lost more and more control over it.

Now, she has to watch the brand she loves fall off a cliff after experiencing rapid development. How can she not feel heartbroken.

"We let Olga Reili leave Zhenvia and leave VX. Isn't this okay?"

"It's already too late," Zheng Xiaowen said. "The moment Jennifer Roy showed up at the Oscars without wearing VX, it was already too late. Apologize first and then make up for it afterwards, which is totally without sincerity."
In the end, VX accepted the idea of ​​getting together with Zhou Yun.

The parties released a statement ending the endorsement partnership.

This became a bombshell in March.

However, the fact that this happened did not surprise anyone.

The incident between Zhou Yun and VX was so hot-tempered at first, and media all over the world were reporting on it. Zhou Yun’s fans even hacked VX’s official Weibo account and online flagship store. Everyone more or less guessed it. , Zhou Yun may not continue to cooperate with VX in the future.

Now Zhou Yun is not the kind of young artist who needs to swallow his anger and keep this endorsement.

As soon as the statement came out, many people in the industry responded with a "sure enough" response.

On the day the two parties ended their cooperation, Zhenvia’s stock price fell two points.

This reaction made Zhenvia's top management really panic.

Who would have thought that the end of a Chinese celebrity's endorsement cooperation would actually affect the stock price of the group headquarters?
However, this has already happened, and no matter how regretful the people at Zhenvia headquarters are, they can only break their teeth and swallow it in their stomachs.

They are trying their best to find another spokesperson to make up for the loss of Zhou Yun's departure.

The information of all the first-line female celebrities in China was placed in front of them. This time, several executives from the headquarters were personally involved in the matter.

However, after looking at it, they realized why Zheng Xiaowen said that there was no substitute for Zhou Yun in China.

Mabel said: "We don't necessarily need to re-elect spokespersons in China. There is already a message among VX's global spokespersons."

This time, other executives did not agree with her.

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